Age: 25
First Name: Thomas
Last Name: Eazy
Steam Name: T1713
Steam Profile Link:
ArmA III Player ID: 76561198086133719
Desired Duty Assignment: 0372 Critical Skills Operators
How Long have you been playing ArmA III:
I'm playing Arma 3 since 2017 more or less, but I recently bought a brand new copy for my PC directly from Steam Account.
I have only 63 hours in this account, but I have a total of 200/300 hours maybe.
Do you own Arma 3 Apex DLC? (Unit Requirement): Yes
Availability (Sunday/Saturday/Both): I live in Italy so I can only play on Saturday evening (yours 15:00 ET) or during the week at the same time.
How did you find out about our unit? / Why do you want to join the 3rd Marine Raider Battalion?
My name is Thomas and I'm an Italian airsoft Reenactor of the Marine Raiders unit of the USMC.
I play Airosft since 2010.
From 2013/2014 I started to play only milsim events in this sport, joining many games in Italy and in Europe too.
From 2017 I'm a reenactor of the Marsoc unit, buying and selling only original issued gear from all over the world.
Actually I play Arma 3 alone, sometimes with friends here in Italy.
I tried many different Clubs there in Italy, but none of them were enough realistic and mil-sim oriented so I decided to look forward to try to join in other Clans.
I don't have so many hours in this game, but I can train myself to improve my ability in it (I got many more hours in Insurgency Sandstorm for example).
I prefer to join a Marine Raiders based Clan because I know many information about this Marines Unit.
I saw that 3rd MRBU is one of the last Marine Raiders milsim Clan in Arma 3
and after seeing many videos on YT I remained totally impressed about the missions, the trainings and much more.
I would like to join to improve my skill in the game, making new friendship and have more knowledge about the MARSOC Unit in order to apply these information to the airsoft team at many milsim events.
In the world there are only 5 Clans active, based on the MARSOC unit and the 3rd MRBU is the best option to join.
If you were recruited by one of our members, who was it?
Do you understand the definition of realism gaming according to the 3d MRB and willing to abide by this game style?
Totally yes.
Do you understand this unit is EST(GMT -5) time zoned based. Operations take place on Saturday at 1500 EST and Sunday at 2000 EST.
Totally yes.