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Found 11 results

  1. Age: 24 First Name: Jason Last Name: Clark Discord Username: deadonarrvial Steam Profile Link: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198351767902/ ArmA III Player ID:76561198351767902 Desired Duty Assignment:0372 CSO How Long have you been playing ArmA III: 1,439 HRS Are you currently a member of an ArmA III gaming clan or unit?: No Do you own or, during the next time they are on sale, will you own the Arma 3 Apex and Contact DLCs? (Requirement) (answer here) Yes, I own Apex and will purchase the following. Availability (Sunday/Saturday/Both):Sunday How did you find out about our unit? A friend of mine sent me the Unit's Website If you were recruited by one of our members, who was it? N/A Why do you want to join the 3rd Marine Raider Battalion? The 3rd MRB brings a level of professionalism to a game I love and hold dear. I've gotten tired of joining units with no structure or drive to them. That being said I am looking forward to the aspects of seriousness, professionalism, and loyalty that the 3rd MRB brings to the table. Do you understand the definition of realism gaming according to the 3d MRB and willing to abide by this game style? Yes I understand the realism gaming, and I am more than willing to abide by this style. Do you understand this unit is EST(GMT -5) time zoned based. Operations take place on Saturday at 1500 EST and Sunday at 2000 EST. Yes I am aware of these factors.
  2. Age: 27 First Name: Carissa Last Name: Oaks Steam Name: Swip Sedai Steam Profile Link:https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198159758786 ArmA III Player ID:76561198159758786 Desired Duty Assignment:003A Student Warrant Officer, Rotary Wing Aviator How Long have you been playing ArmA III: Since 2016 Do you own the Arma 3 Apex DLC and the Contact DLC? (Unit Requirement):Yes Availability (Sunday/Saturday/Both): Both How did you find out about our unit? Arma 3 units website If you were recruited by one of our members, who was it? N/A Why do you want to join the 3rd Marine Raider Battalion? Looking for friends to play arma with in a milsim setting Do you understand the definition of realism gaming according to the 3d MRB and willing to abide by this game style? yes Do you understand this unit is EST(GMT -5) time zoned based. Operations take place on Saturday at 1500 EST and Sunday at 2000 EST. yes
  3. D. Warner

    [ACCEPTED] Warner, Doug Application

    Age: 18 First Name:Doug Last Name:Warner Steam Name:Possum in a can Steam Profile Link:http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198369576290 ArmA III Player ID:76561198369576290 Desired Duty Assignment: 0372 Critical Skills Operator (Hopefully just a rifleman) How Long have you been playing ArmA III: I have 888 hours over around 3-4 years. Do you own Arma 3 Apex DLC? (Unit Requirement): Yes Availability (Sunday/Saturday/Both): both How did you find out about our unit? Searched up marine raiders in the arma unit search. If you were recruited by one of our members, who was it? I was not recruited by one of your members. Why do you want to join the 3rd Marine Raider Battalion? Never bin in a modern day milsim before so I thought I'd try this out. Do you understand the definition of realism gaming according to the 3d MRB and willing to abide by this game style? Yes. Do you understand this unit is EST(GMT -5) time zoned based. Operations take place on Saturday at 1500 EST and Sunday at 2000 EST. Yes.
  4. Age:18 First Name:Daniel Last Name:Morse Steam Name:Kiwi Steam Profile Link:https://steamcommunity.com/id/WANTEDUwU/ ArmA III Player ID:76561198240333622 Desired Duty Assignment:0351 How Long have you been playing ArmA III: a little over 3 years Do you own Arma 3 Apex DLC? (Unit Requirement):Aye Availability (Sunday/Saturday/Both):after 1930 sunday/anytime saturday How did you find out about our unit? google search If you were recruited by one of our members, who was it? N/A Why do you want to join the 3rd Marine Raider Battalion? the first arma unit i joined was marine based and now that i'm actually going into the marines i feel it's time to complete the circle Do you understand the definition of realism gaming according to the 3d MRB and willing to abide by this game style? Aye Do you understand this unit is EST(GMT -5) time zoned based. Operations take place on Saturday at 1500 EST and Sunday at 2000 EST. Aye
  5. LCpl (Ret) Hassan

    [ACCEPTED] Application: Hassan, Dillon M.

