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  • Russia claims successful test of nuclear-powered cruise missile, experts remain skeptical
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SSgt (Ret) Melo

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Everything posted by SSgt (Ret) Melo

  1. SSgt (Ret) Melo

    WWII Fun Op Sunday 14MAY17

    ME ME ME PICK ME! Whoopsie. I'd like to be the Auto Rifleman
  2. SSgt (Ret) Melo

    3d MRB Meme Thread!

  3. SSgt (Ret) Melo

    For those of us who loved SWAT

    Thanks for sharing, that looks like something I'd be interested in. I'll keep an eye on it.
  4. SSgt (Ret) Melo

    My Open Letter...

    I've given this unit much of my time, from filling in to S5 stuff. I'm with you guys till the end... All I want is to play Arma 3 with the people I've met here, so far no one that I have been really close with have left. My only concern is, will we be enough to go fuck up those Malakabeli guys for making us pay too much for our gas?
  5. SSgt (Ret) Melo

    3d MRB Meme Thread!

  6. Malakabeli Powder Keg The True Republic - 07th May 2017 Oil prices are rising due to the brewing conflict in the Arabian peninsula. Some of the biggest oil producers are locking down exports, all thanks to the Malakabeli Prime Minister who spoke out a few days ago against neighboring countries. He also condemned the U.S. and any other western country allied with their “untrustworthy neighbors”. The continued aggressiveness of Malakabel has put everyone on the peninsula on edge, especially after the artillery exchange earlier this week that targeted Omani bases. American and British military advisers were present on those bases during the attack, but no casualties were reported among the two. The countries that surround Malakabel: Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, along with Oman, have slowed exports, citing the recent wave of attacks. They say they will continue to slow production until the threat Malakabel poses to their operations is contained. Troops and private military contractors keep reporters back from a closed oil facility. Both the Pentagon and State Department has issued multiple warnings, to no avail. The rogue country continues to string along international requests to negotiate, but history has taught us that actions speak louder than words, and Malakabel's actions are clearly aggressive. “Malakabel has been given a fair share of warnings from both its neighbors and the U.S. and our allies," Commander of U.S. Central Command, Army General Bob Matthews said at a press conference on Saturday, "If they continue to threaten regional security, the United States will not tolerate this much longer. The United States stands by its Saudi, Emirati and Omani allies, and we will continue to ensure safety in the region.” General Matthews speaking to reporters from Oman on Saturday. Malakabel’s so called “peaceful democracy” it prides itself to be is nowhere to be found, with their Prime Minister acting unilaterally to threaten peace in his country. Given the apparent promise to attack the US if we continue to support the Omani government, the government of Malakabel is forcing our hand to intervene. The threat to our military, our interests and our safety is too great to let this rogue nation simmer in its hatred of American values. Henry Thompson, for The True Republic. This article is a work of fiction, intended to support the storyline of the 3d MRB Arma 3 realism unit.
  7. Omani and Saudi aggressors backed by Western Imperialists Malakabel Journal - 01st May 2017 Fellow countrymen, our beloved Malakbel is once more under attack from our untrustworthy neighbors. As if the Saudis weren’t problematic enough with their ridiculous taxing of our oil and the unwillingness to renegotiate the pipeline treaty, the Omanis have revealed their true colors by attacking one of our precious few oil trains after it crossed the border. Oman has denied committing this heinous crime. Despite offering concessions, they've refused to provide access to one of their ports for this “costly accident”, as Oman likes to call the destruction of the train on their soil. This is despite proof uncovered by our heroic Leopard commandos that shows Omani munitions were used in the attack. Adding to their ever growing hatred for Malakabel, the illegitimate Omani government refuses to renegotiate the pipeline treaty, which bleeds our people dry for the fruits of our labor. The bleating sheep Qaboos bin Mahmoud al Fatah would rather not have dealings with Malakabel after what he calls an "assassination attempt" on their ambassador. We've told the deputy prime minister that there was no attempt on his ambassador's life, and the criminals who tried to mug him are being searched for at this very moment. Oman is the same country that claims we are unqualified to build our portion of the pipeline in our country. They insist that we allow them to come build it for us! A motion that the disjointed Emirates and the oppressive Saudis have agreed to be reasonable given our lack of “expertise”. These same countries have tried to bully and intimidate us with the possibility of moving the pipeline around Malakabel if we do not stop trying to renegotiate the terms of this unfair treaty! A change we know they cannot afford. This treaty will do more harm than good, having outsiders come build the pipeline in our stead will take much needed jobs from our people and the taxes imposed on the usage of this pipeline would make not benefit us the same way it would others. Saudi Arabia and Oman threaten that they will “intervene” to safeguard their best interests. The United States, ever so ready to destroy a democracy, has backed them. Oman has placed their troops, backed with foreign aggressors, along our safe and peaceful border. Prime Minister Omar addresses oil workers affected by the crisis. Prime Minister Khalid Omar has spoken to the public: "Dear countrymen of Malakabel, heed my calls for action! Malakabel needs you to stand strong against these liars and cheats! They are unjust in their demands, and at this very moment are attempting to annex our peaceful democracy. They work tirelessly to hurt their fellow Arab, using shameless tactics like starving our people, taxing our goods and making us look like terrorists. We are in fact the victims. The victim of foreign aggressors nearby and abroad. The infidels in the West have the pretension to order us to stand down, but they are ignorant to interfere with what they don’t understand. These Westerners, led by the Americans, only care about one thing: oil. Right now our heroic and blessed troops have been mobilized to defend us from Omani aggression. Malakabel will not tolerate this insolence any longer, If the Western imperialists dare to come to our soil we shall show them no mercy! In these dark times, I ask you to remember the words embroidered on our national seal: Praise be to God, for Malakabel shall prevail." Amadi Ibn-Musa for the Malakabel Journal. This article is a work of fiction, intended to support the storyline of the 3d MRB Arma 3 realism unit.
  8. SSgt (Ret) Melo

    Lythium FunOp 02MAY17

    Ooh ooh ooh! Me me me pick me! EDIT: I might have to be a walk in as well. I just remembered I got SERE class today.
  9. SSgt (Ret) Melo

    You've been operating too long when...

