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  • In Universe Dateline: Febuary 14th 2023
  • Tensions rise in South Africa after no clear winner in Presidential election
  • Bomb in Tehran café kills three IRGC members, separatists suspected
  • Dominican Republic government on verge of collapse as gang violence escalates in Santa Domingo
  • Russia claims successful test of nuclear-powered cruise missile, experts remain skeptical
  • Man claims he was acting under Taylor Swift's secret orders after being arrested at NATO summit
  • Livonia detains 12 over suspected coup attempt
  • Sahrani troops disperse protest with gunfire, 8 reported dead
  • Hurricane rips through Florida Cemetery; Hundreds reported Dead

Capt Hart

General Officer
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About Capt Hart

  • Rank
    0370 Special Operations Officer


  • 1) Qualified MOS
    0331 Machine Gunner | 0365 Infantry Squad Leader | 0372 Critical Skills Operator | 0370 Special Operations Officer
  • 2) School of Infantry
  • 3) Corporal's Courses
    CPLC 101 | CPLC 102 | CPLC 103
  • 4) Sergeant's Courses
    SGTC 201 | SGTC 202 | SGTC 203
  • 7) Auxiliary Qualifications
    CLS | E&D | MFF | CD | MG | AT | AH-6, MH-6, MH-60 | ZEUS
  • 8) Date of Rank
  • Service Number

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  1. //SECRET//JSOC//USASOC//MARSOC From: [email protected] <Thomas Godfrey> To: [email protected] <Sean Morrison> [email protected] <Nathan Brueske> Fwd: [email protected] <Jordan Hart> [email protected] <Matthew Boyle> [email protected] <Micheal Hawkins> Subject: NOTICE OF IMMEDIATE DEPLOYMENT All Commands and Attachments are hereby notified that the designated reactionary force is being called into service by USEUCOM in response to the active assault on the Republic of Livonia from the DPRL. All commands are to ensure OPSEC throughout rank and file. 3d MRB, A-Co with reinforced assets will immediately redeploy to the USS Kidd DDG-100, currently holding on the border of international waters offshore DPRL territory in the Baltic Sea, and will standby for imminent combat operations. 160th SOAR, 1st-BN and support will immediately redeploy to the 22nd Tactical Air Base in Malbork Poland and standby for imminent combat operations. Briefing to Follow: The Democratic Peoples Republic of Livonia (DPRL) has blamed the Republic of Livonia (ROL) for the death of their dictator Nikolay Dragomirov in a helicopter crash. Previous intel suggested a roughly even chance of civil war within the DPRL or an assault on the ROL. There are now confirmed reports of artillery barages into the ROL and appear to be preperations underway for further hostile action. USEUCOM is deploying USSOCOM assets to silence the artillery barrages and conduct kinnetic action designed to deter the DPRL from escalating into a larger conflict. The large scale deployment of US forces or a conventional conflict in Europe is not desired. Consequently, it is paramount to maintain a low profile during kinetic strikes and focus action on providing deterrents. Expect a full operational brief and specific near-term combat operations to be forwarded from EUCOM shortly. Good luck and Godspeed gentlemen. Signed, General Thomas A. Godfrey III Commanding United States Special Operations Command ATTACHMENTS balticresponse.jpg
  2. //SECRET//JSOC//USASOC//MARSOC From: [email protected] <Thomas Godfrey> To: [email protected] <Sean Morrison> [email protected] <Nathan Brueske> Fwd: [email protected] <Jordan Hart> [email protected] <Matthew Boyle> [email protected] <Micheal Hawkins> Subject: FTX Cold Winds Update All Commands and Attachments are hereby notified that wargame FTX Cold Winds will continue as planned. The commencement ceremony will be in Stockholm on April 19th, 2024. Excersizes will begin on April 20th, 2024 at 0000. Reporting for the MSOC portraying the OPFOR component will be on April 16th, 2024 @1930 in the the combined arms staging area. SOAR assets will report in with the Swedish BLUFOR command on April 17th, 2024 @1500 at the combined arms staging area. A full event schedule has been attached. 