    Age:30 First Name: Dillon Last Name: Hassan Steam Name: Torben Steam Profile Link:https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198276545292 ArmA III Player ID: 76561198276545292 Desired Duty Assignment: CSO How Long have you been playing ArmA III: played for about 1yr awhile back I am trying to get back into it. still busting some rust (steam locked my account so I created this one) Do you own Arma 3 Apex DLC? (Unit Requirement): yes Availability (Sunday/Saturday/Both): Sunday How did you find out about our unit? Searched for a unit from the Arma3 launcher and yours was the best looking. If you were recruited by one of our members, who was it? N/A Why do you want to join the 3rd Marine Raider Battalion? After reading the Bio 3rd MRB seams well put together. I am a former Marine myself (2009-2017), and would love to join a community of like minded individuals. Do you understand the definition of realism gaming according to the 3d MRB and willing to abide by this game style? yes, looking forward to it. Do you understand this unit is EST(GMT -5) time zoned based. Operations take place on Saturday at 1500 EST and Sunday at 2000 EST. yes, I am 2 hours behind (MST)
  6. Age: 28 First Name: Max Last Name: Ducklow Steam Name: Frost Steam Profile Link:https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198014153695/ ArmA III Player ID:76561198014153695 Desired Duty Assignment: 11S2Y Special Operations Pilot (Fixed Wing) OR 0372 How Long have you been playing ArmA III: 6 Years Do you own Arma 3 Apex DLC? (Unit Requirement): Yes Availability (Sunday/Saturday/Both): Both How did you find out about our unit? Arma 3 Units website If you were recruited by one of our members, who was it? N/A Why do you want to join the 3rd Marine Raider Battalion? I have a passion for Mil-Sim games, and am looking for a community to dedicate my time & efforts to, with a like-minded community. I am currently a professional in the Aviation Industry, a student pilot, and have a love for aviation and military history. Do you understand the definition of realism gaming according to the 3d MRB and willing to abide by this game style? 100% yes. Do you understand this unit is EST(GMT -5) time zoned based. Operations take place on Saturday at 1500 EST and Sunday at 2000 EST. Yes.
  7. LCpl (Ret) East

    [ACCEPTED] Filip East, Application

    First Name: Filip Last Name: East Age: 23 Desired Duty Assignment: 0372 Critical Skills Operator ArmA III Player ID: 76561198172603409 Steam Name: Easthood Steam Profile Link: https://steamcommunity.com/id/easthoodie/ How long have you been playing ArmA III?: 196 hours. Are you currently a member of an ArmA III gaming clan or unit?: I am not part of any unit/clan currently. How did you find out about us?: Ryan Netley told me about that the unit was in need of people. I am therefore taking a part in the unit after receiving that information. If you were recruited by one of our members, who was it?: Ryan Netley. Why do you want to join the 3rd Marine Raider Battalion?: To participate in the unit and to support my brothers in arm. Availability (Sundays/Saturdays/Both): Any time, both. Do you understand that if you have elected an MOS that is full at your completion of ITC, you may have to go to a different MOS for the time being?: Yes Do you understand that you will be required to own Arma 3 Apex DLC in order to actively participate in the unit?: Yes Do you understand the definition of realism gaming according to the 3d MRB, and is this the type of realism experience you desire and are willing to abide by?: Yes Have you read and understood the requirements for our unit and the criteria for being active and taking a billet in this unit and that failure to complete said criteria will place you into the reserve platoon?: Yes Do you understand the fact that this unit is a EST (GMT -5) time zone based unit, and unitwide operations take place on Sundays at 2000 EST (0200CET), or Saturdays at 1500EST (2100CET)? Yes
  8. Monceaux

    [ACCEPTED] Monceaux, J Application

    First Name: Jeffrey Last Name: Monceaux Age: 28 Desired Duty Assignment: Any ArmA III Player ID: Unable to locate used the help link on here but did not show there. Steam Name:CajunKing1989 Steam Profile Link:https://steamcommunity.com/id/cajunking1989/ How long have you been playing ArmA III?: I have 60 Hours into Arma 3 Are you currently a member of an ArmA III gaming clan or unit?: I have no clan or unit that I am part of How did you find out about us?: From a friend If you were recruited by one of our members, who was it?:Lance Corporal T. Parker Why do you want to join the 3rd Marine Raider Battalion?: I want join the 3rd Marine Raider Battalion because I love MILSIM/Realistic gameplay. And would love to be apart of a group that does this and have fun with fellow gamers. I have no prior military experience. But i have done lots of research on military stuff throughout the years and know general knowledge of it. If recruited I will Follow all orders and be the best I can be.
  9. First Name: Max Last Name: Olavarria Age: 17 Desired Duty Assignment: HM-8403 Special Operations Independent Duty Corpsman ArmA III Player ID: 76561198085712694 Steam Name: Maximo Steam Profile Link: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198085712694/ How long have you been playing ArmA III?: 3 years Are you currently a member of an ArmA III gaming clan or unit?: No How did you find out about us?: Youtube If you were recruited by one of our members, who was it?: none Why do you want to join the 3rd Marine Raider Battalion?: I have been looking to get back into ARMA MILSIM again, and this group seems very intriguing and a group I would like to join. Do you understand that if you have elected an MOS that is full at your completion of ITC, you may have to go to a different MOS for the time being?: yes Do you understand that as of 30SEP2016, you will be required to own Arma 3 Apex DLC in order to actively participate in the unit?: yes, I have it Do you understand the definition of realism gaming according to the 3d MRB, and is this the type of realism experience you desire and are willing to abide by?: yes Have you read and understood the requirements for our unit and the criteria for being active and taking a billet in this unit and that failure to complete said criteria will place you into the reserve platoon?: yes Do you understand the fact that this unit is a EST (GMT -5) time zone based unit, and unitwide operations take place on Sundays at 2000 EST (0100GMT)?: yes
  10. S.Lambert

