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Capt Boyle

General Officer
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About Capt Boyle

  • Rank
    0370 Special Operations Officer


  • 1) Qualified MOS
    0372 Critical Skills Operator | 0370 Special Operations Officer
  • 2) School of Infantry
    ITC | FMTB
  • 3) Corporal's Courses
    CPLC 101 | CPLC 102 | CPLC 103
  • 4) Sergeant's Courses
    SGTC 201 | SGTC 202 | SGTC 203
  • 7) Auxiliary Qualifications
    E&D | MFF | CD | MG | AT | ZEUS
  • 8) Date of Rank
  • Service Number

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  1. Operation Overlord Start time is 1900 EST, Sunday, 30JUNE24 Modlist: See Discord Fun Ops Channel ***This requires the Spearhead 1944 DLC*** France, 1944. Tonight is the night of nights gentlemen. As members of the 101st Airborne, you will be dropped with thousands of other paratroopers of the Allied Expeditionary Force into Nazi-occupied France to lead the way for our forces to land on the beaches. The fate of the free world rests in your hands. Godspeed. 2nd Squad, 1st Platoon, Easy Company Team Leader (Thompson): HM2 Gluttony Sniper (M1903): SSgt Sidney Grenadier: MSgt Falconer Bazooka (M1 Carbine): SSgt Rougthvedt BAR Gunner: Pvt Frost Machine Gunner: SSgt Spears Assistant MG: HM1 (FMF) Dodd Rifleman: Capt Hawkins Rifleman: Rifleman: Rifleman: Rifleman: More slots available if needed
  2. Operation Dnipro Start time is 1900 EST, Saturday, 04MAY24 Modlist: See Discord Fun Ops Channel Ukraine, 2022. Russian forces have crossed the border in force. The largest war Europe has seen since 1945 has begun. Step into the boots of Alpha Detachment the 73rd Maritime Special Operations Center as they fight across Ukraine against the Russians. The fate of the country is in your hands, gentlemen. Make them pay for every inch. Alpha Detachment Team Leader (RPG-26): RPG Gunner (RPG-7V2): Grenadier: GySgt Van Dyke Marksman: SSgt Sidney Stinger Gunner (FIM-92): Machine Gunner: Assistant MG (RPG-26): Assistant RPG (RShG-2): Operator (AT4): Medic: HA Roe More slots available if needed
  3. //SECRET//JSOC//MARSOC From: [email protected] <Clark Williams> To: [email protected] <Sean Whelan> Subject: Intelligence and Situation Update Regarding MSOT 8313's recent interaction with Russian forces and communication between representatives of the US government and the Russian Federation, there is a significant development of the situation on the ground in Takistan. A summary of events and implications is below. At approximately 0400 on February 22nd, a Russian Spetsnaz team was tracking the movements of a convoy of vehicles retreating from Landay Airfield after it was hit by American aircraft on Feb 19th. The convoy made it to the town of Maku, where the Spetsnaz observed approximately a company-sized force of IRPT irregulars and remaining Takistani Army defectors. Several T-72s, IFVs, and dug-in positions. At least two ZU-23-2 emplacements were seen being set up, along with Igla launchers. More concerningly, the Russians reported the movement of two SS-21 "Scarab" SRBM launchers and a truck with what they suspected was radioactive material. The Russians attempted to extract their men but the helicopter was shot down. The Russians lacked the available men to rescue their team and begrudgingly asked for aid from MSOT 8313. In a show of good faith in 8313 was able to rescue most of the team and provide transport for them back to Russian positions. The Russians believe the IRPT holdouts intend to make a last stand and take as many of their enemies with them as possible. Our intelligence has reached a similar conclusion. Given the presence of SRBMs and radioactive material, both of our governments believe that the IRPT intends to launch jury-rigged radiological warheads at multiple targets, including our respective bases in the region. This cannot be allowed to occur. CENTCOM is coordinating with the Russian Central Military District and their forces in the AO. Both sides have agreed to not engage each other under any circumstances. Since neither of our sides has sufficient forces to clear Maku and its surrounding area immediately available, both MSOT 8311 and 174th Special Purpose Detachment of the 45th Spetsnaz Brigade will have parallel assignments. 