3d MRB, A-Co and 160th SOAR, 1-BN, have been selected as the reactionary USSOCOM forces available to USEUCOM for the duration of this excersize. The EUCOM threat brief lists the rogue state actor South Livonia as their highest present threat. The latest intelligence estimates place significant escalation at ~34% or unlikely. A full brief will be forwarded from Eurocom in the next few days. Prepare your forces accordingly. A full operational brief for FTX Cold Winds will be provided after report-in. As per previous discussions, expect Swedish command to field their own SOF units for OPFOR as well as their usual contribution to BLUFOR. I have been asked to instruct our OPFOR units to plan on teaching their counterparts as they conduct operations. Further, expect exercise additions from the Swedish 3d Naval Warfare Flotilla and Uppland Fighter Wing. More details to follow. Signed, General Thomas A. Godfrey III Commanding United States Special Operations Command
  3. WARNING ORDER MSOT 8311 Legion MSOT 8313 Hades 160th SOAR SITUATION Insurgent forces have occupied a large number of towns and villages throughout Lythium province. The US has deployed elements of the 1st Cav, 3d MRB, and 160th SOAR to conduct counterinsurgency operations. ENEMY: OPFOR is The Movement for Unity and Jihad in Lythium (MUJL) composed of multiple cells spread through the province. FRIENDLY: The 8th Cavalry Regiment is conducting a large-scale convoy to the Southern Airfield of the province. MSOTs will be supported by elements from the 1st Cav Aviation Detachment if assets are available. COMMANDERS INTENT MSOTs will spearhead the process of collecting and acting on intel in remote regions, while operating out of their FOBs, IOT create actionable target packages for OPFOR leadership & logistics. Conventional BLUFOR Assets will establish a foothold and a supply base to the South. MISSION MSOT 8311 will Conduct presence patrols in the vicinity of nearby suspected Cells IOT Locate and identify targets of interest for raids and Sensitive Site Exploitation. Develop positive relationships with civilians in the AO. Enable the collection of HUMINT. Follow-on to targets of opportunity. RECONNAISSANCE Accuracy of enemy positions is based on rudimentary intel and should not be heavily relied upon. 8311 AO: 8313 AO: WEATHER 21MAR23 IU DAYTIME SPECIAL EQUIPMENT AH-64 available from the 1st CAV detachment. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS Operational Mode determined by Team HQs. END WARNING ORDER
  4. WARNING ORDER MSOT 8312 Viking & 160th SOAR SITUATION Insurgent forces have occupied a large number of towns and villages throughout Lythium province. The US has deployed elements of the 1st Cav, 3d MRB, and 160th SOAR to conduct counterinsurgency operations. ENEMY: OPFOR is The Movement for Unity and Jihad in Lythium (MUJL) composed of multiple cells spread through the province. FRIENDLY: BLUFOR has elements of the 1st Cav and their aviation detachment supporting operations. MISSION MSOT 8312 will Conduct presence patrols in the vicinity of suspected Cells to the North IOT Locate and identify targets of interest for raids and Sensitive Site Exploitation. Develop positive relationships with civilians in the AO. Enable the collection of HUMINT. Follow-on to targets of opportunity. COMMANDERS INTENT MSOTs will spearhead the process of collecting and acting on intel in remote regions, while operating out of their FOBs, IOT create actionable target packages for OPFOR leadership & logistics. RECONNAISSANCE Accuracy of enemy positions is based on rudimentary intel and should not be heavily relied upon. 8312 AO: WEATHER 20MAR23 IU DAYTIME SPECIAL EQUIPMENT AH-64 available from the 1st CAV detachment. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS Operational Mode determined by Team HQ. END WARNING ORDER
