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  • In Universe Dateline: Febuary 14th 2023
  • Tensions rise in South Africa after no clear winner in Presidential election
  • Bomb in Tehran café kills three IRGC members, separatists suspected
  • Dominican Republic government on verge of collapse as gang violence escalates in Santa Domingo
  • Russia claims successful test of nuclear-powered cruise missile, experts remain skeptical
  • Man claims he was acting under Taylor Swift's secret orders after being arrested at NATO summit
  • Livonia detains 12 over suspected coup attempt
  • Sahrani troops disperse protest with gunfire, 8 reported dead
  • Hurricane rips through Florida Cemetery; Hundreds reported Dead

Sgt (Ret) Yildirir

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About Sgt (Ret) Yildirir

  • Rank
  • Birthday February 18


  • 1) Qualified MOS
    0372 Critical Skills Operator | 153A Rotary Wing Aviator
  • 2) School of Infantry
  • 3) Corporal's Courses
    CPLC 101 | CPLC 102 | CPLC 103
  • 4) Sergeant's Courses
    SGTC 201 | SGTC 202 | SGTC 203
  • 7) Auxiliary Qualifications
    CLS | MFF | CD | E&D | S.E.R.E | MG | AT | AH-6 | MH-6
  • 8) Date of Rank
  • Service Number

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  1. Sgt (Ret) Yildirir

    Elite Dangerous - Census

    Who here owns/plays Elite Dangerous, and would be interested in teaming up or setting up a squadron for 3d MRB?
  2. Sgt (Ret) Yildirir

    Yildirir's Cut, mostly uncut...

    @SSgt Carrendar almost eats dirt, steel, and aluminium...
  3. Sgt (Ret) Yildirir

    Yildirir's Cut, mostly uncut...

    @LTC Brueske - Showing Off
  4. Sgt (Ret) Yildirir

    Yildirir's Cut, mostly uncut...

    This is where I'll be posting my view of the trainings and operations, along with the meme-worthy conduct of my fellow members... for posterity.
  5. Sgt (Ret) Yildirir

    3d MRB Meme Thread!

    Looking at you, @Maj Ray 😎
  6. Sgt (Ret) Yildirir

    3d MRB Meme Thread!

    Here goes @SSgt Whelan, committing war crimes again...
  7. Sgt (Ret) Yildirir

    Cringe Thread for Capt Ray

    This thread is my baby... And I regret nothing!!
  8. Sgt (Ret) Yildirir

    Fun Op - "Look at me! I'm the Captain now!" (23MAR19 Saturday)

    Yes, it is on. However @MSgt Tullo messaged me today that he won't be able to attend, which means I will be Zeusing alone... Unless someone else wants to help me.
  9. Sgt (Ret) Yildirir

    Fun Op - "Look at me! I'm the Captain now!" (23MAR19 Saturday)

    I'm sorry @HN Kolinsky but there are only PMC slots available. Which one do you want?
  10. This will be a simple PMC operation with only one task: protect the cargo ship and its crew. A PMC Security Force is tasked with protecting a cargo ship while it crosses the Somalian waters. The Security Force Composition: Poseidon - Team Coordination - Team Coordinator: @SSgt Hague - Scout: OPEN - Scout: OPEN Atlas - LMG Squad - Squad Leader: OPEN - Bodyguard (Rifleman): - LMG Gunner: - Squad Medic: @HM3 Wirth (Obama) Theseus - LMG Squad - Squad Leader: @SSgt Mycka - Bodyguard (Rifleman): OPEN - LMG Gunner: @SSgt Turk - Squad Medic: @HN Kolinsky Triton - AT Squad - Squad Leader: OPEN - Bodyguard (Rifleman): OPEN - AT Specialist: OPEN - Squad Medic: OPEN Orion 1 - Marksman Team - Marksman: @WOC Padgett - Scout/Bodyguard (Rifleman): @Mac (Pvt McLaughlin) Orion 2 - Marksman Team - Marksman: @SSgt Bohannon - Scout/Bodyguard (Rifleman): OPEN In addition to these positions, there will be a max of 3 Immersion Specialists / Scenario Directors - Scenario Director: @Cpl Yildirir - Scenario Director: @LCpl P. Smith - Scenario Director: OPEN Equipment: Any 5.56mm weapon platform is fair game, given that it fits your slot. Marksmen are allowed to choose 7.62mm DMR platforms. With the exception of marksmen and LMG gunners, all personnel are limited to holographic (no zoom) sights or ironsights. NVGs cannot be used due to ITAR restrictions, however, thermal imaging equipment are authorised for scout positions only. Mods: In addition to the standard Raider 3.1.0 modpack, this mission will require ONE ADDITIONAL MOD: Large Civilian Ship (ArmaFiend) The Operation briefing will start (tentatively) at 1830 on 23MAR19 Saturday. (Scenario Directors are expected to be there at 1800 for their briefing and server setup!) Please sign up below, stating your preferred slot choice. The slots are assigned on a first-come-first-served basis, except for the Scenario Director slot. For the Scenario Director slots, people who helped make the mission and the S-2 members will get priority.
  11. Sgt (Ret) Yildirir

    3d MRB Meme Thread!

    I was doing some spring cleaning when I came across the creation of an old S-4 meme. I didn't even know I recorded this...
  12. Sgt (Ret) Yildirir

    Cringe Thread for Capt Ray

    Thermal Paste Slaughter, and others... https://imgur.com/gallery/si6TQCL
  13. Sgt (Ret) Yildirir

    3d MRB Meme Thread!

    Friendly reminder for all...
  14. Sgt (Ret) Yildirir

    Cringe Thread for Capt Ray

    @Maj Ray , you thought this thread was dead, but I still remember 😂 Sudo dump v2 I hope you have a good chuckle!
  15. Sgt (Ret) Yildirir

    3d MRB Meme Thread!

    When 8311 TAC 1 doesn't know how to properly evade enemy patrol without @Sgt Bohannon's presence, and get their asses saved by the fill-in... P.S.: Thank you for the magnificent SERE course, @Sgt Bohannon!