Mr. Tucker,
Application accepted. Within the next hour, you will receive new forum permissions which will grant you access to the Welcome Aboard section where there are instructions to get you set up with our modpack.
Your next step is to report for In-Processing. This verifies that you can connect to our server and prepares you for attending your first operation with a team. If your mods are installed correctly, it should only take about 20 minutes.
You will then begin Assessment & Selection by attending the next available Operation for the team you wish to join. You will be attached to the headquarters element and will be guided through the operation by them. After completing the operation you will report for A&S Phase 2 where any tactical deficiencies will be corrected. If you have prior Military or MilSim experience and are found to be tactically proficient in the required areas, you will skip the second phase of A&S.
If the Team HQ feels you are a good fit, you will then be selected and will complete your training with your new team.
In Summary:
Step 1. Review Welcome Aboard message and follow the Instructions.
Step 2. Report for In-Processing.
Thank you and once again, welcome, Private.
Respectfully Submitted,
Pvt C. Poole
Critical Skills Operator | S-1 Personnel Clerk
3d MRB, Marine Raider Regiment