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J. Hague

Viking Side Ops (News Room)

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Viking Side Operations

News Room


Training missions with plot


Viking Side Ops is a campaign of missions conducted on Viking's Off weekend Saturday events. Each mission will influence the next forming a consistent campaign.

This thread is for posting news updates on the Vikings Side Ops story

Do not post to this thread without authorization from Viking HQ


Mainly on 2nd & 3rd Saturdays
 18:30est )

Occasionally on1st & 3rd Saturdays  

for the mission portion of Viking Team Trainings

( 18:30est )


Any 3rd MRB member, active or reserve are welcome to join.

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Tonight Viking sent a three man recon team into the Ruha AO at approximately 2300 tasked with reconnaissance of a suspected supply smuggling operation. During the mission they located and reported a motor pool, supplies, command building, and the drop off point for boats bringing supplies into the region. During the movement to the extraction RV point the three man recon team dropped off comms shortly after requesting for extract to head to the RV. The driver reports hearing gun fire on the way to the point and that the team never met him there. Through further investigation/review of helmet cam footage and comms the team took contact at extreme close range and were unable to overcome the amount of sheer firepower that Russian VDV forces blasted their way. Repeated attempts were made to break contact but were unsuccessful. The three reconmen are currently assumed to be KIA. Til Valhalla brothers.

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During the daily brief an intelligence officer smashes through the door. Eager to pour info out he introduces himself and begins.

“Gentlemen, today at approximately 1400 a Ruha local doctor made contact with the local embassy stating he was requested to treat three Americans with serious gun shot wounds and Lacerations in a Russian VDV holding area within the AO. Following up on the report and further investigation we found that the building that the doctor reports being inside was called up from Vikings recon team during the operation Saturday night, reporting it as being a possible command building. Standby for further information as we put together what exactly is going on.”

A marine officer leans back in his chair.
“ Our fellow reconmen may still be fighting a fight none of us expect to be in the middle of. I suggest that you keep your kit on standby as most likely a direct action mission will be spun up soon and we will show these ruskie bastards that they chose the wrong men to hold on to”

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Acting on intel that 3 recon men were being held captive a direct action mission was conducted  with an attempt to bring them back home. Initial assaults were highly effective with a joint air strike conducted by 160 SOAR eliminating the VDV motor pool nearby. Local VDV forces were dealt a harsh blow losing a local stash of munitions and supplies during the assault. Through valiant efforts the three men were brought home with extensive injuries and extreme malnutrition and hydration. According to reports one of the reconmen was tragically lost during the extraction with details currently redacted from the reports it is unknown what that status of his remains at this time. One local civilian was also brought back from the raid and is to be questioned by intelligence.

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Through questioning of the local we are finding that he was part of an extensive construction project being led by the Russian VDV forces in the region. He was a part of some sort of crew that was executed on the night of the recon mission. With close family ties to the VDV commander he was being held against his will with zero regards to his wishes to return back to his home country. He reports that a laboratory was being constructed in the local region along with some kind of canisters being brought in by a nearby region. The local doesn't quite understand much of what was going on but did figure something illegal was underway since everything was closely monitored and secured with military presence and two of the crew members that tried to leave were murdered. Through review of helmet cam footage of the MSOT involved in the DAM and local sources the dock site and motor pool did in fact have some sort of gas canister present. An aggressive push for more intel from local sources is being made to figure out where this lab site is located at.

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Yesterday an immediate QRF was sent to extract a vital source involved in the investigation of the VDV lab, his son, and an NCS team member that was surrounded by VDV forces. With quick execution the source, his son, and NCS agent were brought back. The NCS member was rendered immediate attention from facility medical staff and is going to pull through thanks to the medical aid and stabilization by Sgt. Mcmanus. Immediately upon return command requested tasking of viking to assault a re purposed race track facility that the VDV were using to repair several armored vehicle assets. While absolutely crippling the facility Viking collected electronic intelligence that is currently being reviewed and a report of findings will be sent up as soon as available.

