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MSgt Falconer

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About MSgt Falconer

  • Rank
    0372 Critical Skills Operator
  • Birthday 04/01/1992


  • 1) Qualified MOS
    0331 Machine Gunner | 0372 Critical Skills Operator | HM-8043 S.A.R.C. | 0370 Special Operations Officer
  • 2) School of Infantry
  • 3) Corporal's Courses
    CPLC 101 | CPLC 102 | CPLC 103
  • 4) Sergeant's Courses
    SGTC 201 | SGTC 202 | SGTC 203
  • 7) Auxiliary Qualifications
    CLS | E&D | SERE | MFF | CD | MG | AT | MH-6 | ZEUS
  • 8) Date of Rank
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  1. MSgt Falconer

    Operation Overlord - Fun Op - 1900 EST Sunday, 30JUNE24

  4. OPERATION ORDER DATE OF OPERATION ORIENTATION: 1. SITUATION a. Enemy Forces SALUTE (Size, Activity, Location, Unit, Time, Equipment): Aprox 2x Squad Defending/Patroling OBJ BUSH IRPT Light Regulars 1900 Local Soviet block small arms, RPGs, Technicals DRAW-D (Defend, Reinforce, Attack, Withdraw, and Delay): Enemy is likely to try to defend their stockpile of redioactive material Enemy reinforcements are unknown but likely from N Enemy is unlikely to launch attacks unless PER offensive is stopped Enemy is unlikely to withdraw as this stockpile is of great value to them Enemy will be able to delay us should we become bogged down by casualties and/or heavy weapons EMLCOA (Enemy Most Likely Course of Action): Enemy will most likely attempt to blunt our attack and force us away from OBJ BUSH EMDCOA (Enemy Most Dangerous Corse of Action): Enemys most dangerous course of action is to bring heavy weapons to bear on us during clearing operations, should we become bogged down by heavy fire we will have little room to maneuver and will be overrun b.Friendly Forces Higher mission: Assist PER forces in their offensive against IRPT units IVO OBJ BUSH Adjacent Units: 75th Separate Motor Rifle Battalion, possible Russian Special Forces Supporting Units: 160th SOAR c. Attachments & Detachments N/A d. Civilian Considerations Unknown 2. MISSION 3. EXECUTION a. Commander's Intent Commanders intent is to launch a raid on OBJ BUSH, clearing the enemy from Sectors RED, GOLD & GREEN IOT secure suspected stockpile of radioctive material. b. Concept of the Operation HADES will insert via 160th SOAR to LZ CROW and conduct a foot patrol to AP SEAGULL & SBF SPARROW. Assault team will gain an initial foothold inside OBJ BUSH Sector RED. Once achived SBF will break either break down and join the main effort, or remain on SBF SPARROW depending on enemy prescence within OBJ BUSH. Main effort will proceed to clear sector GOLD & GREEN. If Radioactive materials are encountered the area will be marked and clearing operation continue. We will NOT hande radioactive materials while still engaged with IRPT forces. - Scheme of Maneuver - Fire Support Plan c. Tasks 1. Gain foothold insode sector RED 2. Clear sector GOLD & GREEN 3. Locate suspected radioactive materials d. Coordinating Instructions Tactical Control Measures 4. ADMINISTRATION & LOGISTICS a. Administration - Casualties Casualties will be treated by self aid, followed by corpsman aid in field - Enemy Prisoners Of War (EPOWs) To be turned over to Team HQ ASAP b. Asset Request N/A 5. COMMAND & SIGNAL a. Signal -Radio Frequencies As per team SOP -Smoke Notation As per WARNORD -Paint Notation As per WARNORD b. Command -Location of Command TL: SBF SPARROW TC: With main effort -Succession of Command Capt Hawkins MSgt Falconer END OPERATION ORDER
  5. OPERATION EVERGREEN Kingdom of Ardistan Ministry of the Interior Crisis Troop Cold Harbor Special Projects Group Kill Team EMBER Description: This is a loose continuation of a previous series of fun ops that I ran nearly 2 years ago and felt like picking back up. Ideally this would be run on Friday evenings around 2000EST. However time is subject to change depending on peoples availability. No additional mods will be required for this fun op BUT as with all fun ops I run the emphasis is on the operation part. You will be expected to act accordingly. Situation: The Kingdom of Ardistan teeters on the edge of all out civil war. The recent attempt to violently overthrow the ever more unpopular king Garam IV has resulted in a ruthless crackdown by the royal army under the command of General Khasam. General Khasam has been afforded emergency powers by royal decree and effectively rules