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  • In Universe Dateline: Febuary 14th 2023
  • Tensions rise in South Africa after no clear winner in Presidential election
  • Bomb in Tehran café kills three IRGC members, separatists suspected
  • Dominican Republic government on verge of collapse as gang violence escalates in Santa Domingo
  • Russia claims successful test of nuclear-powered cruise missile, experts remain skeptical
  • Man claims he was acting under Taylor Swift's secret orders after being arrested at NATO summit
  • Livonia detains 12 over suspected coup attempt
  • Sahrani troops disperse protest with gunfire, 8 reported dead
  • Hurricane rips through Florida Cemetery; Hundreds reported Dead

HM1 (Ret) Speirs

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Everything posted by HM1 (Ret) Speirs

  1. HM1 (Ret) Speirs

    3d MRB Quote Book

    "Stop being so FUCKING MOIST" - @WO1 Levorse
  2. HM1 (Ret) Speirs

    3d MRB Quote Book

    "McMuster is not a homosexual, though he wishes he was." @LCpl McMuster
  3. HM1 (Ret) Speirs

    [OVER] Screenshot Competition! -December

    Thank you everyone who participated! Our winner for this month is @LCpl Spears! The next competition will be posted shortly! Hope everyone's having a good holiday season!
  4. HM1 (Ret) Speirs

    [OVER] Screenshot Competition! -December

    Hello all! As I'm sure you've all seen when logging into the forums, we have some lovely header images that slide through! Now we'd like to change these images up and YOU get to help choose or even have your own screenshot chosen! You, yes you! Unit member reading this! All you have to do is submit your screenshot under this thread! A new one will start every month with the next month being voted on! So since we're in December you'd vote for January, and so forth! Votes will be tallied by the 'Upvote' reaction. ONLY the upvote reaction will be counted for purpose of the competition! Please feel free to resubmit your screenshots if they didn't win the previous month! And please limit your submissions to one per post Good luck to you all, and have fun with it! (please don't do anything too wacky I like my job) (Some mods that might help you would be nikotan's animations, POLPOX's base functions, POLXPOX animation supporter, and some of the various pose packs, as well as Custom Zeus Compositions) HM3 Speirs
  5. HM1 (Ret) Speirs

    3d MRB Quote Book

    "You'd be under the 'barely legal' tab on PornHub" @LCpl Spears to me
  6. HM1 (Ret) Speirs

    Operation Steel Thunder (ArmA 3 Funop)

  7. HM1 (Ret) Speirs

    Marine Raiders don’t want any M27s

    why I gave the 5%, everyone is usually fantastic but ya know, sometimes the stupid wins once and a while
  8. HM1 (Ret) Speirs

    Marine Raiders don’t want any M27s

    I mean trust goes both ways, and so far everyone is trusted not to be stupid and it works out 95% of the time
  9. HM1 (Ret) Speirs

    Marine Raiders don’t want any M27s

    counterpoint, we all take AUG's, we're now an Aussie unit
  10. HM1 (Ret) Speirs

    Marine Raiders don’t want any M27s

    The M27 in terms of an AR platform uses a 100 round drum, the thought process behind replacing the M249 with the M27 is that the AR is less of an obvious target for enemy fire, and is overall lighter to increase mobility. Downside its not a 249
  11. HM1 (Ret) Speirs

    [ACCEPTED] Mason, James Application

    Mr. Mason, Application accepted. Within the next hour you will receive new forum permissions which will grant you access to the Welcome Aboard section with some general instructions to get you initially set up with our modpack. Next is to request your billet assignment in ITC & FMTB. There you can read basic information about each team and when operations and trainings normally take place. Once you have decided what billet works best for you make a post in Billet Selection with your first and second choice. Once assigned to a team you will need to check in with them and start your training. In Summary: Step 1. Review Welcome Aboard message and follow Instructions. Step 2. Sign up for an Billet. Note: Steps 1 and 2 are interchangeable. Step 3: Set your TeamSpeak name to your Rank plus your last name, only add your first initial if another member of the same name exist in the unit.You will be informed if this is needed  Thank you and once again, welcome, WOC. Respectfully Submitted, HM3 Speirs S-1 SNCOIC
  12. HM1 (Ret) Speirs

    3d MRB Quote Book

    "your cunt is never going to be as aggressive as mine, cause mine is austrlian" - @Capt Whelan
  13. HM1 (Ret) Speirs

    3d MRB Quote Book

    "I'm going to do the white power sign!" - @MSgt Falconer
  14. HM1 (Ret) Speirs

    [ACCEPTED] Howard, Paladin Application

    @PFC Howard Application accepted. Within the next hour you will receive new forum permissions which will grant you access to the Welcome Aboard section with some general instructions to get you initially set up with our modpack. Next is to request your billet assignment in ITC & FMTB. There you can read basic information about each team and when operations and trainings normally take place. Once you have decided what billet works best for you make a post in Billet Selection with your first and second choice. Once assigned to a team you will need to check in with them and start your training. In Summary: Step 1. Review Welcome Aboard message and follow Instructions. Step 2. Sign up for an Billet. Note: Steps 1 and 2 are interchangeable. Step 3: Set your TeamSpeak name to your Rank plus your last name, only add your first initial if another member of the same name exist in the unit.You will be informed if this is needed Thank you and once again, welcome, Private. Respectfully Submitted,HM3 SpeirsS-1 Personnel Detachment SNCOIC
  15. HM1 (Ret) Speirs

    3d MRB Quote Book

    "You talkin mad shit for someone in cumshot distance" - @WO1 Levorse
  16. HM1 (Ret) Speirs

    Escape Fun Op

    +1 to Wright, I will 2000% be willing to play OPFOR
  17. HM1 (Ret) Speirs

    3d MRB Meme Thread!

  18. HM1 (Ret) Speirs

    3d MRB Quote Book

    "Nice dick." - @Capt Whelan to me
  19. HM1 (Ret) Speirs

    3d MRB Meme Thread!

  20. HM1 (Ret) Speirs

    DCS Players?

    I'm curious who else plays DCS here, beyond @Capt Whelan and @HM2 (FMF) Peterson
  21. HM1 (Ret) Speirs

    3d MRB Quote Book

  22. HM1 (Ret) Speirs

    3d MRB Quote Book

    "@Capt Hart always struck me as a bit of a furry" - @MSgt Falconer
  23. HM1 (Ret) Speirs

    3d MRB Quote Book

    "I must keep the hoes away and protect my holy virginity." - @Capt Whelan
  24. HM1 (Ret) Speirs

    3d MRB Quote Book

    "Between my and falconer's swearing and Speirs' sluttery..." - @Capt Whelan
  25. HM1 (Ret) Speirs

    Elite Dangerous - Census

    I forgot to hit post last week, I might get back into it with the next patch tho!