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  • In Universe Dateline: Febuary 14th 2023
  • Tensions rise in South Africa after no clear winner in Presidential election
  • Bomb in Tehran café kills three IRGC members, separatists suspected
  • Dominican Republic government on verge of collapse as gang violence escalates in Santa Domingo
  • Russia claims successful test of nuclear-powered cruise missile, experts remain skeptical
  • Man claims he was acting under Taylor Swift's secret orders after being arrested at NATO summit
  • Livonia detains 12 over suspected coup attempt
  • Sahrani troops disperse protest with gunfire, 8 reported dead
  • Hurricane rips through Florida Cemetery; Hundreds reported Dead

J. Hague

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About J. Hague

  • Birthday 12/17/1993


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  1. J. Hague

    Operation Silenced Beaver: Nam OP 04/17

    I'm in
  2. J. Hague

    Spears' 5.56mm Ammo Test

    Very solid work, I have done some impromptu testing of the M855A1, Mk262, M995 and Mk318 with Maj Carrara. My testing was against the Russian body armour that we where all having trouble with on the last deployment. In my testing, I was investigating the effectiveness of the round on a target after passing through the Russian Level 4 armour that most OpFor had been using in the last deployment. It was found that from about 30m all of my listed ammunition had similar less than an ideal effect on the target after passing through the armour, and that's only the few times they got through. Most of the rounds fired, of about 3-4 mags of each ammo, done separately on three fresh targets, escalating from 1 round each up to 3 rounds each at the same range to help determine penetration and wound chance. All the above ammo types, only had a moderate effect on the targets. Most 90% of the rounds not penetrating the armour at 30m. Providing mostly bruising and abrasions, often not even going down from one round. M855A1 had statistically the best performance on the armour occasionally providing a velocity wound but, same as the others rarely if ever putting the target unconscious from one round. As you can imagen in the three-round phase, the chance of knocking the target unconscious was increased but only by about 20% and wounds indicated that most of the times a target was going unconscious, was due to bruising and minor abrasions. Result concluded of my testing are as follows. M855A1 on top due to slightly more frequently penetrating the armour. But only as a minor improvement on effect over the other rounds, as none of them including the M855A1 really stood out as being particularly effective. I will note that while myself and Maj Carrara did test M995, I do not recall if it was the ace one or some other RHS one. So while long-range ballistic performance is still a consideration, and the wall penetration effects may not reflect armour penetration. Your results regarding M995 are very appealing and interesting. Edit, confirm that the Ace m995 is what i tested. and also duplicated my results you can dum multiple rounds into those Russian vests and they just get Avulsion Wounds, almost never getting a velocity wound.
  3. J. Hague

    3d MRB Quote Book

    🤨What are you doing at these so-called "Element trainings" ?
  4. J. Hague

    3d MRB Meme Thread!

  5. J. Hague

    3d MRB Quote Book

    <21:54:43> "HN Millward": its so goddamn cold my nipples could cut diamonds right now <21:54:58> "HN Millward": you dont want pics <21:55:17> "Cpl Night": you must not know corpsman in this team then milward <21:55:33> "HN Millward": with check snap (he meant Wirth)
  6. J. Hague

    3d MRB Meme Thread!

    I'll have you know good sir, i wasn't navigating this time
  7. J. Hague

    3d MRB Meme Thread!

    Can't let a good photo go to wast
  8. J. Hague

    3d MRB Meme Thread!

    In memory of Bob.
  9. J. Hague

    3d MRB Meme Thread!