  5. WARNING ORDER 3d MRB, Alpha Company & 160th SOAR SITUATION Insurgent forces have occupied a large number of towns and villages throughout Lythium province. The US has deployed elements of the 1st Cav, 3d MRB, and 160th SOAR to conduct counterinsurgency operations. ENEMY: OPFOR is the The Movement for Unity and Jihad in Lythium (MUJL) composed of multiple cells spread through the province. FRIENDLY: BLUFOR has elements of the 1st Cav and their aviation detachment supporting operations. MISSION Alpha Company supported by aviation detachments will Conduct convoys to the W, SW, & S to previously abandoned COPs. MSOTs will occupy and establish forward positions in them. MSOTs will then conduct presence patrols through their nearby areas of interest and begin collecting intel on HVTs and OPFOR activities. RECONNAISSANCE Accuracy of enemy positions is based on rudimentary intel and should not be heavily relied upon. Operational AO: FOB: MSOT 8311 OBJ MSOT 8312 OBJ MSOT 8313 OBJ WEATHER 17MAR23 IU DAYTIME SPECIAL EQUIPMENT AH-64 available from the 1st CAV detachment. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS This operation will be conducted in the OVERT profile. END WARNING ORDER
  6. WARNING ORDER MSOT 8311 LEGION & 160th SOAR 28JULY24 0330 IGT SITUATION OPFOR has withdrawn to the northern side of the AO and is attempting to hold ground or extract. BLUFOR and GRENFOR will conduct final assaults to clear OPFOR of the region. ENEMY: 77th Company has halted paradrop preparations and is now guarding the airbase with the remnants of the 58th Motor Rifle Bde. Intel intercepts indicate the 77th will be leaving first, followed by 58th MRB elements, with the Special Ops and 79th Company being the rearguard. 78th Company destroyed. 79th Company is holding the Southern flank of the airfield's defense. Forces to the West are preparing to evacuate and withdraw to the airfield. The heavy artillery has been withdrawn along with the anti-tank company, but there are still several groups of mortars and ATGMs, along with CAS assets. Recon Teams consist of 4x EI. Mechanized Squads consist of 8x Infantry and 1x BTR. FRIENDLY: GRENFOR Cells have repositioned along the mountains and are staged for a major offensive along OPFOR's front line. GRENFOR will conduct their assault at dawn AFTER BLUFOR conducts their objectives. MISSION MSOT 8311 Legion & 160th SOAR will 1. Destroy Perimeter Defenses to the South of KalaeNoowi IOT Secure the Northern flank of GRENFOR's initial assault direction 2. Raid KalaeNoowi IOT Soften or Destroy OPFOR assets in preparation for the GRENFOR assault RECONNAISSANCE Accuracy of enemy positions varies, but are generally expected to be accurate at ± 50 meters Operational AO: Team AO: 8311 OBJ Img 1: 8311 OBJ Img 2: 160th SOAR OBJ Img 1: 160th SOAR OBJ Img 2: WEATHER 10OCT22 IU 0330 IGT Waning Quarter Moon Moonrise @0135 Moonset @Sunrise Sunrise @0525 Bright @0545 Sunset @1745 Darkness @1810 SPECIAL EQUIPMENT Additional assets are available from the company armory upon request. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS This operation will be conducted in the LOW VISIBILITY profile. TF must be prepared to counter OPFOR airborne responses as well as sustain combat while under fire from IDF. END WARNING ORDER
  7. WARNING ORDER MSOT 8313 HADES & 160th SOAR 27JULY24 0130 IGT SITUATION OPFOR has withdrawn to the northern side of the AO and is attempting to hold ground or extract. BLUFOR and GRENFOR will conduct final assaults to clear OPFOR of the region. ENEMY: 77th Company has halted paradrop preparations and is now guarding the airbase with the remnants of the 58th Motor Rifle Bde. Intel intercepts indicate the 77th will be leaving first, followed by 58th MRB elements, with the Special Ops and 79th Company being the rearguard. 78th Company destroyed. 