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  • In Universe Dateline: Febuary 14th 2023
  • Tensions rise in South Africa after no clear winner in Presidential election
  • Bomb in Tehran café kills three IRGC members, separatists suspected
  • Dominican Republic government on verge of collapse as gang violence escalates in Santa Domingo
  • Russia claims successful test of nuclear-powered cruise missile, experts remain skeptical
  • Man claims he was acting under Taylor Swift's secret orders after being arrested at NATO summit
  • Livonia detains 12 over suspected coup attempt
  • Sahrani troops disperse protest with gunfire, 8 reported dead
  • Hurricane rips through Florida Cemetery; Hundreds reported Dead

MSgt Van Dyke

General Enlisted
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Posts posted by MSgt Van Dyke

  1. Mr. Beckmann,


    Application accepted. Within the next hour you will receive new forum permissions which will grant you access to the Welcome Aboard section with some general instructions to get you initially set up with our modpack.


    Next is to request your billet assignment in ITC & FMTB. There you can read basic information about each team and when operations and trainings normally take place. Once you have decided what billet works best for you make a post in Billet Selection with your first and second choice. 


    Once assigned to a team you will need to check in with them and start your training. 


    In Summary:
    Step 1. Review Welcome Aboard message and follow Instructions.
    Step 2. Sign up for an Billet. 
    Note: Steps 1 and 2 are interchangeable.

    Step 3: Set your TeamSpeak name to your Rank plus your last name, only add your first initial if another member of the same name exist in the unit.You will be informed if this is needed 


    Thank you and once again, welcome, Private.


    Respectfully Submitted,
    SSgt Van Dyke
    S-1 Personnel Detachment 

  2. Mr. James,


    Application accepted. Within the next hour you will receive new forum permissions which will grant you access to the Welcome Aboard section with some general instructions to get you initially set up with our modpack.


    Next is to request your billet assignment in ITC & FMTB. There you can read basic information about each team and when operations and trainings normally take place. Once you have decided what billet works best for you make a post in Billet Selection with your first and second choice. 


    Once assigned to a team you will need to check in with them and start your training. 


    In Summary:
    Step 1. Review Welcome Aboard message and follow Instructions.
    Step 2. Sign up for an Billet. 
    Note: Steps 1 and 2 are interchangeable.

    Step 3: Set your TeamSpeak name to your Rank plus your last name, only add your first initial if another member of the same name exist in the unit. You will be informed if this is needed 


    Thank you and once again, welcome, Private.


    Respectfully Submitted,
    SSgt Van Dyke
    S-1 Personnel Detachment

  3. Mr. Brody,


    Application accepted. Within the next hour you will receive new forum permissions which will grant you access to the Welcome Aboard section with some general instructions to get you initially set up with our modpack.


    Next is to request your billet assignment in ITC & FMTB. There you can read basic information about each team and when operations and trainings normally take place. Once you have decided what billet works best for you make a post in Billet Selection with your first and second choice. 


    Once assigned to a team you will need to check in with them and start your training. 


    In Summary:
    Step 1. Review Welcome Aboard message and follow Instructions.
    Step 2. Sign up for an Billet. 
    Note: Steps 1 and 2 are interchangeable.

    Step 3: Set your TeamSpeak name to your Rank plus your last name, only add your first initial if another member of the same name exist in the unit.You will be informed if this is needed 


    Thank you and once again, welcome, Private.


    Respectfully Submitted,
    SSgt Van Dyke
    S-1 Personnel Detachment 

  4. Mr. Nelson,


    Application accepted. Within the next hour you will receive new forum permissions which will grant you access to the Welcome Aboard section with some general instructions to get you initially set up with our modpack.


    Next is to request your billet assignment in ITC & FMTB. There you can read basic information about each team and when operations and trainings normally take place. Once you have decided what billet works best for you make a post in Billet Selection with your first and second choice. 


    Once assigned to a team you will need to check in with them and start your training. 


    In Summary:
    Step 1. Review Welcome Aboard message and follow Instructions.
    Step 2. Sign up for an Billet. 
    Note: Steps 1 and 2 are interchangeable.

    Step 3: Set your TeamSpeak name to your Rank plus your last name, only add your first initial if another member of the same name exist in the unit. You will be informed if this is needed.


    Thank you and once again, welcome, Private.


    Respectfully Submitted,
    SSgt Van Dyke
    S-1 Personnel Detachment 

    • Thanks 1

  5. Mr. Jaggers,


    Application accepted. Within the next hour you will receive new forum permissions which will grant you access to the Welcome Aboard section with some general instructions to get you initially set up with our modpack.