    He did fight for Freedom, and dropped a lot of Freedom. Past tense, F for Bob
  10. J. Hague

    Hart's Pictures and Videos

    A good watch, though minor adjustments. We had far from full MSOTs from the start, Viking had maybe 6-7 during the contact in the west tree line, a large reason that the situation deteriorated so quickly. Something i should have acknowledged to myself when seeing the second enemy squad emerge from the town and called brake contact at that point. Also, Viking had recognized that the hill its self did not end until the town west, by "move to the top of the steep terrain" i was referring to the extremely steep area Viking was on in the treeline. Clearing that steep terrain is why we ended up a 100m further away than preferred. There was no expectation of being elevated or on a hill. We also did not move into a kill zone, it was more of we moved into the path of the large force moving onto the factory. Considered no way of knowing what Vikings situational understanding had been, sound reasoning all over. The three points i fully agree where key, are the Lack of communication with CDF. Combined with lack of ISR for strategic not tactical recon, from Higher (satellites) or ourselves instructing Aviation to gather wider IRS. And Viking not using our normal method of myself on ch10 and Songs on ch80 to account for not having a JTAC, that could have provided the force multiplier Viking needed. Nice production quality, and cool video concept with sound reasoning.
  11. J. Hague

    Operation Flash Fire (Halo Themed Fun Op)

    Hell yea, Drop me in feet first. Into whatever slot you need.
  12. I'm in for whatever shot you need
  13. J. Hague

    Viking Side Ops (OpOrds)