Ardistan as dictator. Sensing weakness the neighbouring Islamic Republic of Qasra has begun massive funding of local religious fanatics, known collectively as “The Shadow Emirate”. The Shadow Emirate has claimed responsibility for a slew of recent acts of terror all over the country, including suicide bombing of several schools, hospitals and even military installations. Shadow Emirate forces operate from the loosely defined border area, called the “border clades”, between Ardistan and Qasra, meaning neither country is willing to commit conventional military assets to the area. Mission: Cold Harbor Kill Team 381, CALLSIGN: EMBER, is subordinated to the Ardistan Ministry of the Interior for the duration of this contract and is tasked with enforcing the Kingdoms COIN program targeting Shadow Emirate strongholds in the border clades. EMBER will be operating out of Mission Support Site (MSS) 88 located within the confines of Ardistans Airbase TAMERLANE. EMBER operators will deploy in western style plain clothes to ensure no confusion between EMBER operatives, locals and Shadow Emirate forces. Roster BONFIRE TOC: MSgt Falconer EMBER ACTUAL Assault Troop Lead: UAV Driver: EMBER 1 Team Leader: Assaulter: Assaulter: Medic: EMBER 2 Team Leader: Assaulter: Assaulter: Assault Machinegunner: SPARK Reserved
  6. WARNING ORDER MSOT 8312 VIKING 1. SITUATION. a. Overview: IRPT forces have consolidated in large parts of Takistan and is engaged in combat operation against PER forces. Intel indicates IRPT to be in posession of, or attempting to construct a "dirty bomb". 3dMRB has priority tasking to prevent this from happening b. The Area of Interest is OBJ HIGHTOWER c. Area of Operations is AO OPPENHIEMER d. Enemy Forces. IRPT Forces concentrated around OBJ Hightower and the adjacent town. Estimated platoon sized with additional forces in the surrounding areas. Light armor to be expected. e. Friendly Forces N/A f. Attachments and Detachments 160th SOAR assets 2. MISSION. Alpha Company (WHO) Is tasked with preventing the creation and/or utilisation of "Dirty bombs" by IRPT force(WHAT) in AO OPPENHIEMER (WHERE) In order to preserve PER fighting strenght and deny the enemy a highly lethal asset. (WHY). 3. EXECUTION. a. Concept of Operations. VIKING is tasked with carrying out a raid on OBJ HIGHTOWER in order to secure the "Dirty bomb" that IRPT is believed to be storing there. Higher is currently working through options for disposal and/or recovery but your absolute priority is to secure OBJ HIGHTOWER. Maps AO OPPENHIEMER OBJ HIGHTOWER See Appendix D 4. SUSTAINMENT. a. Logistics Transportation: By 160th SOAR. Ground Vehicles not recomended. b. Health System Support Medical Treatment Casualties shall be treated by self-aid, then Corpsman support in the field. Medical Evacuation At SARC discretion casualties may be evacuated to temporary Casualty Collection Points (CCP). 5. COMMAND AND CONTROL. a. Control Command Posts COP GENGHIS Reports N/A b. Signal SOI Index Standard SOI Index is in effect Methods of Communication by Priority Radio Smoke signals Runners Pyrotechnics and Signals Smoke Notation Red: Enemy position. Green: Friendly position. White: Concealment. Yellow: Concealment. Purple: Mass casualty incident. Blue: Broken chain of command. Orange: Special purpose. Paint notation Green paint MAY be utilized to indicate cleared areas. Blue paint MAY be used to designate CCPs. Red paint MAY be used to designate boundaries for explosive use. Code Words SHATTER: Sending station is combat ineffective. HAVOC: Comms compromised, scramble comms. SCRAM: Radiation exposure Challenge and Password Challenge: ELI (eee-lye) Password: MANNING (man-ning) Running Password Password: MANNING (man-ning) Number Combination N/A Recognition Signals N/A END WARNING ORDER