    Next is to request your billet assignment in ITC & FMTB. There you can read basic information about each team and when operations and trainings normally take place. Once you have decided what billet works best for you make a post in Billet Selection with your first and second choice. 


    Once assigned to a team you will need to check in with them and start your training. 


    In Summary:
    Step 1. Review Welcome Aboard message and follow Instructions.
    Step 2. Sign up for an Billet. 
    Note: Steps 1 and 2 are interchangeable.

    Step 3: Set your TeamSpeak name to your Rank plus your last name, only add your first initial if another member of the same name exist in the unit.You will be informed if this is needed 


    Thank you and once again, welcome, Private.


    Respectfully Submitted,
    SSgt Van Dyke
    S-1 Personnel Detachment 

  6. Mr. Mohn,


    Application accepted. Within the next hour you will receive new forum permissions which will grant you access to the Welcome Aboard section with some general instructions to get you initially set up with our modpack.


    Next is to request your billet assignment in ITC & FMTB. There you can read basic information about each team and when operations and trainings normally take place. Once you have decided what billet works best for you make a post in Billet Selection with your first and second choice. 


    Once assigned to a team you will need to check in with them and start your training. 


    In Summary:
    Step 1. Review Welcome Aboard message and follow Instructions.
    Step 2. Sign up for an Billet. 
    Note: Steps 1 and 2 are interchangeable.

    Step 3: Set your TeamSpeak name to your Rank plus your last name, only add your first initial if another member of the same name exist in the unit.You will be informed if this is needed 


    Thank you and once again, welcome, Private.


    Respectfully Submitted,
    SSgt Van Dyke
    S-1 Personnel Detachment 

  7. It sounds to me like Saturdays work well for people, so that's what i'll plan on. I want to try out ship combat, so that's the way I'm leaning, but I'll do my best to give you human scale encounters as well. All sorts of RP and interesting challenges to be had there. As to the system, it seems kind of daunting, but I have all the books and will share those with folks, and it's really not that different from any other RPG. The first session will be character creation, because that always takes a while (and in traveller is a minigame in and unto itself). I will make some alterations to it to ensure everyone ends up with a usable character, and once I have those decided on, I'll let people know.

    • Like 1

  8. Ok, so having looked at my schedule, I can do basically any weekday evening/afternoon (Central US Time), as well as Saturday Mornings and early afternoon. Let me know what works for you guys and hopefully we can find a time that works for everyone. I would also love to know whether people are more interested in a naval game or a Spec Ops game. I have stuff for either, but it would be helpful with prep. In the one you would be the bridge crew of a fairly tough little destroyer, in the other a team deployed to one of the colonies. @MSgt Falconer @GySgt Kakta @SSgt Speirs @Sgt Turk Anyone else who is interested is also welcome to let me know here of course.

  9. Hey Folks, so I've been mulling it over, and I would love to bring back an idea I had a while back to do a 2300AD game using the newer Mongoose Traveller rules. This is a 2d6 based system, with deadly combat, deep mechanics, and a lot of potentially very interesting story lines running from counter terrorism on the colonies to deep space ship battles. The basic idea of the setting is that after a limited nuclear exchange creates a period known as twilight, humanity takes a long time to rebuild. After all of the chaos, France emerges as the new superpower, with the US in 2300 a fairly distant second or third. There has been contact with numerous alien species, and there is an ongoing war with the Kafers, a mysterious species with which there has so far been little successful communication. 


    Wall of text aside, I would love to run either a naval or spec-ops game as America (The United States while still the official name has fallen out of use), and want to judge interest and what people would prefer to play, if anything at all. Just let me know here if you're interested! Tagging @GySgt Kakta as per our conversation the other day.

    • Like 1

  10. Age: 21
    First Name: Per
    Last  Name: Van Dyke
    Steam Name: sulu244
    Steam Profile Link: https://steamcommunity.com/id/sulu244/
    ArmA III Player ID: 76561198049411918
    Desired Duty Assignment: 0372 Critical Skills Operator
    How Long have you been playing ArmA III: God only knows how long (since launch)
    Do you own Arma 3 Apex DLC? (Unit Requirement): Yes
    Availability (Sunday/Saturday/Both): Both
    How did you find out about our unit?
    Through youtube way back in the days of the 13th
    If you were recruited by one of our members, who was it?
    Why do you want to join the 3rd Marine Raider Battalion?
    Been missing my good old milsim. Took a break, played some more casual arma, and found myself missing it. 
    This place has always been my home in arma, so here I am again.
    Do you understand the definition of realism gaming according to the 3d MRB and willing to abide by this game style?
    Do you understand this unit is EST(GMT -5) time zoned based. Operations take place on Saturday at 1500 EST and Sunday at 2000 EST.