    Operation Darkrain 03-20 MSOT 8312, ALPHA CO. Task Force Valkyrie DATE OF OPERATION 28MAR20 (IRL) / N/A (IU) 18:30 EST (IRL) / N/A (IU) ORIENTATION: SITREP/MISSION News Room - https://3dmrbru.com/forums/topic/5846-viking-side-ops-news-room/ The laptop Viking retrieved previously has finally been unlocked. A thorough scan of the files found documents that contain logs detailing transportation of materials and equipment to a site being called Стабилизатор which translates to Stabilizer. A large amount of medical equipment is currently on the log along with what looks to be the needed materials to repurpose a structure for laboratory use. What is of further interest is that the logs are continually being emailed as they are updated to a Chinese government official Ye Huan possibly linking the Chinese to this region's VDV forces. According to emails, a new supply drop is being made this next Saturday giving an excellent opportunity for the extraction of an HVT for more human intelligence to be gathered. Viking is tasked with Ambushing this upcoming convoy and Assault the supply depot that has been reoccupied by VDV forces. 1. SITUATION a. Enemy Forces SALUTE (Size, Activity, Location, Unit, Time, Equipment): Primary OpFor: Russan VDV; Platoon +, Assaulting a compound, Small arms, an assortment of motorized and mechanized vehicles. EMLCOA (Enemy Most Likely Course of Action): OpFor will be forced to respond to Vikings presence with by attempting to manoeuvre on Viking. The motorized and mechanised forces in the convoy my attempt to blow through any ambush that is set or will respond with extreme force. EMDCOA (Enemy Most Dangerous Course of Action): OpFor is tipped off to Viking's ambush and take action to avoid or manoeuvre on the ambush team, If mechanised forces escape the ambush site they may return to the supply depo and attack the assault team from a flanking position. b.Friendly Forces Higher mission: Help maintain stability in the region Adjacent Units: Local assets Supporting Units: 160th SOAR c. Attachments & Detachments: Alpha Company JTAC 2. MISSION Mission Time: 18:30 EST (IRL) Location: Ruha Weather: Unknown Intel: HVT NAME: Petrov. Description: Blue beret with a goatee. Convoy composition: Unarmored transport trucks, escorted by at minimum Gaz armoured cars. - Still photos from observations of previous convoys. AO: [RUHA] In short: Viking will be conducting this mission in one of two ways, either splitting the team in order to assault the supply depot around the same time that the convoy is ambushed. Or Conducting the ambush on the convoy followed by assaulting the Supply depot, how we conduct this mission being dependent on Vikings available force. 3. EXECUTION a. Commander's Intent Prevent the VDV supply from reaching their destination and capture the HVT. b. Concept of the Operation Scheme of manoeuvre: Plan A: Airbase Kastel > LZ 1 for the ambush team > LZ 2 for the assault team > AP 1 & 2 > Assult team too OBJ CRACKERS (supply depot) > ambush team to rally and support the assault on OBJ Crackers, after extracting any HVTs or intel. > OBJ Crackers > Airbase Kestel Plan B: Airbase Kastel > LZ 1 > AP 1 > AP 2 > OBJ CRACKERS (supply depot) > Airbase Kestel Extraction Considerations: - Primary Extract; Securing an LZ for helicopter extraction. - Secondary; Move on foot or captured Vehicle out of the area. Fire Support Plan: - 160th SOAR assets will be attached to us for the duration of the mission and will coordinate with Viking for support. c. Tasks Primary: Ambush supply convoy and capture Secondary: Assault OBJ CRACKERS (supply depot) d. Coordinating Instructions 1. Load in at 18:30 EST, 2. Check over your gear with a battle buddy. 