  7. Takistani crisis escalates The ongoing crisis in Takistan seems to be undergoing an escalation following the involvement of the US and the use of military force to evacuate its citizens and embassy personnel that were trapped in the country following the violent coup by the extremist Islamic Resistance Party of Takistan (IRPT). The IRPT has been moving against government holdouts as well as positions held by forces loyal to the Party of Economic Rerform (PER). The PER is an amalgamation of more liberal forces in Takistan united by Fariad Mirzo, a liberal reformer who has been in and out of hiding for most of his political career. Fariad Mirzo and the PER have been officially recognized by the US and several EU member states as the legitimate government of Takistan, with the Moore administration promising both financial and military support. PER Leader Fariad Mirzo seen in PER territory with suspected US Special Forces. In the capital city of Sa’hatra IRPT Leader Muhiddin Kabiri announced that what he calls a “US intervention” will be met with a strong response, including attacks on US assets and allies in neighboring Afghanistan. The Moore administration has yet to confirm or deny any US troops in the country officially after the evacuation of US citizens. However, a source within the Moore administration speaking on the conduction of anonymity confirmed that US forces were already in the country and conducting operations aimed at undermining the IRPT government and preventing them from destabilizing the region. ADANews Simon Tam War Correspondent
  8. WARNING ORDER MSOT 8312 VIKING 1. SITUATION. a. Overview: Forces of the TIRP have consolidated their hold on the city of Bala Murghab and are preparing to push out into the surrounding countryside. With loyalist forces scattered in isolated pockets of resistance A Co, 3dMRB remains one of the only units in theatre capable of offering qualified resistance. b. The Area of Interest is OBJ STINGRAY. A Takistani National Army (TNA) firebase that has defected to the TIRP. c. Area of Operations is AO SANDMAN The terrain is mountainous with primitive urban sprawls, not dense. Weather is expected to be clear The time will be first light d. Enemy Forces. TNA Regulars aligned with the TIRP. Estimated 2x squads EI & 1x battery of 2S3 SPGs at STINGRAY e. Friendly Forces Scattered loyalist forces. Expected to play no major role in the short term. f. Attachments and Detachments 160th SOAR 2. MISSION. Alpha Company (WHO) is conducting operations (WHAT) in AO SANDMAN (WHERE) in order to blunt TIRP offensives and hamper their attempt to seize control of the entire country (WHY) 3. EXECUTION. a. Concept of Operations. VIKINGs initial tasking will be conducting recon against and ultiamtely seizing OBJ STINGRAY, a TNA firebase that has defected to the TIRP. OBJ STINGRAY is currently providing support for TIRP operations in AO SANDMAN. OBJ STINGRAY lies rather exposed in its current position and is believed that TIRP will soon send significant reinforcements to the area in order to secure the firebase making this mission time sensitive and an absolute priority for VIKING. Seizing the firebase will severely hamper TIRP artillery support in the AO and life a lot of pressure off the remaining loyalist strongpoints. Capturing the firebase guns intact would make for a nice ice breaker for future talks to formalize cooperation with remaining loyalist forces BUT IS NOT A PRIORITY, destroy them if necessary. Further tasking will be provided as ROUNDTABLE recieves further intel regarding enemy pushes. Maps BE ADVISED, DUE TO TIME CONSTRAINTS NO DRONE FOOTAGE HAS BEEN GATHERED OVER OBJ STINGRAY AT THIS TIME. VIKING WILL BE REQUIRED TO CONDUCT ITS OWN ISR AS THIS MISSION IS TIME SENSITIVE AO SANDMAN OBJ STINGRAY 4. SUSTAINMENT. a. Logistics Transportation: By 160th SOAR Resupply: By 160th SOAR b. Health System Support Medical Treatment Casualties shall be treated by self-aid, then Corpsman support in the field. Medical Evacuation At SARC discretion casualties may be evacuated to temporary Casualty Collection Points (CCP). 5. COMMAND AND CONTROL. a. Control Command Posts AIRBASE HISAT Reports N/A b. Signal SOI Index Standard SOI Index is in effect Methods of Communication by Priority Radio Smoke signals Runners Pyrotechnics and Signals Smoke Notation Red: Enemy position. Green: Friendly position. White: Concealment. Yellow: Concealment. Purple: Mass casualty incident. Blue: Broken chain of command. Orange: Special purpose. Paint notation Green paint MAY be utilized to indicate cleared areas. Blue paint MAY be used to designate CCPs. Red paint MAY be used to designate boundaries for explosive use. Code Words SHATTER: Sending station is combat ineffective. HAVOC: Comms compromised, scramble comms. Challenge and Password Challenge: ELI (eee-lye) Password: MANNING (man-ning) Running Password Password: MANNING (man-ning) Number Combination N/A Recognition Signals N/A END WARNING ORDER