79th Company is holding the Southern flank of the airfield's defense. Forces to the West are preparing to evacuate and withdraw to the airfield. The heavy artillery has been withdrawn along with the anti-tank company, but there are still several groups of mortars and ATGMs, along with CAS assets. Recon Teams consist of 4x EI. Mechanized Squads consist of 8x Infantry and 1x BTR. FRIENDLY: GRENFOR Cells have repositioned along the mountains and are staged for a major offensive along OPFOR's front line. GRENFOR will conduct their assault at dawn AFTER BLUFOR conducts their objectives. MISSION MSOT 8313 Hades & 160th SOAR will 1. Raid Tunkuf IOT Soften or Destroy OPFOR assets in preparation for the GRENFOR assault 2. Raid Kandar IOT Soften or Destroy OPFOR assets in preparation for the GRENFOR assault RECONNAISSANCE Accuracy of enemy positions varies, but are generally expected to be accurate at ± 50 meters Operational AO: Team AO: 8313 OBJ 1 Img 1: 8313 OBJ 1 Img 2: 8313 OBJ 2 Img 1: 8313 OBJ 2 Img 2: WEATHER 10OCT22 IU 0130 IGT Waning Quarter Moon Moonrise @0135 Moonset @Sunrise Sunrise @0525 Bright @0545 Sunset @1745 Darkness @1810 SPECIAL EQUIPMENT Additional assets are available from the company armory upon request. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS This operation will be conducted in the LOW VISIBILITY profile. TF must be prepared to counter OPFOR airborne responses as well as sustain combat while under fire from IDF. END WARNING ORDER
  8. WARNING ORDER MSOT 8312 VIKING & 160th SOAR 21JULY24 1230 IGT SITUATION GRENFOR has liberated significant territory to the south, OPFOR is attempting to reinforce positions and retake lost territory. ENEMY: 78th Company is staging an attack on GRENFOR in Mafaraz while spec ops secure their Northern flank OPFOR Has Airborne QRFs rapidly on standby and able to respond to areas under OPFOR control. OPFOR possesses significant artillery capabilities. OPFOR has begun using decoys of artillery IOT disrupt BLUFOR airborne operations. 77th Company appears to be preparing for a paradrop, target unknown 79th Company is poised to link up with the remnants of the 238th Motor Rifle Btn. Southern half of the AO has been destroyed or abandoned, survivors are attempting to link up with 238th MRB moving along the MSR in the center OPFOR helicopters do not operate over Eastern or Western mountains due to GRENFOR MANPAD threat. They do operate over areas controlled by OPFOR ground forces (such as Northern mountains) Recon Teams consist of 4x EI. Mechanized Squads consist of 8x Infantry and 1x BTR. FRIENDLY: GRENFOR will attempt to disrupt and delay OPFOR advances. GRENFOR will withdraw from urban areas. Cells 15 & 16 are preparing a hasty defense of Marfaz. Cell 17 will conduct an immediate withdrawal into the mountain pass to the NW and then move S into the mountains proper. MISSION MSOT 8312 Viking & 160th SOAR will Assist Cells 15 & 16 to 1. Disrupt & Destroy the OPFOR assault on Marfaz by any means necessary IOT prevent GRENFOR from sustaining heavy casualties and allow them to withdraw. ONCE COMPLETE Task force will search and destroy OPFOR SOF teams IVO Karift. RECONNAISSANCE Accuracy of enemy positions varies, but are generally expected to be accurate at ± 50 meters Lythium: Area of Operations: 8312 OBJ Img 1: 8312 OBJ Img 2: 8312 OBJ 2: WEATHER 08OCT22 IU 1230 IGT Waning Quarter Moon Moonrise @0135 Moonset @Sunrise Sunrise @0525 Bright @0545 Sunset @1745 Darkness @1810 SPECIAL EQUIPMENT Additional assets avaliable from the company armory upon request. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS This operation will be conducted in the LOW VISIBILITY profile. TF must be prepared to counter OPFOR airborne responses as well as sustain combat while under fire from IDF. END WARNING ORDER
  9. WARNING ORDER MSOT 8311 LEGION & 160th SOAR 14JULY24 PREDAWN SITUATION OPFOR units in the province have been reinforced by the 11th Parachute Regiment to the N and are attempting to expand out and reinforce their fighting positions to the south. GRENFOR has consolidated territorial gains to the south and will attempt to capitalize on the reinforcement time. BLUFOR will conduct interdiction and high-value asset destruction missions in support of GRENFOR's operations. ENEMY: The 11th Para is comprised of: They are Airmobile and air assault capable. OPFOR has Convoys that run patrol routes once every 2-3 hours and only during daylight hours. The convoy's remain overnight at company HQs but the specific locations vary. Recon Teams consist of 4x EI. Mechanized Squads consist of 8x Infantry and 1x BTR. FRIENDLY: GRENFOR will ambush adjacent OPFOR convoys, and will conduct a large assault on the SE group of OPFOR. MISSION MSOT 8311 Legion will 1. Destroy an OPFOR Tank Platoon which will pose significant resistance to a GRENFOR assault of the city of Afsher 2. Destroy or soften up OPFOR units defending Afsher. 