3. Plan your gear for versatility. And be mindful to check over your gear, avoid missing equipment. (Be fast about getting set, once the focus is switched to the mission) 4. Organize your Tacs into Columns. - After Final radio check, stand by to move out. [All 3MRB members that intend to attend along with MSOT:8312 are to R&U this OPORD by using an "emoji" on this post.] Tactical Control Measures A. Suppressors are required on all capable weapons at all times. (Exception for MGs when not Infiltrating or under heavy use, all MGs are expected to exercise discipline, when the MSOT or their Tac intends to stay concealed.) B. Order of Movement: Viking 2, Viking HQ, Viking 1 C. Security: All elements will individually provide 360 security for their element unless otherwise coordinated between elements on team net. All elements will work together and use initiative to provide team-wide 360 security for the entire Team when the vehicles have halted. d. Civilian Considerations: All efforts should be made to follow standard ROE regarding Civilians, as we are operating in and around peoples homes. Some people are just trying to live through the situation they find them selfs in Specific ROE: BLUFOR Should limit damage to the civilian infrastructure. Return fire only, up to the point of the assault. BLUFOR may engage VDV forces without additional restriction. In the event of heavy civilian presence, explosives must be authorized through HQ. Aviation may not engage unarmed individuals, buildings, structures or vehicles not deemed hostile. General ROE: 4. ADMINISTRATION & LOGISTICS Task Force Valkyrie will be operating out of Airbase Kastel. a. Administration Casualties: - Casualties shall be treated by self-aid, then Corpsman support in the field. - Any Friendly KIA will ideally be extracted by body bag via a vehicle if that cannot be reasonably achieved, The KIAs dogtags removed and taken with the remainder of the team. (Dog tag removal is Simulating recovery of sensitive information and equipment followed by disposal of the body. as per Company SOPs) - Enemy Prisoners Of War (EPOWs) Detain, Remove any weapons or potential intel, being sure not to expose them to potential sniper fire until Extracted or released. 5. COMMAND & SIGNAL a. Signal Radio Frequencies: MSOT 8312 Team Net: 16 MSOT 8312 Team HQ Net: 17 MSOT 8312 Element 1 Net: 18 MSOT 8312 Element 2 Net: 19 Taskforce Net: 08 Company Net: 10 Company HQ: 03 Ares Net: 72 Medical Net: 60 Convoy Net: 50.0 Re-Insert Net: 98 Tad 1: 81 b. Callsign MSOT 8313 - "Viking" Viking Team Leader - "Actual" Viking Team Chief - "Papa" Viking Team Ops Chief - "******" Viking Team SARC - "Apollo" Viking JTAC - Bandit 1-2 Viking Element One - "Viking 1" Viking Element Two - "Viking 2" Alpha Company CO - "Otto" Alpha Company XO - "*****" Alpha Company 1stSgt - "*****" MSOT 8311 - Legion MSOT 8312 - Hades Sector White JTAC - Wraith 2-1 Sector Black JTAC - Wraith 2-2 Northern Alliance - Lynx -Smoke Notation 1. Red - Enemy Position 2. Blue - Chain of Command Broken 3. Green - Friendly Position 4. White - Concealment 5. Yellow - Concealment -Paint Notation Green paint is to be utilized to indicate cleared areas. Red paint is to be utilized as boundary markers for controlled explosive use. c. Command -Location of Command Company will operate from Airbase Kastel -Succession of Command 1stLt Hague SSgt Songs HMC (FMF) Rivera Cpl Wright (( PLAN F )) SSgt Melbert Sgt McMuster 6. Carried Equipment HQ: - Ample Breach charges and stun munitions as standard. - Moderate Demolitions equipment - 1x Lite AT - 1x40MM GL with Hunt IR Capabilities and IR flares - 1x Body bag Tactical Element 1: - Ample Breach charges and stun munitions as standard. - Moderate Demolitions equipment - 1x Body bag - 2x Lite AT Tactical Element 2: - 1x LMG - 2x Lite AT - Ample Breach charges and stun munitions as standard. - 1x Body bag Additional: - 1x EOD/Mine detecting equipment (Will be taken by whoever has space and qualifications to use it) - 1x MAWS (Will be taken by whoever has space and qualifications to use it) Marked above is only the minimum equipment designated by Team HQ. Any extra equipment to be carried by the Elements under MSOT 8312 SOPs and is subject to discretion by the Element Leader.
  14. J. Hague

