First Name: Lamar
Last Name: Homer
Steam Name: xwolf21256x or, Venom21-
Steam Profile Link:
ArmA III Player ID: 76561199021742520
Desired Duty Assignment: Anywhere as long as I'm shooting mfs in the face
How Long have you been playing ArmA III: 10 mins max
Do you own Arma 3 Apex DLC? (Unit Requirement): Yes
Availability (Sunday/Saturday Both): Both but Saturdays after 10pm est
How did you find out about our unit?
If you were recruited by one of our members, who was it?
(no one recruited me)
Why do you want to join the 3rd Marine Raider Battalion?
(I want the chance to experience the Arma style videos I use to watch growing up. I came across some youtube videos and you guys not only seem cool but you know your stuff as well compared to other groups I've seen.)
Do you understand the definition of realism gaming according to the 3d MRB and willing to abide by this game style?
Do You Understand this unit is EST(GMT -5) time zoned based. Operations take place on Saturday at 1500 EST and Sunday 2000 EST