  9. WARNING ORDER MSOT 8312 VIKING 1. SITUATION. a. Overview: Hope you had a nice flight gentlemen because here you will find no rest. The island of Tembelan is almost entirely in the hands of the Central Executive Committee CEC and their Chinese handlers. At this time ther is no reason to believe the Chinese government is involved and we are infact looking at chinese corporate entities acting outside the authority of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). As it stands the Phillippine Marine Corps (PMC) are holding AIRBASE ARNIE and some surrounding terrain. The PMC Unit holding AIRBASE ARNIE is currently under the command of Major Cid Demario Matapang Rosales. ROUNDTABLE will conduct most interaction with Major Rosales and provide tasking for 3dMRB Teams. VIKINGs initial tasking is to conduct a raid on a forward command post occupied by the CEC IOT disrupt enemy leadership prior to a landing operation by the Phillipine Marine Corps. VIKING will hit targets of opportunity during the landing operation and cut off any retreat for the CEC b. The Area of Interest is OBJ PATHFINDER c. Area of Operations is AO FOLDER The terrain is mostly urban consisting of rental cabins and a hotel Weather is expected to be clear The time will be just prior to daybreak d. Enemy Forces. Enemy forces are expected to consist of CEC militia scattered throughout the OBJ. An FSG Command team may be present in the main hotel building, they should be captured if possible. e. Friendly Forces Elements of the 3rd Brigade, Phillipine Marine Corps (PMC) f. Attachments and Detachments 160th SOAR 2. MISSION. Alpha Company (WHO) is conducting operations (WHAT) in AO FOLDER (WHERE) in support of the PMCs attempts to reestablish control over Tembeland Island (WHY). 3. EXECUTION. a. Concept of Operations. VIKING will determine best possible insertion to OBJ PATHFINDER and conduct a raid on the CEC headquarters in the main hotel building. This will precede an assault by PMC forces in order to secure another foothold on the island an pose a threat to the nearby airfield. Maps OBJ PATHFINDER 4. SUSTAINMENT. a. Logistics Transportation: By 160th SOAR or locally sourced vehicles b. Health System Support Medical Treatment Casualties shall be treated by self-aid, then Corpsman support in the field. Medical Evacuation At SARC discretion casualties may be evacuated to temporary Casualty Collection Points (CCP). 5. COMMAND AND CONTROL. a. Control Command Posts AIRBASE ARNIE Reports N/A b. Signal SOI Index Standard SOI Index is in effect Methods of Communication by Priority Radio Smoke signals Runners Pyrotechnics and Signals Smoke Notation Red: Enemy position. Green: Friendly position. White: Concealment. Yellow: Concealment. Purple: Mass casualty incident. Blue: Broken chain of command. Orange: Special purpose. Paint notation Green paint MAY be utilized to indicate cleared areas. Blue paint MAY be used to designate CCPs. Red paint MAY be used to designate boundaries for explosive use. Code Words SHATTER: Sending station is combat ineffective. HAVOC: Comms compromised, scramble comms. Challenge and Password Challenge: ELI (eee-lye) Password: MANNING (man-ning) Running Password Password: MANNING (man-ning) Number Combination N/A Recognition Signals N/A END WARNING ORDER
  10. WARNING ORDER MSOT 8312 VIKING 1. SITUATION. a. Overview: The 3dMRB has been deployed to Afghanistan IOT conduct FTXs alongside 160th SOAR. With the situation in Afghanistan growing more and more stable by the day the Afghan government has specifically requested to be the host nation for this FTX. The main purpose of this FTX is to practice closer cooperation between ground and aviation elements. Emphasis this cycle is HALO b. The Area of Interest is OBJ SUNRISE. Further OBJs may become available during the course of the FTX. c. Area of Operations is AO VALKYRIE The terrain is mostly hilly rural villages Weather is expected to be clear The time will be just prior to daybreak d. Enemy Forces. Enemy forces the Revolutionary Islamic Front for Prosperity (RIFP). The RIFP consists of a mix of Rogue ANA units and Islamic insurgents. Expect to see both unifomed an ununiformed combatants. The RIFP has access to a large selection of technicals along with a plethora of different weapons systems mounted on them. They currently have no known AFV assets beyond rudimentary uparmored pickups. They currently posses no heavy AA, however SIGINT suggests a small number of MANPADS have made their way into RIFP hands. e. Friendly Forces None f. Attachments and Detachments 160th SOAR 2. MISSION. Alpha Company (WHO) is conducting FTXs (WHAT) in AO VALKYRIE (WHERE) To improve coordination between Aviation and Ground Elements (WHY). 