    Viking Side Ops (OpOrds)

    Operation Darkrain 02-20- Rapid Action Briefing MSOT 8312, ALPHA CO. Task Force Valkyrie DATE OF OPERATION 28MAR20 (IRL) / N/A (IU) 18:30 EST (IRL) / N/A (IU) ORIENTATION: SITREP/MISSION News Room - https://3dmrbru.com/forums/topic/5846-viking-side-ops-news-room/ During the campaign to locate the lab, a local source is reporting their compound is under heavy assault from local forces. A National Clandestine Services team was tasked to extract the source but they were unsuccessful in getting out of the compound before they were surrounded. The source being a local politician we believe this is some sort of power push for control of the region. Viking is being tasked with extracting the source and his family. A wife and son along with supporting the extract of the NCS team. Under no circumstances can the US presence in the region afford the source be captured. 1. SITUATION a. Enemy Forces SALUTE (Size, Activity, Location, Unit, Time, Equipment): Primary OpFor: Russan VDV; Platoon +, Assaulting a compound, Small arms / unknown vehicles - possible mounted weapons. EMLCOA (Enemy Most Likely Course of Action): OpFor will be a force to react to Viking becoming involved in their Siege. EMDCOA (Enemy Most Dangerous Course of Action): OpFor is tipped off to Vikings Involvement and has time to reinforce or positions forces to manoeuvre on Viking. b.Friendly Forces Higher mission: Help maintain stability in the region Adjacent Units: Local assets Supporting Units: 160th SOAR c. Attachments & Detachments: Alpha Company JTAC 2. MISSION Mission Time: 18:30 EST (IRL) Location: Weather: Unknown Intel: N/A AO: [RUHA Image unavailable] In short: Receive the local politician and his family, along with the CIA assets in the area. 3. EXECUTION a. Commander's Intent Infiltrate the AO undetected, ready to intervene at our discretion. b. Concept of the Operation Scheme of manoeuvre: Airbase Kastel > Extraction Considerations: - Primary Extract; Securing an LZ for helicopter extraction. - Secondary; Move on foot or captured Vehicle out of the area. Fire Support Plan: - 160th SOAR assets will be attached to us for the duration of the mission and will coordinate with Viking for support. c. Tasks Primary: Rescue Local politician and his family Secondary: Recover NCS personnel d. Coordinating Instructions 1. Load in at 18:30 EST, 2. Check over your gear with a battle buddy. 3. organize your Tacs into Columns. - After Final radio check, we will move to the offroad jeeps and stand by. (Be fast about getting set, once the focus is switched to the mission) 4. Plan your gear for versatility. And be mindful to check over your gear, avoid missing equipment. [All 3MRB members that intend to attend along with MSOT:8312 are to R&U this OPORD by using an "arrow up emoji" on this post.] Tactical Control Measures A. Suppressors are required on all capable weapons at all times. (Exception for MGs when not Infiltrating or under heavy use, all MGs are expected to exercise discipline, when the MSOT or their Tac intends to stay concealed.) B. Order of Movement: Viking 2, Viking HQ, Viking 1 C. Security: All elements will individually provide 360 security for their element unless otherwise coordinated between elements on team net. All elements will work together and use initiative to provide team-wide 360 security for the entire Team when the vehicles have halted. d. Civilian Considerations: All efforts should be made to follow standard ROE regarding Civilians, as we are operating in and around peoples homes. Some Afghanis are just trying to live through the situation they find them selfs in Specific ROE: BLUFOR Should limit damage to the civilian infrastructure. Return fire only, up to the point of the assault. BLUFOR may engage VDV forces without additional restriction. In the event of heavy civilian presence, explosives must be authorized through HQ. Aviation may not engage unarmed individuals, buildings, structures or vehicles not deemed hostile. General ROE: 4. ADMINISTRATION & LOGISTICS Task Force Valkyrie will be operating out of Airbase Kastel. a. Administration Casualties: - Casualties shall be treated by self-aid, then Corpsman support in the field. - Any Friendly KIA will ideally be extracted by body bag via a vehicle if that cannot be reasonably achieved, The KIAs dogtags removed and taken with the remainder of the team. (Dog tag removal is Simulating recovery of sensitive information and equipment followed by disposal of the body. as per Company SOPs) - Enemy Prisoners Of War (EPOWs) Detain, Remove any weapons or potential intel, being sure not to expose them to potential sniper fire until Extracted or released. 5. COMMAND & SIGNAL a. Signal -Radio Frequencies MSOT 8312 Team Net: 16 MSOT 8312 Team HQ Net: 17 MSOT 8312 Element 1 Net: 18 MSOT 8312 Element 2 Net: 19 Taskforce Net: 08 Company Net: 10 Company HQ: 03 Ares Net: 72 Medical Net: 60 Convoy Net: 50.0 Re-Insert Net: 98 Tad 1 (Sector Green): 81 b. Callsign MSOT 8313 - "Viking" Viking Team Leader - "Actual" Viking Team Chief - "Papa" Viking Team Ops Chief - "******" Viking Team SARC - "Apollo" Viking JTAC - Bandit 1-2 Viking Element One - "Viking 1" Viking Element Two - "Viking 2" Alpha Company CO - "Otto" Alpha Company XO - "*****" Alpha Company 1stSgt - "*****" MSOT 8311 - Legion MSOT 8312 - Hades Sector White JTAC - Wraith 2-1 Sector Black JTAC - Wraith 2-2 Northern Alliance - Lynx -Smoke Notation 1. Red - Enemy Position 2. Blue - Chain of Command Broken 3. Green - Friendly Position 4. White - Concealment 5. Yellow - Concealment -Paint Notation Green paint is to be utilized to indicate cleared areas. Red paint is to be utilized as boundary markers for controlled explosive use. c. Command -Location of Command Company will operate from Airbase Kastel -Succession of Command 1stLt Hague SSgt Songs HMC (FMF) Rivera (( PLAN F )) SSgt Melbert Sgt McMuster 6. Carried Equipment HQ: - Ample Breach charges and stun munitions as standard. - Moderat Demolitions equipment - 1x Lite AT - 1x40MM GL with Hunt IR Capabilities and IR flares - 1x Body bag Tactical Element 1: - Ample Breach charges and stun munitions as standard. - Moderat Demolitions equipment - 1x Body bag - 2x Lite AT Tactical Element 2: - 1x LMG - 2x Lite AT - Ample Breach charges and stun munitions as standard. (Spread through the element) - 1x Body bag Additional: - 1x EOD/Mine detecting equipment (Will be taken by whoever has space and qualifications to use it) Marked above is only the minimum equipment designated by Team HQ. Any extra equipment to be carried by the Elements under MSOT 8312 SOPs and is subject to discretion by the Element Leader.
  15. J. Hague

    Viking Side Ops (OpOrds)