3. Destroy the Company HQ defending Arobster to eliminate regional command and control. 160th SOAR will 1. Destroy OPFOR D-30's IVO Kandar 2. Destroy the mobility capabilities of the 78th Para Company 3. Lend support to MSOT 8311's Operation RECONNAISSANCE Enemy positions are generally expected to be accurate at ± 50 meters Lythium: Area of Operation: 8311 Primary OBJ: 8311 Secondary OBJ: 8311 Tertiary OBJ Img 1: 8311 Tertiary OBJ Img 2: 160th SOAR OBJ Img 1: 160th SOAR OBJ Img 2: WEATHER 08OCT22 IU PREDAWN Waning Quarter Moon Moonrise @0135 Moonset @Sunrise Sunrise @0525 Bright @0545 Sunset @1745 Darkness @1810 SPECIAL EQUIPMENT Civilian vehicles can be staged if needed. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS The ground force will conduct this operation in the LOW VISIBILITY profile. CAS will be unavailable until the 160th's Primary OBJ has been completed. Operations will begin out of RON 4 (Eastern Side of AO) or an alternate RON site to the E as established by 160th HQ. END WARNING ORDER
  10. WARNING ORDER MSOT 8313 HADES & 160th SOAR 13JULY24 0600 IGT SITUATION OPFOR units in the province have been reinforced by the 11th Parachute Regiment to the N and are attempting to expand out and reinforce their fighting positions to the south. GRENFOR has consolidated territorial gains to the south and will attempt to capitalize on the reinforcement time. BLUFOR will conduct interdiction and high-value asset destruction missions in support of GRENFOR's operations. ENEMY: The 11th Para is comprised of: They are Airmobile and air assault capable. OPFOR has Convoys that run patrol routes once every 2-3 hours and only during daylight hours. The convoy's remain overnight at company HQs but the specific locations vary. Recon Teams consist of 4x EI. Mechanized Squads consist of 8x Infantry and 1x BTR. FRIENDLY: GRENFOR will ambush adjacent OPFOR convoys, and will conduct a large assault on the SE group of OPFOR. MISSION MSOT 8313 Hades will 1. Destroy an OPFOR convoy originating near MikisFob in central Lythium 2. Destroy a Shilka and Company HQ in Mayankel on the West side of Lythium 160th SOAR will provide low-profile transport and CAS in the central AO and high-profile assistance to the West IOT make OPFOR believe air assets are still located to the SW of the AO. (160th SOAR OBJECTIVE MARKED ON MAP IS FOR 8311 NOT IN SUPPORT OF 8313) RECONNAISSANCE Enemy positions are generally expected to be accurate at ± 50 meters Lythium: Area of Operation: 8313 Primary OBJ Composition: 8313 Secondary OBJ Img 1: 8313 Secondary OBJ Img 2: WEATHER 08OCT22 IU 0600 IGT Waning Quarter Moon Moonrise @0135 Moonset @Sunrise Sunrise @0525 Bright @0545 Sunset @1745 Darkness @1810 SPECIAL EQUIPMENT Civilian Vehicles can be staged IVO (06,13), near the T intersection of the dried riverbed, if operationally necessary. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS The ground force will conduct this operation in the LOW VISIBILITY profile. Operations will begin out of RON 4 (Eastern Side of AO) or an alternate RON site to the E as established by 160th HQ. END WARNING ORDER
