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  • In Universe Dateline: Febuary 14th 2023
  • Tensions rise in South Africa after no clear winner in Presidential election
  • Bomb in Tehran café kills three IRGC members, separatists suspected
  • Dominican Republic government on verge of collapse as gang violence escalates in Santa Domingo
  • Russia claims successful test of nuclear-powered cruise missile, experts remain skeptical
  • Man claims he was acting under Taylor Swift's secret orders after being arrested at NATO summit
  • Livonia detains 12 over suspected coup attempt
  • Sahrani troops disperse protest with gunfire, 8 reported dead
  • Hurricane rips through Florida Cemetery; Hundreds reported Dead

HM1 (Ret) Speirs

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Everything posted by HM1 (Ret) Speirs

  1. HM1 (Ret) Speirs

    Soviet Occupation of Poland Fun Op

    TANK GUNNER PLS second choice is sniper if we have too few for a tank bitches love cannons
  2. HM1 (Ret) Speirs

    Only War RPG

    Hello everyone! I'm currently running Only War, a tabletop RPG set in the universe of Warhammer 40k. I have two more slots if anyone is interested in taking part!
  3. HM1 (Ret) Speirs

    Only War RPG

    A little bit of foreplay to set the mood
  4. Chenarus, The DPRC and you: What you need to know Odessia News - Dateline October 8th 2019 By Ivan Vladosk A week have passed since the Red Guard began their offensive against the CDF and the state of Chenarus, with mixed success on either end, and we can now confidently deliver you what we know to be the most up to date information on the front line and where both sides stand. Starting with the CDF, initially caught off guard by the sudden offensive they were pushed back to the city of Chernogorsk, where they were able to steel themselves and hold a defensive position that snakes up to the north through the towns of Nadezhino and Novy Sobor, all the way to the ancient Chernorussian heritage site of Devils Castle before ending at the Russian border to the north. According to our source most cities and towns have taken minimal damage from the fighting, with both sides attempting to preserve infrastructure are much as they can, though it is rumored that the aforementioned Devils Castle was damaged in a CDF assault, however we have been unable to independently verify these claims.  Pictured: Devils Castle by Fedir Savych 01/21/18 As for the Red Guard and their self proclaimed 'Democratic Peoples Republic of Chenarus', their offensive stalled to a halt at the defensive positions erected by the CDF and they have seemed to entrench themselves into the ground they obtained, forming a Line of Control similar to what is seen between India and Pakistan. Hastily fabricated road blocks and sandbag bunkers scatter the front, with scattered artillery fire rocking the surrounding towns. Most locals have moved to the far side of either front, if only to escape the fighting and any potential danger. From what we've been able to gather, the newly formed state is controlled by a "Council of Thirteen" that votes for major decisions and changes inside of this newly formed nation, whether its in regards to infrastructure and civilian relief all the way to large scale military movements. It is worth noting that NATO has yet to recognize this fledgling state and it's uncertain if they will in the coming months. With such tempestuous times one can only guess what the future holds for the people of Chenarus. Pictured: CDF at a checkpoint in Chenarus Pictured: Red Gaurd Checkpoint in Chenarus
  5. HM1 (Ret) Speirs

    3d MRB Meme Thread!

    ok i lied
  6. HM1 (Ret) Speirs

    3d MRB Meme Thread!

  7. HM1 (Ret) Speirs

    3d MRB Meme Thread!

    last one i love you all
  8. HM1 (Ret) Speirs

    3d MRB Meme Thread!