8311, with support from the 160th SOAR, will be tasked with securing the town of Maku, the launchers, and any remaining radioactive material, while the 174th SPD will eliminate the nearby garrison in the town of Naw and set up a blocking position on the East and North sides of Maku. Roundtable will coordinate as our liaison to the 174th SPD. Under no circumstances are the SS-21s to be allowed to launch or escape. This is the IRPT's last stand, and they will fight with everything they have. Do not underestimate them and hit them as hard as you can. Good hunting. Signed, Lieutenant Colonel C. Williams Commanding Joint Special Task Force Cobra
  4. WARNING ORDER MSOT 8311 LEGION 1. SITUATION. a. Overview: IRPT forces remain in the AO and are attempting to ferry troops and equipment out of the AO. Russian forces are working with Loyalist forces and are attempting to force PER troops out of AO but are hesitant to engage US forces directly after the Battle of Garmarund with MSOT 8311. b. The Area of Interest is OBJ PRAYER c. Area of Operations is AO OPPENHIEMER The terrain is desert broken up by urban areas and small towns Weather is expected to be clear The time will be 1200 d. Enemy Forces. IRPT forces have seized the mosque in the town of Bastarn and are holding several civilians hostage. At least two dozen militants were seen entering the mosque. Russian conventional forces may be operating in the AO as well. DO NOT FIRE ON RUSSIAN FORCES UNLESS FIRED UPON e. Friendly Forces 75th Separate Motor Rifle Battalion f. Attachments and Detachments 160th SOAR 2. MISSION. Alpha Company (WHO) is conducting operations (WHAT) in AO OPPENHEIMER (WHERE) to destabilize the IRPT regime and prevent them from attacking US forces in Afghanistan and back the PER forces (WHY). 3. EXECUTION. a. Concept of Operations. LEGION is tasked with responding to a rapidly developing hostage situation in the town Bastarn. The IRPT sleeper cell is holding approximately 15x civilians hostage within the mosque, including the relatives of several PER leaders. All IRPT forces are to be eliminated and all hostages freed ASAP. Maps OBJ PRAYER 4. SUSTAINMENT. a. Logistics Transportation: By 160th SOAR b. Health System Support Medical Treatment Casualties shall be treated by self-aid, then Corpsman support in the field. Medical Evacuation At SARC discretion casualties may be evacuated to temporary Casualty Collection Points (CCP). 5. COMMAND AND CONTROL. a. Control Command Posts COP GENGHIS Reports N/A b. Signal SOI Index Standard SOI Index is in effect Methods of Communication by Priority Radio Smoke signals Runners Pyrotechnics and Signals Smoke Notation Red: Enemy position. Green: Friendly position. White: Concealment. Yellow: Concealment. Purple: Mass casualty incident. Blue: Broken chain of command. Orange: Special purpose. Paint notation Green paint MAY be utilized to indicate cleared areas. Blue paint MAY be used to designate CCPs. Red paint MAY be used to designate boundaries for explosive use. Code Words SCRAM: Radiation exposure and mask usage is required SHATTER: Sending station is combat ineffective. HAVOC: Comms compromised, scramble comms. Challenge and Password Challenge: ELI (eee-lye) Password: MANNING (man-ning) Running Password Password: MANNING (man-ning) Number Combination N/A Recognition Signals N/A END WARNING ORDER
  5. WARNING ORDER MSOT 8313 HADES 1. SITUATION. a. Overview: IRPT forces remain in the AO and are attempting to ferry troops and equipment out of the AO. Russian forces are working with Loyalist forces and are attempting to force PER troops out of AO but are hesitant to engage US forces directly after the Battle of Garmarund with MSOT 8311. b. The Area of Interest is OBJ HILTON c. Area of Operations is AO OPPENHIEMER The terrain is desert broken up by urban areas and small towns Weather is expected to be clear The time will be 0500, before dawn d. Enemy Forces. Loyalist Takistani forces and Fire Wolves mercenaries are