3. EXECUTION. a. Concept of Operations. The Igla's VIKING secured in FTX 05-23 have been matched to a known missing batch of Libyan MANPADS that Langley recently lost track of. This is undoubtedly the source of DUSTERs MANPADS. Local HUMINT has led us to a small disused airfield at (195,200) desginated OBJ TIGER. ROUNDTABLE believes this airfield is being used to convertly bring more MANPADS, other weapons and fighters into the country. VIKING is tasked with conducting a HALO infil into DZ HUMMEL (183,203) followed by a footpatrol to the airfield. Viking will asses the feasability of a raid. If deemed feasable VIKING will carry out a raid IOT render the airfield unusable and secure all sensitive material on site. DUSTER himself is not expected to be present at this OBJ but intel that points towards his current location may be. Diligent SSE is expected. Maps of AO VALKYRIE OBJ TIGER 4. SUSTAINMENT. a. Logistics Transportation: Transportation will be handled entirely by CJSOAC from FOB LIGHTHORSE b. Health System Support Medical Treatment Casualties shall be treated by self-aid, then Corpsman support in the field. Medical Evacuation At SARC discretion casualties may be evacuated to temporary Casualty Collection Points (CCP). 5. COMMAND AND CONTROL. a. Control Command Posts FOB LIGHTHORSE Reports N/A b. Signal SOI Index Standard SOI Index is in effect Methods of Communication by Priority Radio Smoke signals Runners Pyrotechnics and Signals Smoke Notation Red: Enemy position. Green: Friendly position. White: Concealment. Yellow: Concealment. Purple: Mass casualty incident. Blue: Broken chain of command. Orange: Special purpose. Paint notation Green paint MAY be utilized to indicate cleared areas. Blue paint MAY be used to designate CCPs. Red paint MAY be used to designate boundaries for explosive use. Code Words SHATTER: Sending station is combat ineffective. HAVOC: Comms compromised, scramble comms. Challenge and Password Challenge: ELI (eee-lye) Password: MANNING (man-ning) Running Password Password: MANNING (man-ning) Number Combination N/A Recognition Signals N/A END WARNING ORDER
  11. MSgt Falconer


    WARNING ORDER MSOT 8312 VIKING 1. SITUATION. a. Overview: The 3dMRB has been deployed to Afghanistan IOT conduct FTXs alongside 160th SOAR. With the situation in Afghanistan growing more and more stable by the day the Afghan government has specifically requested to be the host nation for this FTX. The main purpose of this FTX is to practice closer cooperation between ground and aviation elements. Emphasis this cycle is SBF and situational awareness. b. The Area of Interest is OBJ FISHERMAN. Further OBJs may become available during the course of the FTX. c. Area of Operations is AO VALKYRIE The terrain is mostly hilly rural villages Weather is expected to be clear The time will be 21:45 d. Enemy Forces. Enemy forces the Revolutionary Islamic Front for Prosperity (RIFP). The RIFP consists of a mix of Rogue ANA units and Islamic insurgents. Expect to see both unifomed an ununiformed combatants. The RIFP has access to a large selection of technicals along with a plethora of different weapons systems mounted on them. They currently have no known AFV assets beyond rudimentary uparmored pickups. They currently posses no heavy AA, however SIGINT suggests a small number of MANPADS have made their way into RIFP hands. e. Friendly Forces Loyalist ANA, 3rd party asset, CODENAME: MAL f. Attachments and Detachments 160th SOAR, MAL 2. MISSION. Alpha Company (WHO) is conducting FTXs (WHAT) in AO VALKYRIE (WHERE) To improve coordination between Aviation and Ground Elements (WHY). 