    When you read the "You've been operating too long when" thread and smile at every post because you've done it at least a couple times....
  10. Tensions Palpable in the Pacific The True Republic -- April 20th, 2017 Tensions between Australia and China are at a recent high in the aftermath of the Chinese surprise attack in the Horizon Islands last year. The incident led to the death of 132 Australian soldiers participating in RIMPAC on the islands at the time, while significant material losses were sustained to both the civilian infrastructure and military forces involved. Beijing has pegged Lieutenant General Shoushan as a rogue general and traitor, claiming no part in the attacks. Semi-formal negotiations between the Australian Foreign Ministry and China’s Minister of Foreign Affairs for reparations have reached a new low. China is refusing to provide any sort of remuneration for the incident. Damage done to civilian infrastructure in the island nation is being repaired with the help of the UN Crisis Response Teams and the support of US troops still deployed in the archipelago. The Chinese government has been pressured by the international community to provide answers for the actions of the rogue army, but Beijing has refused to accept any fault in the incident. It further claims that it does not have to provide a detailed explanation about what happened in the Horizon Islands, as neither the Party nor the Central Military Commission endorsed the actions taken by Lieutenant General Shoushan, who has been reported as missing since the fighting stopped. China has however vowed to implement policies within its military to prevent such occurrences from happening in the future, and to prosecute Shoushan if he returns to China. Multiple Asian countries have alienated themselves from China, but few have imposed economic sanctions on the Asian super-power. Australia, New Zealand and many other countries have pondered the idea. Meanwhile, public outrage has led to many boycotts of Chinese products and the stocks have dipped for many Chinese companies who operate internationally. The tensions in a post-RIMPAC attack Asia have led to requests for international help from Vietnam, Philippines and Taiwan to oppose China’s aggressive push for a larger Exclusive Economic Zone in the China Sea. Given the current tensions in the region, these calls for help will likely go unanswered by the powers that be, fearing another skirmish or a economic shakeup. The area in dispute. China claims the sea based on a broad historical "nine dash line" published in the aftermath of World War II. The US also sustained significant losses in the short war. The Department of Defense has announced that part of the Pacific Fleet will continue with joint naval exercises with allies in the northeastern Coral Sea in the coming weeks, as planned prior to the surprise attack. Henry Thompson, for The True Republic This article is a work of fiction, intended to support the storyline of the 3d MRB Arma 3 Realism unit.
  11. SSgt (Ret) Melo

    Some sad news to share.

    I did not know Corium, but he seems to be the kind of guy I'd like to get to know, it is indeed sad to hear about such a loss to our community. For that, I'd also like to pay my respects to someone whom you all hold in such high regard.
  12. SSgt (Ret) Melo

    Easter Sunday

    I'll take any spot!
  13. SSgt (Ret) Melo

    Operation: Red Dusk - 1980s FunOp

    I got training... I think? Not sure if we are doing 5th week element training...
  14. SSgt (Ret) Melo

    Operation: Red Dusk - 1980s FunOp

    Can I be in 1-1-C ? (That is where I actually was in the 13th ) No preference in placement.
  15. SSgt (Ret) Melo

    Ghost Recon Wildlands?

    But @Sgt Specter @Cpl (Ret) VandeVord the important question about the radio: "Is it fully submersible? Or just one of those floaters?"
  16. SSgt (Ret) Melo

    Ghost Recon Wildlands?

    It is very fun to play with friends, it might make it a bit easier at times, since friends aren't as stupid as AI... For the most part at least Bullet drop and speed are really bad, but after you get to know the weapon/scope you can adjust easily. The AI has it's faults, but at least they won't walk by a body like nothing happen, which makes you have to think about who you shoot first and when, to hide the bodies from view. Plenty to do in game and plenty of "hey guey!" going on. I only wished that we could put our own music on the radio... Getting into a car is a 2 step procedure, enter and turn off radio...
  17. SSgt (Ret) Melo

    3d MRB Meme Thread!

  18. SSgt (Ret) Melo

    3d MRB Meme Thread!

  19. SSgt (Ret) Melo

    Korus' videos

    Probably will never get another one, but boy i was happy to get that double kill!
  20. SSgt (Ret) Melo

    64-bit Arma 3

    I almost choked... Shouldn't it have been done a couple of years ago? Regardless, it is happening and this could provide us with less problems with FPS stability and ARMA in general.
  21. SSgt (Ret) Melo

    3d MRB Meme Thread!

    @Pvt Madril I made you a meme, hope you feel better!
  22. SSgt (Ret) Melo

    Switch From Utility Uniform Avatars to Dress Uniform

    I had to... But i do like this idea WAY better that what we currently are using....
  23. SSgt (Ret) Melo

    Profile pictures

    Very good! That gave me an idea that I should try out later. I got only 1 thing to poke at... You are not a medic, you are a corpsman You should make the shadow all black, the white hurts.
  24. SSgt (Ret) Melo

    3d MRB Quote Book

    ME: You all have to admit that Canada has the Sexiest Prime Minister in the world, surfing around bare chest and looking good in any photo. Cpl Coburn: True, I'd bury my head in his chest and I'm straight!
  25. SSgt (Ret) Melo

    3d MRB Meme Thread!

    Am I the only one here that is ok with the Forums colours?