holding several PER prisoners in a small military compound. The Fire Wolves mercenary group is believed to be acting as a Russian proxy but denies that they are related to the Russian government in any way. Russian conventional forces may be operating in the AO as well. DO NOT FIRE ON RUSSIAN FORCES UNLESS FIRED UPON e. Friendly Forces 75th Separate Motor Rifle Battalion f. Attachments and Detachments 160th SOAR 2. MISSION. Alpha Company (WHO) is conducting operations (WHAT) in AO OPPENHEIMER (WHERE) to destabilize the IRPT regime and prevent them from attacking US forces in Afghanistan and back the PER forces (WHY). 3. EXECUTION. a. Concept of Operations. HADES is tasked with rescuing several POWs from the 75th Separate Motor Rifle Battalion who were captured by the Russians in the opening hours of their invasion. At least 10x POWs are believed to be on site along with a platoon of mercenaries and Loyalists. Maps AO OPPENHEIMER OBJ HILTON 4. SUSTAINMENT. a. Logistics Transportation: By 160th SOAR b. Health System Support Medical Treatment Casualties shall be treated by self-aid, then Corpsman support in the field. Medical Evacuation At SARC discretion casualties may be evacuated to temporary Casualty Collection Points (CCP). 5. COMMAND AND CONTROL. a. Control Command Posts COP GENGHIS Reports N/A b. Signal SOI Index Standard SOI Index is in effect Methods of Communication by Priority Radio Smoke signals Runners Pyrotechnics and Signals Smoke Notation Red: Enemy position. Green: Friendly position. White: Concealment. Yellow: Concealment. Purple: Mass casualty incident. Blue: Broken chain of command. Orange: Special purpose. Paint notation Green paint MAY be utilized to indicate cleared areas. Blue paint MAY be used to designate CCPs. Red paint MAY be used to designate boundaries for explosive use. Code Words SCRAM: Radiation exposure and mask usage is required SHATTER: Sending station is combat ineffective. HAVOC: Comms compromised, scramble comms. Challenge and Password Challenge: ELI (eee-lye) Password: MANNING (man-ning) Running Password Password: MANNING (man-ning) Number Combination N/A Recognition Signals N/A END WARNING ORDER
  6. OPERATION ORDER DATE OF OPERATION ORIENTATION: 1. SITUATION a. Enemy Forces SALUTE (Size, Activity, Location, Unit, Time, Equipment): Approx 4x Squad Defending/Patroling OBJ HESSIAN Fire Wolves Mercenaries 0600 Local Soviet block small arms, RPGs, Technicals, SPAAG, SAMs, Helicopters DRAW-D (Defend, Reinforce, Attack, Withdraw, and Delay): The enemy is likely to try to defend their base, SAMs, and helicopters Enemy reinforcements are unknown but likely airborne The enemy is unlikely to launch attacks Enemy is unlikely to withdraw as this base is of great value to them The enemy will be able to delay us should we become bogged down by casualties and/or heavy weapons EMLCOA (Enemy Most Likely Course of Action): The enemy will most likely attempt to blunt our attack and force us away from OBJ HESSIAN EMDCOA (Enemy Most Dangerous Corse of Action): The enemy's most dangerous course of action is to bring VDV reinforcements with air support to bear on us during clearing operations, should we become bogged down by heavy fire we will have little room to maneuver and will be overrun b.Friendly Forces Higher mission: Assist PER forces in holding their territory and limiting Russian advances Adjacent Units: 75th Separate Motor Rifle Battalion Supporting Units: 160th SOAR c. Attachments & Detachments N/A d. Civilian Considerations Unknown 2. MISSION 3. EXECUTION a. Commander's Intent The commander's intent is to launch a raid on OBJ Hessian to disable the Fire Wolves aircraft and prevent the establishment of a SAM site and FOB which could limit allied operations in the AO. b. Concept of the Operation VIKING will insert to either LZ HOUSE or LZ GAMBLE via 160th SOAR and conduct a foot patrol to AP SWISS or AP FRENCH, From there, the team target OPFOR's SAMs to clear a path for the 160th to provide transport and CAS. Once the SAMs are dealt with, VIKING will clear the compound and sabotage any remaining Fire Wolves assets. Expect a possible Russian