3. EXECUTION. a. Concept of Operations. Intel gained from VIKINGs last raid against DUSTER safehouses has rendered actionable intel. A 3rd party asset CODENAME: MAL was disaptched to set up an OP, shortly after his drone footage was sent to us he went radio silent. Reason unknown but it is not the first time MAL has gone silent for unclear reasons. However SIGINT gathered during MALs time at TOP ROPE suggests links between FISHERMAN and the increase in MANPADS seen across the AO. VIKING is tasked with moving to TOP ROPE, MALs OP, and assertain if MAL is still present. Once at TOP ROP, VIKING will conduct recon of OBJ FISHERMAN, confirm presence of DUSTER, members of his cadre or MANPADS. Once that prescence is confirmed VIKING will execute a raid in order to kill or capture DUSTER and/or members of his cadre AND secure any MANPADS and related intel. MAL is NOT your mission, the asset can be disregarded if not present at TOP ROPE. Maps of AO VALKYRIE OBJ FISHERMAN DRONE OBJ FISHERMAN MAP DUSTER PID 4. SUSTAINMENT. a. Logistics Transportation: Transportation to TOP ROPE will be via HMMVW or MRZR from COP SANDSTORM. TLs choice but consider noise signature. Aviation will be held back IOT not spook the target early. b. Health System Support Medical Treatment Casualties shall be treated by self-aid, then Corpsman support in the field. Medical Evacuation At SARC discretion casualties may be evacuated to temporary Casualty Collection Points (CCP). 5. COMMAND AND CONTROL. a. Control Command Posts COP SANDSTORM Reports N/A b. Signal SOI Index Standard SOI Index is in effect Methods of Communication by Priority Radio Smoke signals Runners Pyrotechnics and Signals Smoke Notation Red: Enemy position. Green: Friendly position. White: Concealment. Yellow: Concealment. Purple: Mass casualty incident. Blue: Broken chain of command. Orange: Special purpose. Paint notation Green paint MAY be utilized to indicate cleared areas. Blue paint MAY be used to designate CCPs. Red paint MAY be used to designate boundaries for explosive use. Code Words SHATTER: Sending station is combat ineffective. HAVOC: Comms compromised, scramble comms. Challenge and Password Challenge: ELI (eee-lye) Password: MANNING (man-ning) Running Password Password: MANNING (man-ning) Number Combination N/A Recognition Signals N/A END WARNING ORDER
  12. WARNING ORDER MSOT 8312 VIKING 1. SITUATION. a. Overview: The 3dMRB has been deployed to Afghanistan IOT conduct FTXs alongside 160th SOAR. With the situation in Afghanistan growing more and more stable by the day the Afghan government has specifically requested to be the host nation for this FTX. The main purpose of this FTX is to practice closer cooperation between ground and aviation elements. Emphasis this cycle is hot and sometimes confined LZs requiring a great deal of grace under pressure from the pilots and high degrees of awareness from door gunners/bench riders b. The Area of Interest is OBJ DDT and OBJ SUPLEX. Further OBJs may become available during the course of the FTX. c. Area of Operations is AO VALKYRIE The terrain is mostly rural villages Weather is expected to be clear The time will be 04:20 d. Enemy Forces. Enemy forces the Revolutionary Islamic Front for Prosperity (RIFP). The RIFP consists of a mix of Rogue ANA units and Islamic insurgents. Expect to see both unifomed an ununiformed combatants. The RIFP has access to a large selection of technicals along with a plethora of different weapons systems mounted on them. They currently have no known AFV assets beyond rudimentary uparmored pickups. They currently posses no heavy AA, however SIGINT suggests a small number of MANPADS have made their way into RIFP hands. e. Friendly Forces Loyalist ANA f. Attachments and Detachments 160th SOAR 2. MISSION. Alpha Company (WHO) is conducting FTXs (WHAT) in AO VALKYRIE (WHERE) To improve coordination between Aviation and Ground Elements (WHY). 3. EXECUTION. a. Concept of Operations. VIKING is tasked with conducting raids on OBJ DDT and OBJ SUPLEX, both believed to house Daoud al-Amriki (DUSTER) a high ranking RIFP recruiter specialising in bringing in foreign fighters from Europe and the Caucasus. DUSTER is accompanied at all times by an elite cadre of die hard fanatics. Expect higher grade gear and S-Vests in DUSTERs vicinity. Maps of AO VALKYRIE OBJ DDT OBJ SUPLEX "DUSTER" PID 4. SUSTAINMENT. a. Logistics Transportation: Transportation to AO and between OBJs will be handled via 160th SOAR. Resupply will be in field via 160th SOAR b. Health System Support Medical Treatment Casualties shall be treated by self-aid, then Corpsman support in the field. Medical Evacuation At SARC discretion casualties may be evacuated to temporary Casualty Collection Points (CCP). 5. COMMAND AND CONTROL. a. Control Command Posts COP SANDSTORM Reports N/A b. Signal SOI Index Standard SOI Index is in effect Methods of Communication by Priority Radio Smoke signals Runners Pyrotechnics and Signals Smoke Notation Red: Enemy position. Green: Friendly position. White: Concealment. Yellow: Concealment. Purple: Mass casualty incident. Blue: Broken chain of command. Orange: Special purpose. Paint notation Green paint MAY be utilized to indicate cleared areas. Blue paint MAY be used to designate CCPs. Red paint MAY be used to designate boundaries for explosive use. Code Words SHATTER: Sending station is combat ineffective. HAVOC: Comms compromised, scramble comms. Challenge and Password Challenge: ELI (eee-lye) Password: MANNING (man-ning) Running Password Password: MANNING (man-ning) Number Combination N/A Recognition Signals N/A END WARNING ORDER