    [ACCEPTED] Lambert, Sean Application

    First Name: Sean Last Name: Lambert Age: 24 Desired Duty Assignment: 0372 Critical Skills Operator ArmA III Player ID: 76561198037553206 Steam Name: 12lambes Steam Profile Link: http://steamcommunity.com/id/12lambes How long have you been playing ArmA III?: 35 hours in game. Haven't really played much other than the campaign and a little bit of Zeus with my friends. Are you currently a member of an ArmA III gaming clan or unit?: No. How did you find out about us? I saw Sgt Specter's YouTube videos, and was pretty damn impressed. If you were recruited by one of our members, who was it? I was not recruited. Why do you want to join the 3rd Marine Raider Battalion?: I want to get away from RTS games and DotA. I get annoyed in shooters that have limited realism. Plus there are so many Arma groups dominated by Limeys that it's nice having a group in the US. If you have elected a supporting asset such as Corpsman, if all billets are full by the time you finish the training pipeline, you may have to go infantry for the time being. Do you understand this?: Yes. Do you understand that as of 30SEP2016, you will be required to own Arma 3 Apex DLC in order to actively participate in the unit?: Yes Please check your user profile and ensure that the email address you registered with is correct. Have you done this?: Yes Do you understand the definition of realism gaming according to the 3d MRB, and is this the type of realism experience you desire and are willing to abide by?: Yes Have you read and understood the requirements for our unit and the criteria for being active and taking a billet in this unit and that failure to complete said criteria will place you into the reserve platoon?: Yes You understand the fact that this unit is a EST (GMT -5) time zone based unit, and the attendance requirements of operations are dependent on your choice of Sundays at 2000 EST (0100 GMT) or Saturdays at 2000 EST (0100 GMT)?: Yes
  11. PinkAnderson123

    [ACCEPTED] Pinheiro, Anderson Application

    First Name: Anderson Last Name: Pinheiro Age: 19 Desired Duty Assignment: HM-8403 Special Operations Independent Duty Corpsma ArmA III Player ID: Anderson Steam Name: PinkAnderson123 Steam Profile Link: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198042747767/ How long have you been playing ArmA III?: 42 hours as i recently got arma 3 Are you currently a member of an ArmA III gaming clan or unit?: No. How did you find out about us? On youtube. If you were recruited by one of our members, who was it? N/A Why do you want to join the 3rd Marine Raider Battalion?: I want to Join 3rd Marine Raider Battalion because i've always wanted to play army games and other elements with a massively group, i used to watch videos on Youtube that inspired me since arma gold was released and ever since I've been waiting until i got a gaming PC. I am good competitor, role player and team working, i also have videos on youtube of gameplays and montages that i edited. I have a passion in gaming and i am well experienced in many languages which can be an advantage within the community. I am a motivator and positive person which will make other members motivated and positive. this opportunity will allow me to succeed goals in developing a cycle within the co=op gameplays. If you have elected a supporting asset such as Corpsman, if all billets are full by the time you finish the training pipeline, you may have to go infantry for the time being. Do you understand this?: Yes Do you understand that as of 30SEP2016, you will be required to own Arma 3 Apex DLC in order to actively participate in the unit?: Yes Please check your user profile and ensure that the email address you registered with is correct. Have you done this?: Yes Do you understand the definition of realism gaming according to the 3d MRB, and is this the type of realism experience you desire and are willing to abide by?: Have you read and understood the requirements for our unit and the criteria for being active and taking a billet in this unit and that failure to complete said criteria will place you into the reserve platoon?: Yes You understand the fact that this unit is a EST (GMT -5) time zone based unit, and the attendance requirements of operations are dependent on your choice of Sundays at 2000 EST (0100 GMT) or Saturdays at 2000 EST (0100 GMT)?: Yes