airmobile response to our actions, especially from the airfield to the Southeast. Unless engaged, DO NOT FIRE on identified Russian Forces. The Fire Wolves maintain that they are a separate entity from the Russian Federation and are considered valid targets as they have engaged allied PER forces - OBJ HESSIAN - AO OPPENHEIMER c. Tasks - Eliminate SAMs - Destroy Fire Wolves efforts to establish a Foward Operating Base d. Coordinating Instructions Tactical Control Measures 4. ADMINISTRATION & LOGISTICS a. Administration - Casualties Casualties will be treated by self aid, followed by corpsman aid in field - Enemy Prisoners Of War (EPOWs) To be turned over to Team HQ ASAP b. Asset Request N/A 5. COMMAND & SIGNAL a. Signal -Radio Frequencies As per team SOP -Smoke Notation As per WARNORD -Paint Notation As per WARNORD b. Command -Location of Command TBD -Succession of Command Capt Boyle GySgt Van Dyke SSgt Lombard SSgt O'Brien END OPERATION ORDER
  7. WARNING ORDER MSOT 8313 HADES 1. SITUATION. a. Overview: IRPT forces are attempting to hold out in North Takistan against the PER-aligned 75th Separate Motor Rifle Battalion. Russian Special Forces are also operating in the AO. b. The Area of Interest is OBJ BUSH c. Area of Operations is AO OPPENHIEMER The terrain is desert broken up by urban areas and small towns Weather is expected to be clear The time will be 1900, just after dusk d. Enemy Forces. Enemy forces are Takistani forces holding the oilfield and the entrance to an abandoned mine. They appear to have light infantry and technicals. There is a known SAM position to the Northeast. Russian special forces may be operating in the AO as well. DO NOT FIRE ON RUSSIAN FORCES UNLESS FIRED UPON e. Friendly Forces 75th Separate Motor Rifle Battalion f. Attachments and Detachments 160th SOAR 2. MISSION. Alpha Company (WHO) is conducting operations (WHAT) in AO OPPENHIEMER (WHERE) to destabilize the IRPT regime and prevent them from attacking US forces in Afghanistan (WHY). 3. EXECUTION. a. Concept of Operations. HADES is tasked with eliminating the IRPT presence at the oil field and securing the nearby mine. Intelligence suggests that this is a storage depot for some remaining nuclear material. Maps AO OPPENHEIMER OBJ BUSH 4. SUSTAINMENT. a. Logistics Transportation: By 160th SOAR b. Health System Support Medical Treatment Casualties shall be treated by self-aid, then Corpsman support in the field. Medical Evacuation At SARC discretion casualties may be evacuated to temporary Casualty Collection Points (CCP). 5. COMMAND AND CONTROL. a. Control Command Posts COP GENGHIS Reports N/A b. Signal SOI Index Standard SOI Index is in effect Methods of Communication by Priority Radio Smoke signals Runners Pyrotechnics and Signals Smoke Notation Red: Enemy position. Green: Friendly position. White: Concealment. Yellow: Concealment. Purple: Mass casualty incident. Blue: Broken chain of command. Orange: Special purpose. Paint notation Green paint MAY be utilized to indicate cleared areas. Blue paint MAY be used to designate CCPs. Red paint MAY be used to designate boundaries for explosive use. Code Words SCRAM: Radiation exposure and mask usage is required SHATTER: Sending station is combat ineffective. HAVOC: Comms compromised, scramble comms. Challenge and Password Challenge: ELI (eee-lye) Password: MANNING (man-ning) Running Password Password: MANNING (man-ning) Number Combination N/A Recognition Signals N/A END WARNING ORDER
  8. WARNING ORDER MSOT 8311 Legion 1. SITUATION. a. Overview: IRPT forces are attempting to hold out in North Takistan against the PER-aligned 75th Separate Motor Rifle Battalion. Russian Special Forces are also operating in the AO. b. The Area of Interest is OBJ GREMLIN c. Area of Operations is AO OPPENHIEMER The terrain is desert broken up by urban areas and small towns Weather is expected to be clear The time will be 0500 an hour before dawn d. Enemy Forces. Enemy forces are Takistani forces holding a military base near Sar e Bolaq. This is believed to be the IRPT's last major stronghold in the region. Two short-range SAMs are known to be operational at this base. A significant infantry presence is expected and at least one IFV is known to be at the base. Russian special forces may be operating in the AO as well. DO NOT FIRE ON RUSSIAN FORCES UNLESS FIRED UPON e. Friendly Forces 75th Separate Motor Rifle Battalion f. Attachments and Detachments 160th SOAR 2. MISSION. Alpha Company (WHO) is conducting operations (WHAT) in AO OPPENHIEMER (WHERE) to destabilize the IRPT regime and prevent them from attacking US forces in Afghanistan (WHY). 