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  • In Universe Dateline: Febuary 14th 2023
  • Tensions rise in South Africa after no clear winner in Presidential election
  • Bomb in Tehran cafĂ© kills three IRGC members, separatists suspected
  • Dominican Republic government on verge of collapse as gang violence escalates in Santa Domingo
  • Russia claims successful test of nuclear-powered cruise missile, experts remain skeptical
  • Man claims he was acting under Taylor Swift's secret orders after being arrested at NATO summit
  • Livonia detains 12 over suspected coup attempt
  • Sahrani troops disperse protest with gunfire, 8 reported dead
  • Hurricane rips through Florida Cemetery; Hundreds reported Dead

SSgt (Ret) Rodoli

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About SSgt (Ret) Rodoli

  • Rank
    0372 Critical Skills Operator


  • 1) Qualified MOS
    0372 Critical Skills Operator, HM-8403 S.A.R.C., 11S2Y Special Operations Pilot
  • 2) School of Infantry
    ITC | FMTB
  • 3) Corporal's Courses
    CPLC 101 | CPLC 102 | CPLC 103
  • 4) Sergeant's Courses
    SGTC 201 | SGTC 202 | SGTC 203
  • 7) Auxiliary Qualifications
    ACLS | MFF | CD | MG | AT | E&D | S.E.R.E | A-10 | F-16C
  • 8) Date of Rank
  • Service Number

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  1. SSgt (Ret) Rodoli

    3d MRB Meme Thread!

  2. SSgt (Ret) Rodoli


    For the Hunters of Gunmen out there who appreciate and respect the role of a Scout/Sniper just as much as I do Bounty Hunter 4/3 ~ Jason Delgado: This book tells the story of a young Marine turned Scout Sniper and his multiple deployments in Iraq during OIF I and OIF II. Jason goes into excruciating detail about what it takes, as well as what it means to be a Sniper. Jason also goes writes about the early formation of MARSOC and his instrumental role in developing the Sniper community of Marine Special Operations into what it is today. The Reaper/The Way Of The Reaper ~ Nicholas Irving: This book tells the story of a Sniper in 3rd Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment during his a deployment to Afghanistan where he earned the nickname of "Reaper" by racking up 33 confirmed kills with his beloved SR-25 sniper rifle he named "Dirty Diana", within a time frame of less than 6 months. Nick writes about each time he went out with his platoon and provided overwatch for the rest of his guys while they were kicking in doors looking for HVTs. Each story is extremely unique and always has you at the edge of your seat.
  3. SSgt (Ret) Rodoli

    3d MRB Meme Thread!

  4. SSgt (Ret) Rodoli

    MARSOC Transistioning to MultiCam

    What on Earth would a Lieutenant, from the Air Force, IN THE RESERVES, know about what the SEALs are doing. EDIT - nvm i realized it was a meme
  5. SSgt (Ret) Rodoli

    3d MRB Meme Thread!

    That's some good shit
  6. SSgt (Ret) Rodoli

    Photos of Tier 1 SMUs

    Adding to the collection - Operators/Guns & Gear Tools of the trade. (Need gear like this in Arma) ~ 24th Special Tactics Squadron Taxpayer-funded Delta Safari ~ Delta Locker of Operator Mark Owen ~ DEVGRU Love those MP7s ~ DEVGRU x Fur Missile Chillin in the Stan' (we need those nods in Arma) ~ Delta Bout to do bad things to bad people (Those fleece jackets are fucking TUFF) ~ DEVGRU Red Squadron
  7. SSgt (Ret) Rodoli

    Photos of Tier 1 SMUs

    What in the fuck is this?
  8. SSgt (Ret) Rodoli

    3d MRB Meme Thread!

  9. SSgt (Ret) Rodoli

    Photos of Tier 1 SMUs

  10. SSgt (Ret) Rodoli

    Photos of Tier 1 SMUs

    Just some photos that I thought I'd share of Tier 1 Operators and their gear, ranging from SFOD-D (Delta Force), NSWDG (SEAL Team 6), 24th STS (Air Force's Tier 1 Unit), and British SAS. Time frames of these photos range from mid 2000s - recent. Naval Special Warfare Development Group /AKA/ DEVGRU 416s, MP7s, and AOR1 Special Forces Operational Detachment - Delta /AKA/ Combat Applications Group /AKA/ Delta Force /AKA/ The Unit British 22nd Special Air Service "Who Dares Wins" I believe this an Air Force CCT (left) and a DEVGRU Operator (right) I believe this is a Delta Force Operator in what looks to be Iraq, with his Military Working Dog /AKA/ Fur Missile Delta Force goons in Syria Circa. 2017 Delta Force Operator in Syria wearing MARPAT Woodland and AOR2 Can't even begin to figure out what type of rifle that is. This one is especially interesting. This is a JSOC Task Force deployed to Syria in 2018. These men come from every branch of USSOCOM. Delta, Green Berets, 75th Rangers, DEVGRU, 24th STS, and even MARSOC. The man with the unblurred face is Marine Raider, MGySgt Zachary Reeves. Quite the roster. I'd like to make this a continual thread, so if anybody has any rare or interesting photos of Tier 1 Operators, post them here.
  11. SSgt (Ret) Rodoli

    MARSOC Transistioning to MultiCam

    To think that Special Operators of different branches are tied to a specific camouflage pattern, especially during a deployment is kind of ridiculous. I've seen photos of Special Forces (Green Berets) wearing the Navy's AOR1, as well as MARSOC CSOs wearing the Army's OCP (grey digital pattern). Simply put, These men wear whatever camouflage pattern that fits the best within the environment they are operating in.
  12. SSgt (Ret) Rodoli

    3d MRB Meme Thread!

    Best battle buddy N/A. Don't @ me.
  13. SSgt (Ret) Rodoli

    Summer break Fun Campaign

  14. SSgt (Ret) Rodoli

    Battle of Neuville - WW2 Operation

    Automatic Riflemen with BAR
  15. SSgt (Ret) Rodoli

    That One Game?

    Witcher 3: Wild Hunt