    Operation Darkrain MSOT 8312, ALPHA CO. Task Force Valkyrie DATE OF OPERATION 21MAR20 (IRL) / N/A (IU) 18:30 EST (IRL) / N/A (IU) ORIENTATION: SITREP/MISSION Two nights ago a small three-man recon team attach to Viking was sent into a known area of VDV activity to locate to the source of arms flooding into the region. During the mission, the recon team was discovered, despite this, they were able to scout all points of interest they were assigned. Unfortunately, Command lost contact with them shortly after they requested there contact to move into position for extract. Said contact reported a large amount of gunfire in the distance some distance south of the Extract point. After waiting for a few hours the contact left the area without the Recon team, the next day around 1400 we got word that a local doctor had been called to what we now know to be the VDV Command post. Where he was asked to aid three heavily wounded men, who he belaves are Americans. Following this information, MSOT 8312 has been authorized to accelerate our timeline for the planned Action in the AO. In coordination with 160th SOAR and the information sent up by the recon team before capture, Viking will be conducting a D/A agast the VDV Command building. 1. SITUATION a. Enemy Forces SALUTE (Size, Activity, Location, Unit, Time, Equipment): Primary OpFor: Russan VDV; Platoon +, Patrolling and Defending locations throughout the AO, Small arms / Light motorized / patrol boat x2 / possible mounted weapons. EMLCOA (Enemy Most Likely Course of Action): Patrol throughout the AO until Aviation conducts opening strikes, and consolidate their positions along with searching for and dealing with there wounded. Upon communicating the MSOTs presence in the area VDV are likely to converge on the teams last known position. EMDCOA (Enemy Most Dangerous Course of Action): If Viking is detected too long before the aviation's strikes, the MSOT will be the at risk of being overwhelmed by organized converging forces. b.Friendly Forces Higher mission: Rescue wounded and Captured Recon team members. Disrupt VDV ability to bring munitions into the area, destroying any VDV assets in the area and dismantling VDV command. Adjacent Units: Local assets Supporting Units: 160th SOAR c. Attachments & Detachments: Alpha Company JTAC 2. MISSION Mission Time: 18:30 EST (IRL) Location: Weather: Unknown Intel: N/A AO: [RUHA Image unavailable] In short: Viking will leave Airbase Kastel in unmarked Vehicles, changing out into more unmarked Vehicles to conceal our movements. Once at RP Freyja, Viking will conceal our Vehicle and move to the river where Zodiacs are to be prepared. Setting off under engine power Viking will kill the zodiac engines as we pass SP, travelling the rest of the way under paddle power. On arriving at the EP Viking will secure and conceal our boats, marking their position for retrieval by BlueFor local assets later. After dismounting Viking will move quietly up to PL-1, once set Viking will Raid OBJ Dis on the signal of Aviation assets initiating their strikes on positions in the AO. Upon Securing the Command building, Viking will set up security for Aviation assets to retrieve any wounded BlueFor at the site. Following extraction of the wounded, Viking will sweep through Known VDV locations conducting BDA on aviation strike locations and ensuring 3. EXECUTION a. Commander's Intent Infiltrate the AO undetected, Move on OBJ Dis in conjunction with Aviation strikes on targets in the AO. Securing the survivers of the Recon Team and diminish the VDVs ability to continue moving arms into the region. b. Concept of the Operation Scheme of manoeuvre: Airbase Kastel > RP Freyja > SP > EP > PL-1 > OBJ Dis > OBJ Tyr > Airbase Kastel Extraction Considerations: - Primary Extract; Securing an LZ for helicopter extraction. - Secondary; Move on foot to our zodiacs and ride upriver back to the contact we left our cars at. Fire Support Plan: - 160th SOAR assets will be attached to us for the duration of the mission and will coordinate with Viking for support. c. Tasks Primary: Clear Russian VDV Command post and Secure the wounded survivors of the recon team. Secondary: Secure and confirm the destruction of the VDV Assets in the area. d. Coordinating Instructions 1. Load in at 18:30 EST, (Team Training points will be addressed before Switching focus on this mission.) 