3. EXECUTION. a. Concept of Operations. LEGION is tasked with eliminating the IRPT forces in this base to cripple their forces in the region. This will also remove the SAM threat and enable the movement of friendly forces North to secure Kushkak. This area was irradiated during VIKING's operation and should be avoided at all costs. Maps AO OPPENHEIMER OBJ GREMLIN 4. SUSTAINMENT. a. Logistics Transportation: By 160th SOAR b. Health System Support Medical Treatment Casualties shall be treated by self-aid, then Corpsman support in the field. Medical Evacuation At SARC discretion casualties may be evacuated to temporary Casualty Collection Points (CCP). 5. COMMAND AND CONTROL. a. Control Command Posts COP GENGHIS Reports N/A b. Signal SOI Index Standard SOI Index is in effect Methods of Communication by Priority Radio Smoke signals Runners Pyrotechnics and Signals Smoke Notation Red: Enemy position. Green: Friendly position. White: Concealment. Yellow: Concealment. Purple: Mass casualty incident. Blue: Broken chain of command. Orange: Special purpose. Paint notation Green paint MAY be utilized to indicate cleared areas. Blue paint MAY be used to designate CCPs. Red paint MAY be used to designate boundaries for explosive use. Code Words SCRAM: Radiation exposure and mask usage is required SHATTER: Sending station is combat ineffective. HAVOC: Comms compromised, scramble comms. Challenge and Password Challenge: ELI (eee-lye) Password: MANNING (man-ning) Running Password Password: MANNING (man-ning) Number Combination N/A Recognition Signals N/A END WARNING ORDER
  9. Gotta back out, friend is visiting from Columbia.
  10. //SECRET//JSOC//MARSOC From: [email protected] <Clark Williams> To: [email protected] <Sean Whelan> Subject: Intelligence and Situation Update Regarding MSOT 8311's discovery underneath Rasman Airbase, samples have been sent to Indian Head for investigation by the USMC Chemical Biological Incident Response Force. Their assessment is below: Given the unrefined nature of and diverse types of isotopes present in the materials recovered from Rasman Airbase (Site Alpha) by the 3d MRB, we assess that these are not the precursors for a purpose-built radiological weapon or former nuclear weapon material. There is a high likelihood that this material was nuclear waste from the BN-365 nuclear reactor at the Aktau Nuclear Power Plant (ANPP) which was decommissioned in 1997 after the fall of the Soviet Union. Russian and Takistani authorities had previously claimed that all nuclear waste material had been transferred to Russia, however, limited documentation was provided to US and IAEA officials. The IRPT likely intends to use this material as a radiological weapon or “dirty bomb”. While heavy exposure over prolonged periods of time to these materials would be harmful to personnel, brief exposure will be easily mitigated through atropine injection and wearing a mask to prevent further inhalation. Code Phrase for exposure to radiological material is “SCRAM, SCRAM, SCRAM”. To prevent harm to all personnel in the AO, upon exposure to radioactive material, personnel should withdraw to a safe distance if able. Personnel will be issued Geiger counters to ensure detection. Should a radiological weapon be detonated, all personnel should rapidly vacate the immediate area. Signed, Lieutenant Colonel C. Williams Commanding Joint Special Task Force Cobra