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An intelligence officer sits in his office with several workstations running around him. After days of running algorithmic programs that were designed to crack security of electronics on devices his hopes were slowly fading away with failure after failure of getting this laptop unlocked. He sat staring at the ceiling thinking what to do next only to be distracted by a fan clicking every so many rotations.

“This is ridiculous” is the repeated thought he kept coming to. The door opens with an assistant peaking in. “Sir, not to interrupt but making fresh coffee, you want a cup?” The intel officer nods with excitement and mentions “I probably need it after being stumped by this thing”. The assistant giggles and sarcastically says “maybe its password” before shutting the door.

The intel officer looks over at the laptop and smirks knowing he's following the trend of sarcasm typing in the simplistic password.

A second goes by and the next words out of his mouth “no fucking way” perfectly describe what happens as he sits staring at the now unlocked laptop.

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After extreme efforts to get the laptop Viking retrieved unlocked a thorough scan of the files found documents that contain logs of transportation of materials and equipment to a site being called Стабилизатор which translates to Stabilizer. A large amount of medical equipment is currently on the log along with what looks to be the needed materials to re purpose a structure for laboratory use. What is further interesting is that the logs are continually being emailed as they are updated to a Chinese government official Ye Huan possibly linking the Chinese to this region's VDV forces. According to emails a new drop of supplies is being made this next Saturday giving an excellent opportunity for the extraction of an HVT for more human intelligence to be gathered.

Edited by WO1 Wright

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April 4 2020 Viking Assaulted a command and control station set up by Russian VDV prepping the operation to come. UAV footage captured the fierce fight with VDV assets during the assault. 


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ATTN:Viking HQ and EL



Convoy route used marked 
Recommended site for ambush marked to capture convoy vics
Assault site marked for area to be assaulted for HVT extraction




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Today a source was able to snap a photo of the VDV transportation vics that are being used to transport the supplies to the suspected lab site. 



Also during a UAV campaign to gather intel on the AO we were able to nab a sighting of HVT known as Petrov. He has been sighted currently with a dark colored goatee and is easily identifiable by his beret. 


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Operational update 20200411


Acting on intelligence MSOT 8312 viking executed an assault to extract HVT named Petrov in charge of the supply transportation operations for "stabilizer". With extreme violence of action Viking achieved tasking and extracted both the HVT and transportation vics. The black shirts are currently breaking Petrov and extracting information that should fill in the blank spaces of what we know about the project while the contents of the transport trucks are being analyzed. We should shortly understand what exactly is going on. 


Reports indicate that a local rebel force has become active in the region with a mass uprising during the evening of the assault. With zero knowledge on the key leadership or motives of the rebels we are forewarning that currently they should be viewed as active combatants in the field and hostile to both Russian and allied forces within the region.

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Petrov kneeled down in his cell as they called it, a 4-foot by 4-foot cube. The air was musky and filled with the sounds of constant babies crying, dogs barking, and many other disturbing sound files on a loop projected from a speaker that sat above his head. He shook from the days of misery, his eyes heavy from the sleepless nights and constant sessions of questioning and mind games. Being linked directly to the Stabilizer project, he knew exactly what info the captives wanted. He kept questioning himself on how much longer he could hold out before hoping to give them something. Something to relieve even a portion of this misery, with the constant thought of getting back to his family fading in, but even more so mixed with how he was going to survive his own government after this if he gave in. His mind blinked back to reality as he heard someone enter the room his cell was in.

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VDV forces conducted an attack on 3dMRB operations center in the Ruha region. Upon returning from a training on Helo operations the attack was witnessed in full affect. Viking hastily gained a position to defend the base from what appeared to be a heavy assault force. Local intelligence reported the findings of a hastily set command and control point set up by VDV. Viking sent out an assault team to clear the command point while the rest of the team continued the defense of the compound, eliminating elements that were getting inside the wire. Through sheer determination and grit Viking won this day. 







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