First Name: Jimmy
Last Name: Dunn
Age: 19
Desired Duty Assignment: 7599 - Student Naval Aviator
ArmA III Player ID: 76561198057773159
Steam Name: Eyewatch
Steam Profile Link:
How long have you been playing ArmA III?: Have the game since 2013, Actively playing since 2014
Are you currently a member of an ArmA III gaming clan or unit?: No (Former 15th MEU member)
How did you find out about us?: 15thMEU(SOC)-Arma 3 , 13thMEU(SOC)-Arma3
If you were recruited by one of our members, who was it?: none
Why do you want to join the 3rd Marine Raider Battalion?: The operation time is more suitable with my timezone, Also wants to have a new experience and friends
If you have elected a supporting asset such as Corpsman, if all billets are full by the time you finish the training pipeline, you may have to go infantry for the time being. Do you understand this?: Yes
Do you understand that as of 30SEP2016, you will be required to own Arma 3 Apex DLC in order to actively participate in the unit?: Yes, Already have the DLC
Please check your user profile and ensure that the email address you registered with is correct. Have you done this?: Yes
Do you understand the definition of realism gaming according to the 3d MRB, and is this the type of realism experience you desire and are willing to abide by?: Yes
Have you read and understood the requirements for our unit and the criteria for being active and taking a billet in this unit and that failure to complete said criteria will place you into the reserve platoon?: Yes
You understand the fact that this unit is a EST (GMT -5) time zone based unit, and the attendance requirements of operations are dependent on your choice of Sundays at 2000 EST (0100 GMT) or Saturdays at 2000 EST (0100 GMT)?: Yes