  13. WARNING ORDER MSOT 8312 VIKING 1. SITUATION. a. Overview: The 3dMRB has been deployed to Afghanistan IOT conduct FTXs alongside 160th SOAR. With the situation in Afghanistan growing more and more stable by the day the Afghan government has specifically requested to be the host nation for this FTX. The main purpose of this FTX is to practice closer cooperation between ground and aviation elements. Emphasis on aviators ability to conduct precision landings, especially on rooftops. b. The Area of Interest is OBJ SCRAPSHREDDER, OBJ SLAGSTORM & OBJ RANSACKER. Further OBJs will be made available if time allows and further training is required. c. Area of Operations is AO VALKYRIE The terrain is mostly urban. Weather is expected to be clear The time will be 01:30 d. Enemy Forces. Enemy forces the Revolutionary Islamic Front for Prosperity (RIFP). The RIFP consists of a mix of Rogue ANA units and Islamic insurgents. Expect to see both unifomed an ununiformed combatants. The RIFP has access to a large selection of technicals along with a plethora of different weapons systems mounted on them. They currently have no known AFV assets. They currently have no known heavy AA assets (SAM, MANPADS, AAA) e. Friendly Forces Loyalist ANA f. Attachments and Detachments 160th SOAR 2. MISSION. Alpha Company (WHO) is conducting FTXs (WHAT) in AO VALKYRIE (WHERE) To improve coordination between Aviation and Ground Elements (WHY). 3. EXECUTION. a. Concept of Operations. VIKING will conduct a number of heliborn rooftop inserts on objectives across AO VALKYRIE. Close coordination with air is the be exercised. Once inserted VIKING will proceed to clear the structure and then extract via the same rooftop. Maps of AO VALKYRIE OBJ SLAGSTORM OBJ RANSACKER OBJ SCRAPSHREDDER 4. SUSTAINMENT. a. Logistics Transportation: Transportation to AO and between OBJs will be handled via 160th SOAR b. Health System Support Medical Treatment Casualties shall be treated by self-aid, then Corpsman support in the field. Medical Evacuation At SARC discretion casualties may be evacuated to temporary Casualty Collection Points (CCP). 5. COMMAND AND CONTROL. a. Control Command Posts FOB Reports N/A b. Signal SOI Index Standard SOI Index is in effect Methods of Communication by Priority Radio Smoke signals Runners Pyrotechnics and Signals Smoke Notation Red: Enemy position. Green: Friendly position. White: Concealment. Yellow: Concealment. Purple: Mass casualty incident. Blue: Broken chain of command. Orange: Special purpose. Paint notation Green paint MAY be utilized to indicate cleared areas. Blue paint MAY be used to designate CCPs. Red paint MAY be used to designate boundaries for explosive use. Code Words SHATTER: Sending station is combat ineffective. HAVOC: Comms compromised, scramble comms. Challenge and Password Challenge: ELI (eee-lye) Password: MANNING (man-ning) Running Password Password: MANNING (man-ning) Number Combination N/A Recognition Signals N/A END WARNING ORDER
  14. MSgt Falconer

    WARNORD FTX 01-23 MSOT 8312

    WARNING ORDER MSOT 8312 VIKING 1. SITUATION. a. Overview: The 3dMRB has been deployed to Afghanistan IOT conduct FTXs alongside 160th SOAR. With the situation in Afghanistan growing more and more stable by the day the Afghan government has specifically requested to be the host nation for this FTX. The main purpose of this FTX is to practice closer cooperation between ground and aviation elements. b. The Area of Interest is OBJ WALKER, OBJ JAMESON and OBJ TURKEY c. Area of Operations is AO VALKYRIE The terrain is mountains, deserts and urban Weather is expected to be clear The time will be 12:30 12OCT21 d. Enemy Forces. Enemy forces the Revolutionary Islamic Front for Prosperity (RIFP). The RIFP consists of a mix of Rouge ANA units and Islamic insurgents. Expect to see both unifomed an ununiformed combatants. The RIFP has access to a large selection of technicals along with a plethora of different weapons systems mounted on them. They currently have no known AFV assets. They currently have no known heavy AA assets (SAM, MANPADS, AAA) e. Friendly Forces Loyalist ANA f. Attachments and Detachments 160th SOAR 2. MISSION. Alpha Company (WHO) is conducting FTXs (WHAT) in AO VALKYRIE (WHERE) To improve coordination between Aviation and Ground Elements (WHY). 