2. Check over your gear with a battle buddy. 3. organize your Tacs into Columns. - After Final radio check, we will move to the offroad jeeps and stand by. (Be fast about getting set, once the focus is switched to the mission) 4. Plan your gear for versatility. And be mindful to check over your gear, avoid missing equipment. [All 3MRB members that intend to attend along with MSOT:8312 are to R&U this OPORD by using an "Emoji" on this post.] Tactical Control Measures A. Suppressors are required on all capable weapons at all times. (Exception for MGs when not Infiltrating or under heavy use, all MGs are expected to exercise discipline, when the MSOT or their Tac intends to stay concealed.) B. Order of Movement: Viking 2, Viking HQ, Viking 1 C. Security: All elements will individually provide 360 security for their element unless otherwise coordinated between elements on team net. All elements will work together and use initiative to provide team-wide 360 security for the entire Team when the vehicles have halted. d. Civilian Considerations: All efforts should be made to follow standard ROE regarding Civilians, as we are operating in and around peoples homes. Some Afghanis are just trying to live through the situation they find them selfs in Specific ROE: BLUFOR Should limit damage to the civilian infrastructure. Return fire only, up to the point of the assault. BLUFOR may engage VDV forces without additional restriction. In the event of heavy civilian presence, explosives must be authorized through HQ. Aviation may not engage unarmed individuals, buildings, structures or vehicles not deemed hostile. General ROE: 4. ADMINISTRATION & LOGISTICS Task Force Valkyrie will be operating out of Airbase Kastel. a. Administration Casualties: - Casualties shall be treated by self-aid, then Corpsman support in the field. - Any Friendly KIA will ideally be extracted by body bag via a vehicle if that cannot be reasonably achieved, The KIAs dogtags removed and taken with the remainder of the team. (Dog tag removal is Simulating recovery of sensitive information and equipment followed by disposal of the body. as per Company SOPs) - Enemy Prisoners Of War (EPOWs) Detain, Remove any weapons or potential intel, being sure not to expose them to potential sniper fire until Extracted or released. 5. COMMAND & SIGNAL a. Signal -Radio Frequencies MSOT 8312 Team Net: 16 MSOT 8312 Team HQ Net: 17 MSOT 8312 Element 1 Net: 18 MSOT 8312 Element 2 Net: 19 Taskforce Net: 08 Company Net: 10 Company HQ: 03 Ares Net: 72 Medical Net: 60 Convoy Net: 50.0 Re-Insert Net: 98 Tad 1 (Sector Green): 81 b. Callsign MSOT 8313 - "Viking" Viking Team Leader - "Actual" Viking Team Chief - "Papa" Viking Team Ops Chief - "******" Viking Team SARC - "Apollo" Viking JTAC - Bandit 1-2 Viking Element One - "Viking 1" Viking Element Two - "Viking 2" Alpha Company CO - "Otto" Alpha Company XO - "*****" Alpha Company 1stSgt - "*****" MSOT 8311 - Legion MSOT 8312 - Hades Sector White JTAC - Wraith 2-1 Sector Black JTAC - Wraith 2-2 Northern Alliance - Lynx -Smoke Notation 1. Red - Enemy Position 2. Blue - Chain of Command Broken 3. Green - Friendly Position 4. White - Concealment 5. Yellow - Concealment -Paint Notation Green paint is to be utilized to indicate cleared areas. Red paint is to be utilized as boundary markers for controlled explosive use. c. Command -Location of Command Company will operate from Airbase Kastel -Succession of Command 1stLt Hague SSgt Songs HMC (FMF) Rivera (( PLAN F )) SSgt Melbert Sgt McMuster 6. Carried Equipment HQ: - Ample Breach charges and stun munitions as standard. - Moderat Demolitions equipment - 1x Lite AT - 1x40MM GL with Hunt IR Capabilities and IR flares - 1x Body bag Tactical Element 1: - Ample Breach charges and stun munitions as standard. - Moderat Demolitions equipment - 1x Body bag - 2x Lite AT Tactical Element 2: - 1x LMG - 2x Lite AT - Ample Breach charges and stun munitions as standard. (Spread through the element) - 1x Body bag Additional: - 1x EOD/Mine detecting equipment (Will be taken by whoever has space and qualifications to use it) Marked above is only the minimum equipment designated by Team HQ. Any extra equipment to be carried by the Elements under MSOT 8312 SOPs and is subject to discretion by the Element Leader.