  11. WARNING ORDER MSOT 8313 HADES 1. SITUATION. a. Overview: IRPT forces are attempting to consolidate in North Takistan and push the PER-aligned 75th Separate Motor Rifle Battalion out of the AO so they can concentrate their forces against the Russian-backed Loyalist Forces in the East. Russian Special Forces are also operating in the AO. b. The Area of Interest is OBJ WASP c. Area of Operations is AO OPPENHIEMER The terrain is desert broken up by urban areas and small towns Weather is expected to be clear The time will be 1900 d. Enemy Forces. Enemy forces are Takistani rebel forces attempting to regroup with the forces stationed at Rasman Airfield. They are moving in a convoy with technicals, trucks, APCs, and light armor, but are currently refueling. Russian special forces may be operating in the AO as well. DO NOT FIRE ON RUSSIAN FORCES UNLESS FIRED UPON e. Friendly Forces 75th Separate Motor Rifle Battalion f. Attachments and Detachments 160th SOAR 2. MISSION. Alpha Company (WHO) is conducting operations (WHAT) in AO OPPENHIEMER (WHERE) to destabilize the IRPT regime and prevent them from attacking US forces in Afghanistan (WHY). 3. EXECUTION. a. Concept of Operations. HADES is tasked with designating the convoy as a target for an airstrike. After the strike, the team is to sweep through and make sure nothing salvageable is left for the IRPT to recover. Maps AO OPPENHIEMER OBJ WASP 4. SUSTAINMENT. a. Logistics Transportation: By 160th SOAR b. Health System Support Medical Treatment Casualties shall be treated by self-aid, then Corpsman support in the field. Medical Evacuation At SARC discretion casualties may be evacuated to temporary Casualty Collection Points (CCP). 5. COMMAND AND CONTROL. a. Control Command Posts COP GENGHIS Reports N/A b. Signal SOI Index Standard SOI Index is in effect Methods of Communication by Priority Radio Smoke signals Runners Pyrotechnics and Signals Smoke Notation Red: Enemy position. Green: Friendly position. White: Concealment. Yellow: Concealment. Purple: Mass casualty incident. Blue: Broken chain of command. Orange: Special purpose. Paint notation Green paint MAY be utilized to indicate cleared areas. Blue paint MAY be used to designate CCPs. Red paint MAY be used to designate boundaries for explosive use. Code Words SHATTER: Sending station is combat ineffective. HAVOC: Comms compromised, scramble comms. Challenge and Password Challenge: ELI (eee-lye) Password: MANNING (man-ning) Running Password Password: MANNING (man-ning) Number Combination N/A Recognition Signals N/A END WARNING ORDER
  12. WARNING ORDER MSOT 8311 LEGION 1. SITUATION. a. Overview: IRPT forces are attempting to consolidate in North Takistan and push the PER-aligned 75th Separate Motor Rifle Battalion out of the AO so they can concentrate their forces against the Russian-backed Loyalist Forces in the East. Russian Special Forces are also operating in the AO. b. The Area of Interest is OBJ FULL HOUSE c. Area of Operations is AO OPPENHIEMER The terrain is desert broken up by urban areas and small towns Weather is expected to be clear The time will be 1200 d. Enemy Forces. Enemy forces are Takistani rebel forces concentrated at the Rasman Airfield. Infantry, light and heavy armor, and aircraft are present at the airfield, though they appear undermanned. No civilian presence is expected on the airfield. Russian special forces may be operating in the AO as well. DO NOT FIRE ON RUSSIAN FORCES UNLESS FIRED UPON e. Friendly Forces The 75th Separate Motor Rifle Battalion will be conducting a mechanized assault on the South side of the airfield with some of their forces. f. Attachments and Detachments 160th SOAR 2. MISSION. Alpha Company (WHO) is conducting operations (WHAT) in AO OPPENHIEMER (WHERE) to destabilize the IRPT regime and prevent them from attacking US forces in Afghanistan (WHY). 3. EXECUTION. a. Concept of Operations. LEGION is tasked with supporting the 75th Separate MRB's assault on the Rasman Airfield. The 75th has too few men and firepower to take the airfield by themselves and has requested our aid. They are looking to capture the airfield and its equipment intact to boost their own forces. They are requesting that we DO NOT destroy any vehicles or ammunition stockpiles unless necessary. Command has agreed to this request, however, any vehicle that poses a threat to the team is considered a valid target. Maps AO OPPENHIEMER OBJ FULL HOUSE 4. SUSTAINMENT. a. Logistics Transportation: By 160th SOAR b. Health System Support Medical Treatment Casualties shall be treated by self-aid, then Corpsman support in the field. Medical Evacuation At SARC discretion casualties may be evacuated to temporary Casualty Collection Points (CCP). 