  11. WARNING ORDER MSOT 8312 VIKING & 160th SOAR 07JULY24 TIME DETERMINED BY TASK FORCE SITUATION GRENFOR has liberated significant territory to the south, OPFORs retaliatory capabilities have been significantly reduced. BLUFOR will prioritize the destruction of high-value assets IOT enable GRENFOR to continue making smaller-scale gains. ENEMY: OPFOR has established convoy's as shows of force in recently-liberated areas assaulted by GRENFOR. OPFOR also appears to be searching for BLUFOR's RON site. Convoy's run patrol routes once every 2-3 hours and only during daylight hours. The convoy's remain overnight at company HQs but the specific locations vary. Recon Teams consist of 4x EI. Mechanized Squads consist of 8x Infantry and 1x BTR. FRIENDLY: MSOT 8312 will be redeployed to an urban RON site prior to operation start and be provided with civilian vehicles for transport. GRENFOR will be conducting sabotage and ambush operations wherever possible and massing for larger assaults when needed. MISSION MSOT 8312 Viking will 1. Destroy the Southern OPFOR convoy originating near Kinduff 160th SOAR will 1. Destroy the Western OPFOR convoy originating near the top of the Kafara Valley 2. Utilize MQ-1C to destroy remaining BM-21's in the AO (IVO Mikis Fob & Arobster) in addition to Strela-10's nearby as targets of opportunity ONCE COMPLETE Task force will search and destroy as many OPFOR Recon teams in the AO as possible RECONNAISSANCE The reconnaissance picture is provided using full spectrum intelligence analysis relying heavily on HUMINT from resistance sources, SIGINT from 3d MRB sources, and IMINT from 160th SOAR sources. Accuracy of enemy positions varies, but are generally expected to be accurate at ± 50 meters Lythium: Area of Operations: 8312 OBJ Composition: 160th OBJ Composition: Rook Tgt 1: Rook Tgt 2: Rook Tgt 3: WEATHER 07OCT22 IU TIME DETERMINED BY TASK FORCE Waning Quarter Moon Moonrise @0135 Moonset @Sunrise Sunrise @0525 Bright @0545 Sunset @1745 Darkness @1810 SPECIAL EQUIPMENT N/A SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS The ground force will conduct this operation in the LOW VISIBILITY profile. 8312 will begin operations out of a Team House in Benamair and will have access to civilian vehicles for transportation. An air corridor must be established and maintained between RON 2 and RON 4. Once darkness falls, BLUFOR will transition operations over to RON 4 or an alternate location on the E side of the AO. END WARNING ORDER
  12. WARNING ORDER MSOT 8313 HADES & 160th SOAR 22JUN24 0525 IGT SITUATION OPFOR has begun attempts to purge resistance assets including at least one instance of indiscriminately wiping out an entire town. GRENFOR must use the gaps created by BLUFOR to rapidly consolidate territory & develop the capability to consolidate units into larger formations. BLUFOR must immediately disable OPFOR's capability to retaliate with larger purges once GRENFOR has denied them of major areas of territory. ENEMY: OPFOR's 134th Btn. is clearing the Northern City of KalaeNoowi in room-to-room operations in an attempt to wipe out resistance cells in the city. The 390th Btn is conducting similar operations near the Southern Airfield city of Kinduf. The 18th Anti-Aircraft Battalion, notably including Strela-10 Launchers, has deployed across the region. The 16th Tank Company has also deployed across the region. Recon Teams are comprised of 4x EI. Motorized Squads consist of 8x Infantry and 1x BTR. FRIENDLY: GRENFOR will conduct simultaneous dawn assaults on 3 major positions within southern Lythium IOT consolidate territory and enable larger force concentrations for future operations. MISSION MSOT 8313 Hades & 160th SOAR will, near simultaneous with GRENFOR's assaults 1. If not destroyed by mortars by the time of operation, destroy BM-21 & M110 artillery pieces IOT prevent OPFOR from responding with long-range fires to the N 2. Destroy as many BTRs & OPFOR assets IVO the southern airfield as possible IOT prevent GRENFOR's blocking positions from getting pushed by overwhelming enemy force 3. Establish a Blocking Position IVO (13, 04) IOT prevent OPFOR from reinforcing from Arobster RECONNAISSANCE The reconnaissance picture is provided using full spectrum intelligence analysis relying heavily on HUMINT from resistance sources, SIGINT from 3d MRB sources, and IMINT from 160th SOAR sources. Accuracy of enemy positions varies, but are generally expected to be accurate at ± 50 meters Lythium: Area of Operations Image 1: AO Image 2: GRENFOR Image 1: GRENFOR Image 2: GRENFOR Image 3: WEATHER 06OCT22 IU 0525 IGT Waning Crescent Moon Moonrise @0333 Moonset @Sunrise Sunrise @0525 Bright @0545 Sunset @1745 Darkness @1810 SPECIAL EQUIPMENT N/A SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS GRENFOR assaults will begin at dawn. This operation will begin near simultaneously and will function as a blocking position for GRENFOR's operations. A recon OP will be conducted which will mortar the main airbase in an attempt to reduce OPFOR strength. Be prepared to adapt based on the outcome of this event. This operation will be conducted in the OVERT profile. Operation start will be out of RON Site 2. END WARNING ORDER