  9. HM1 (Ret) Speirs

    3d MRB Meme Thread!

    how it felt for 90% of the night
  10. HM1 (Ret) Speirs

    Hart's Pictures and Videos

    i love this kind of stuff, especially since i'm so detached from the situation on the ground i have no real idea of what's going on beyond what the JTACs feed us and the conclusions we draw from getting reinsert requests. please please please do more!
  11. HM1 (Ret) Speirs

    3d MRB Meme Thread!

    pls don't hurt me
  12. HM1 (Ret) Speirs

    3d MRB Meme Thread!

    for u @Sgt Spears
  13. HM1 (Ret) Speirs

    3d MRB Meme Thread!

    yes it's late no I don't care
  14. Russian Space Program: Plot to Weaken America? Jones Alex- October 1st 2019 Russian rocket lifting from a launch site in Baikonur Russia has launched a new rocket carrying what they call a "advanced communications satellite" high into the atmosphere, and is set to go online later this month. It's a somewhat unusual move for them as they don't tend to publicize such launches much, but this one was broadcast by multiple Russian news agencies live, including Soyuz News. So called "experts" from Roscosmos say that it's meant to improve communications and GPS guidance across the northern hemisphere, insuring a "closer and more connected" world by ensuring a consistent stream of data ensuring that GPS signals are strong and reliable. But don't be fooled dear reader, this is obviously a ploy by the Russians to weaken America in preparation for all out war! If this satellite is going to be going across the northern hemisphere that means it's going to be flying directly over the United States, which gives them a perfect opportunity to implant subliminal messages in your brain through the use of 5G waves. Now I hear yourself asking, "What ARE these messages?" and I hear you. Lucky for you enlightened reader, we have deciphered what it could potentially be! The message we intercepted included the phrases "Railway", "Provost" and "Carrot". From this we determined that they're going to try and turn you dear citizen, into one of them! A filthy communist! Once these messages are embedded in your brain all they need to do is hit one switch, and you'll turn against your country, bringing this great nation low and bringing it to the side of the reds! How do you protect yourself I hear you asking? You can purchase our Oil remedy to strengthen your brain and leave you IMPERVIOUS to Russian bio-hacking and leftest subliminal messaging! Starting at 29.99
  15. HM1 (Ret) Speirs

    3d MRB Meme Thread!

    @Capt Hawkins is a bad influence on me
  17. HM1 (Ret) Speirs

    3d MRB Meme Thread!

    @Sgt McMuster when ARES won't use artillery
  18. HM1 (Ret) Speirs

    3d MRB Quote Book

    "Yea it was one giant sperm farm" @WOC Speirs "We're not talking about your room Speirs" @Sgt Spears
  19. HM1 (Ret) Speirs

    3d MRB Meme Thread!

    aviation be like
  20. HM1 (Ret) Speirs

    3d MRB Meme Thread!

    it's almost the time for donations again gentlemen
  21. HM1 (Ret) Speirs

    3d MRB Meme Thread!

    love you @Capt Hart
  22. HM1 (Ret) Speirs

    Screenshot Competition! - April

    Hello all! I'm sure you all get the gist by now but this is the thread where your screenshots can be featured on the scrolling header as chosen by your peers! All you have to do is submit your screenshot under this thread! A new one will start every month with the next month being voted on! So since we're in March you're voting for April, and so forth! Votes will be tallied by the 'Upvote' reaction. ONLY the upvote reaction will be counted for purpose of the competition! (pls it makes it easier for me to tally a winner) Please feel free to resubmit your screenshots if they didn't win the previous month! Good luck to you all, and may the odds ever be in your favor! (please don't do anything too wacky I like my job) (Some mods that might help you would be nikotan's animations, POLPOX's base functions, POLXPOX animation supporter, and some of the various pose packs, as well as Custom Zeus Compositions)  Remember, don't be silly! Wrap your willy! SSgt Speirs
  23. HM1 (Ret) Speirs

    Potential 2300AD (Mongoose Traveller 2nd Editon) Game

    Ditto, I like the idea for both. Warning i know literally NOTHING save for what i was able to read a little on so I'll need a little help. And I'm free Saturday afternoons!
  24. HM1 (Ret) Speirs

    Potential 2300AD (Mongoose Traveller 2nd Editon) Game

    i'm interested, it sounds like a fun system. when would you run games?
  25. HM1 (Ret) Speirs

    Van Dyke, Per Application [APPROVED]

    Mr. Van Dyke, Your application has been accepted. Since you are a returning member of this Unit, you are being placed in reserves where you are free to transfer to an available billet at your discretion.  Respectfully Submitted, SSgt Speirs  S-1 SNCOIC