5. COMMAND AND CONTROL. a. Control Command Posts COP GENGHIS Reports N/A b. Signal SOI Index Standard SOI Index is in effect Methods of Communication by Priority Radio Smoke signals Runners Pyrotechnics and Signals Smoke Notation Red: Enemy position. Green: Friendly position. White: Concealment. Yellow: Concealment. Purple: Mass casualty incident. Blue: Broken chain of command. Orange: Special purpose. Paint notation Green paint MAY be utilized to indicate cleared areas. Blue paint MAY be used to designate CCPs. Red paint MAY be used to designate boundaries for explosive use. Code Words SHATTER: Sending station is combat ineffective. HAVOC: Comms compromised, scramble comms. Challenge and Password Challenge: ELI (eee-lye) Password: MANNING (man-ning) Running Password Password: MANNING (man-ning) Number Combination N/A Recognition Signals N/A END WARNING ORDER
  13. Capt Boyle

    Operation Strangelove 05FEB24 @1900EST

    Squad Lead
  14. WARNING ORDER MSOT 8311 LEGION 1. SITUATION. a. Overview: Forces of the TIRP have consolidated their hold on the city of Bala Murghab and are pushing out into the surrounding countryside. With loyalist forces scattered in isolated pockets of resistance, Alpha Company, 3dMRB remains one of the only units in theatre capable of offering qualified resistance. b. The Area of Interest is OBJ MARS and JUPITER c. Area of Operations is AO SANDMAN The terrain is mountainous with urban areas and small towns Weather is expected to be clear The time will be 1800 d. Enemy Forces. Enemy forces are Takistani rebel forces scattered throughout the OBJ. Infantry, light and heavy armor, possible airmobile forces are expected. Given the possibility of civilians in the urban areas, weapon discretion is advised. e. Friendly Forces N/A f. Attachments and Detachments 160th SOAR 73rd Special Operations Squadron 2. MISSION. Alpha Company (WHO) is conducting operations (WHAT) in AO SANDMAN (WHERE) to establish an evacuation route for US citizens and extract those unable to reach the airfield (WHY). 3. EXECUTION. a. Concept of Operations. LEGION is tasked with delaying the rebels' forces from reaching the airfield before our forces are able to withdraw. The initial objective will be OBJ MARS, a river crossing to the Northeast that Takistani armor is approaching. If the crossing can be mined, it would force them to loop back and buy time for the final evacuations. Once OBJ MARS has been blocked, the team is tasked with holding OBJ JUPITER until 1630. At which point the team is to pull back to the airfield and ensure nothing of importance is left for TIRP to use before leaving the AO. Maps AO SANDMAN 4. SUSTAINMENT. a. Logistics Transportation: By 160th SOAR b. Health System Support Medical Treatment Casualties shall be treated by self-aid, then Corpsman support in the field. Medical Evacuation At SARC discretion casualties may be evacuated to temporary Casualty Collection Points (CCP). 5. COMMAND AND CONTROL. a. Control Command Posts AIRBASE REDOUBT Reports N/A b. Signal SOI Index Standard SOI Index is in effect Methods of Communication by Priority Radio Smoke signals Runners Pyrotechnics and Signals Smoke Notation Red: Enemy position. Green: Friendly position. White: Concealment. Yellow: Concealment. Purple: Mass casualty incident. Blue: Broken chain of command. Orange: Special purpose. Paint notation Green paint MAY be utilized to indicate cleared areas. Blue paint MAY be used to designate CCPs. Red paint MAY be used to designate boundaries for explosive use. Code Words SHATTER: Sending station is combat ineffective. HAVOC: Comms compromised, scramble comms. Challenge and Password Challenge: ELI (eee-lye) Password: MANNING (man-ning) Running Password Password: MANNING (man-ning) Number Combination N/A Recognition Signals N/A END WARNING ORDER