  13. WARNING ORDER MSOT 8311 LEGION & 160th SOAR 23JUN24 Time Determined by Task Force SITUATION OPFOR has begun attempts to purge resistance assets including at least one instance of indiscriminately wiping out an entire town. GRENFOR must use the gaps created by BLUFOR to rapidly consolidate territory & develop the capability to consolidate units into larger formations. BLUFOR must immediately disable OPFOR's capability to retaliate with larger purges once GRENFOR has denied them of major areas of territory. ENEMY: OPFOR's 134th Btn. is clearing the Northern City of KalaeNoowi in room-to-room operations in an attempt to wipe out resistance cells in the city. The 390th Btn is conducting similar operations near the Southern Airfield city of Kinduf. The 18th Anti-Aircraft Battalion, notably including Strela-10 Launchers, has deployed across the region. The 16th Tank Company has also deployed across the region. Recon Teams are comprised of 4x EI. Motorized Squads consist of 8x Infantry and 1x BTR. FRIENDLY: GRENFOR will conduct simultaneous dawn assaults on 3 major positions within southern Lythium IOT consolidate territory and enable larger force concentrations for future operations. MISSION MSOT 8311 Legion & 160th SOAR will 1. Destroy BM-21 Grad & M119 Gun Batteries located in the northern airfield IOT Prevent retaliatory strikes against southern Lythium once territory is consolidated. 2. Feign a large assault force by destroying OPFOR vehicles, infantry & C2 infrastructure IOT allow GRENFOR fighters dispersed throughout the city to rally and flee the city RECONNAISSANCE The reconnaissance picture is provided using full spectrum intelligence analysis relying heavily on HUMINT from resistance sources, SIGINT from 3d MRB sources, and IMINT from 160th SOAR sources. Accuracy of enemy positions varies, but are generally expected to be accurate at ± 50 meters Lythium: Area of Operations Image 1: AO Image 2: AO Image 3: GRENFOR Image 1: GRENFOR Image 2: GRENFOR Image 3: WEATHER 06OCT22 IU Time Determined by Task Force Waning Crescent Moon Moonrise @0333 Moonset @Sunrise Sunrise @0525 Bright @0545 Sunset @1745 Darkness @1810 SPECIAL EQUIPMENT 3x Javelins Available 6x Stingers Available 2x MQ-1C In Attack Configuration Available SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS GRENFOR assaults will begin at dawn. BLUFOR operations should begin close to GRENFOR's assault IOT reduce OPFOR's response capabilities. This operation will be conducted in the OVERT profile. Operation start will be out of RON Site 3. END WARNING ORDER
  14. WARNING ORDER MSOT 8312 VIKING & 160th SOAR 16JUN24 SITUATION BLUFOR will conduct large-scale hunter-killer operations to diminish OPFOR's military capabilities while GRENFOR works to consolidate territory, legitimize themselves as a competent fighting force, and further delegitimize OPFOR as a governing & military body. ENEMY: A Brigade of OPFOR forces, modeled roughly after the Algerian Armed Forces, are conducting an overt occupation within the province of Lythium. OPFOR predominantly utilizes Eastern Bloc weaponry & equipment & are not equipped with NODs outside of limited specialized equipment or units. Recon Teams are comprised of 4x EI. Motorized Squads consist of 8x Infantry and 1x BTR. FRIENDLY: BLUFOR will be supported by approximately 400 guerilla fighters who are organized into Cells approximating the structure of a Marine Rifle Squad. Guerillas have been previously trained by 3d MRB forces during Phase 4 and 5 of UW activity. MISSION MSOT 8312 Viking & 160th SOAR will 1. Destroy OPFOR Reconnaissance Teams along the SW Mountains IOT free up BLUFOR heliborne maneuver options & GRENFOR staging & assault capabilities. 