3. EXECUTION. a. Concept of Operations. MSOT 8312 VIKING is tasked with conducting a heliborne assault on OBJ WALKER, OBJ JAMESON and OBJ TURKEY. The LZs as marked are fixed for the purposes of this excercise. Maps of AO VALKYRIE 4. SUSTAINMENT. a. Logistics Transportation: Transportation to AO and between OBJs will be handled via 160th SOAR b. Health System Support Medical Treatment Casualties shall be treated by self-aid, then Corpsman support in the field. Medical Evacuation At SARC discretion casualties may be evacuated to temporary Casualty Collection Points (CCP). 5. COMMAND AND CONTROL. a. Control Command Posts FOB Reports N/A b. Signal SOI Index Standard SOI Index is in effect Methods of Communication by Priority Radio Smoke signals Runners Pyrotechnics and Signals Smoke Notation Red: Enemy position. Green: Friendly position. White: Concealment. Yellow: Concealment. Purple: Mass casualty incident. Blue: Broken chain of command. Orange: Special purpose. Paint notation Green paint MAY be utilized to indicate cleared areas. Blue paint MAY be used to designate CCPs. Red paint MAY be used to designate boundaries for explosive use. Code Words SHATTER: Sending station is combat ineffective. HAVOC: Comms compromised, scramble comms. Challenge and Password Challenge: ELI (eee-lye) Password: MANNING (man-ning) Running Password Password: MANNING (man-ning) Number Combination N/A Recognition Signals N/A END WARNING ORDER
  15. OPERATION ORDER DATE OF OPERATION OTL: 10JUN23 UTO: 19SEP21 ORIENTATION: 1. SITUATION a. Enemy Forces SALUTE Size: Unknon, presumed platoon+ Activity: Defending strongpoints Location: W AO MAINE Unit: Venezuelan 3rd Marine Brigade Time: 06:30 Equipment: Eastern Block Small Arms, Light vehicles, AAVs, DRAW-D (Defend, Reinforce, Attack, Withdraw, and Delay): Defend: Enemy will defend in place Reinforce: Enemy can reinforce, most likely via ground vehicle along the MSR Attack,: Enemy's ability to attack is severely diminished Withdraw: Enemy is unlikely to withdraw as they have no real place to withdraw to. Delay: Unknown EMLCOA (Enemy Most Likely Course of Action): Enemys most likely course of action is to defend their strongpoints in an attempt to bog down our assault and inflict unsustainable casualties EMDCOA (Enemy Most Dangerous Corse of Action): Enemys most dangerous course of action is that they successfully bog us down. b.Friendly Forces Higher mission: Clear the island of San Esperito of hostile forces Adjacent Units: 24th MEU Supporting Units: 24th MEU, 160th SOAR c. Attachments & Detachments N/A d. Civilian Considerations Try to not willfully destroy civilian habitats 2. MISSION HADES is tasked with clearing south from FOB EXOTIC towards OBJ OAK and OBJ PINE alongside an LAV unit from the 24th MEU. 3. EXECUTION a. Commander's Intent My intention is to advance along the Western MSR, acting as a screening force for the LAV. b. Concept of the Operation - Scheme of Maneuver HADES will advance mounted towards OBJ OAK. Approx. 200m before the OBj HADES will dismount and act as a screening force for the LAV. HADES will clear OBJ OAK while marines and LAV provide cover and blocking position. HADES will remount and continue towards OBJ PINE. OBJ PINE will be breached with Frame Chage from the North and cleared of enemy forces. Marines and LAV will again provide cover and blocking position. - Fire Support Plan Per established JTAC Channels c. Tasks 1. Clear OBJ OAK 2. Clear OBJ PINE 3. Standby for potential furhter tasking from ROUNDTABLE. d. Coordinating Instructions Tactical Control Measures 4. ADMINISTRATION & LOGISTICS a. Administration - Casualties To be treated by self aid followed by SARC aid - Enemy Prisoners Of War (EPOWs) To be handed over to Team HQ ASAP b. Asset Request N/A 5. COMMAND & SIGNAL a. Signal -Radio Frequencies As per established SOP -Smoke Notation As per SOP -Paint Notation As per SOP b. Command -Location of Command Where I feel like -Succession of Command Me. END OPERATION ORDER