First Name: David
Last Name: Markey
Age: 17
Desired Duty Assignment: S.A.R.C
ArmA III Player ID: 76561198216664588
Steam Name: Burkee
Steam Profile Link:
How long have you been playing ArmA III?: 1,258
Are you currently a member of an ArmA III gaming clan or unit?: Negative
How did you find out about us?: Randomly typed in, "Marine ArmA III Unit." Prayed for a good one now I'm here.
If you were recruited by one of our members, who was it?: N/A
Why do you want to join the 3rd Marine Raider Battalion?: Been with many units in my past. I'm in the Virginia Defense Force as a Combat Medic assigned to FORHQVDF.
I've learned all sides of branches and I'd love to be apart of a new unit that can truely get my back in the feels of ArmA III Millsim. Hopefully learn something and maybe teach a few things.
Hopin' by the end of all of this I can come out with some fancy chest-candy.
Do you understand that if you have elected an MOS that is full at your completion of ITC, you may have to go to a different MOS for the time being?: Yes
Do you understand that you will be required to own Arma 3 Apex DLC in order to actively participate in the unit?: Yes
Do you understand the definition of realism gaming according to the 3d MRB, and is this the type of realism experience you desire and are willing to abide by?: Yes
Have you read and understood the requirements for our unit and the criteria for being active and taking a billet in this unit and that failure to complete said criteria will place you into the reserve platoon?: Yes
Do you understand the fact that this unit is a EST (GMT -5) time zone based unit, and unitwide operations take place on Sundays at 2000 EST (0200CET), or Saturdays at 1500EST (2100CET)? Yes
Edited September 10 by GySgt Specter