2. Destroy a large consolidated group of OPFOR units in the foothills IOT disrupt OPFORs ability to easily respond to actions conducted in the mountains & pull focus away from GRENFOR's smaller raids RECONNAISSANCE The reconnaissance picture is provided using full spectrum intelligence analysis relying heavily on HUMINT from resistance sources, SIGINT from 3d MRB sources, and IMINT from 160th SOAR sources. Accuracy of enemy positions varies, but are generally expected to be accurate at ± 50 meters Lythium: Area of Operations: Secondary OBJ: Secondary OBJ Image 2: Primary OBJ Image 1: Primary OBJ Image 2: Primary OBJ Image 3: Primary OBJ Image 4: WEATHER 04OCT22 IU Waning Quarter Moon Moonrise @0135 Moonset @Sunrise Sunrise @0525 Bright @0545 Sunset @1745 Darkness @1810 SPECIAL EQUIPMENT N/A SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS GRENFOR assaults will begin close to sunset. All BLUFOR operations should be conducted under cover of darkness to ensure minimal detection of the type and disposition of supporting BLUFOR aircraft. This operation will be conducted in the OVERT profile. Operation start will be out of FARP / RON Site 2. END WARNING ORDER
  15. WARNING ORDER - FTX INJURED HOUND 3d Marine Raider Battalion, Alpha Company 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment SITUATION Units will conduct proficiency training on Irregular Warfare operations, beginning with Unconventional Warfare. Operations will begin during "Phase 6 - Employment" and will function as though 3d MRB forces have been in country conducting Phases 4 and 5 prior to commencing combat operations. Civilian presence is extremely high in most AOs. ENEMY: A Brigade of OPFOR forces, modeled roughly after the Algerian Armed Forces, are conducting an overt occupation within the province of Lythium. OPFOR predominantly utilizes Eastern Bloc weaponry & equipment & are not equipped with NODs outside of limited specialized equipment or units. FRIENDLY: BLUFOR will be supported by approximately 400 guerilla fighters who are organized into Cells approximating the structure of a Marine Rifle Squad. Guerillas have been previously trained by 3d MRB forces during Phase 4 and 5 of UW activity. MISSION BLUFOR will support GRENFOR in executing the Unconventional Warfare campaign to remove the hostile power from control. EXECUTION BLUFOR will conduct large-scale hunter-killer operations to diminish OPFOR's military capabilities while GRENFOR works to consolidate territory, legitimize themselves as a competent fighting force, and further delegitimize OPFOR as a governing & military body. RECONNAISSANCE The reconnaissance picture is provided using full spectrum intelligence analysis relying heavily on HUMINT from resistance sources, SIGINT from 3d MRB sources, and IMINT from 160th SOAR sources. Accuracy of enemy positions varies, but are generally expected to be accurate at ± 50 meters SUSTAINMENT & LOGISTICS 160th SOAR will establish an expanding series of FARP / Remain Over Night (RON) sites which will serve as the base of all heliborne operations. The RON sites will change regularly to prevent detection and engagement by OPFOR. FARPs that are in close proximity to OPFOR should have approach & departure SOPs established that mitigate auditory and visual detection by OPFOR. MSOTs will predominantly operate out of 160th RON sites with team houses being established inside urban centers as needed on a per-operation basis. GRENFOR will maintain cover as members of the civilian population when not conducting overt operations and will rely on the established Auxiliary and Underground for sustainment and communication. SPECIAL EQUIPMENT 160th SOAR MQ-1C Grey Eagles are available as assets flown in from nearby countries. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS N/A END WARNING ORDER