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  • In Universe Dateline: Febuary 14th 2023
  • Tensions rise in South Africa after no clear winner in Presidential election
  • Bomb in Tehran café kills three IRGC members, separatists suspected
  • Dominican Republic government on verge of collapse as gang violence escalates in Santa Domingo
  • Russia claims successful test of nuclear-powered cruise missile, experts remain skeptical
  • Man claims he was acting under Taylor Swift's secret orders after being arrested at NATO summit
  • Livonia detains 12 over suspected coup attempt
  • Sahrani troops disperse protest with gunfire, 8 reported dead
  • Hurricane rips through Florida Cemetery; Hundreds reported Dead

Sgt (Ret) Mycka

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About Sgt (Ret) Mycka

  • Rank
    0372 Critical Skills Operator


  • 1) Qualified MOS
    0372 Critical Skills Operator | HM-8403 S.A.R.C.
  • 2) School of Infantry
    ITC | FMTB
  • 3) Corporal's Courses
    CPLC 101 | CPLC 102 | CPLC 103
  • 4) Sergeant's Courses
    SGTC 201 | SGTC 202 | SGTC 203
  • 7) Auxiliary Qualifications
    MFF | CD | MG | AT | E&D | SERE | ACLS
  • 8) Date of Rank
  • Service Number

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  1. Sgt (Ret) Mycka

    Post Apocalyptic Fun OP Feedback

    Story updated with the most recent mission. Also I will be gone for about a month to go to a field exercise so I will not be at my computer for about a month. Once I get back then the Fun Op will resume as normal. If you have any questions or suggestions please message me on the forums or discord. Thank you.
  2. Sgt (Ret) Mycka

    Post Apocalyptic Fun OP Feedback

    The Post Apocalyptic main post has been updated so feel free to check it out
  3. Sgt (Ret) Mycka

    Post Apocalyptic Fun Op

    Something big is coming
  4. Sgt (Ret) Mycka

    Mycka's Pictures and Clips

  5. Sgt (Ret) Mycka

    Mycka's Pictures and Clips

  6. Sgt (Ret) Mycka

    Mycka's Pictures and Clips

    @LCpl Roberteus @2d Lt Netley @LCpl Wenner @WOC Quantius
  7. Sgt (Ret) Mycka

    Post Apocalyptic Fun Op

    Good Evening all who are interested in my Fun Op, I will be hosting a Post Apocalyptic Fun Op(11/03/2019) Sunday at 1400 est.(This time can change to meet peoples schedules if need be also im hoping to make this every Sunday) This will hopefully be a multi part campaign with changes based on your decision as a group or individual. Your choices impact the outcome of a scenario, For ex if you capture/find a vehicle you can use that vehicle later down the road for your current or next mission until it is destroyed completely. There will be back story itself as well as a story that you can make. Some missions could be short some can be long it all depends on how you operate. The First mission of the fun op was a complete success and I only hope I can interest even more people and have even more dynamic mission/missions. Please follow either this thread or my feedback thread for updates and changes being made. Thank you. Supplies will be limited so scavenging and finding supplies is essential for your current or next mission. Work as a group and dont run off by yourself. In this OP if you join late you will not been thrown right in the fight with everyone. There will be some way made for you to be integrated in and not so much just join and play. There are many challenges to face out here in the wasteland so treat it with caution at all times.(this can be subject to change based on the zues) If you wish to play please either respond to my thread or pm me either or is fine. This first mission will impact your story just like any other so dont think its just a trial. I will eventually add more to the thread but as of now if you have any questions or concerns feel free to message me directly either on the forums or discord. Thank you. Players: 1-15, just cause you're alone doesn't mean your story cant be heard Kits will be pre made but after missions save your kit for future missions(Subject to change) To have the best possible immersive experience we will try to be serious throughout the entire time. People do record these missions and it would just ruin the fun for others. (If you have any suggestions for future missions for this fun op please message me on discord or on the website. Thank you.) Attendence: - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=501966277 This will be the only mod you need to download but have it on standby. Prior to loading up in the server I will let you know if you need to put it in your mod list Rebirth Society I cant believe it happened, after months of defending that airfield from constant attack we pulled out. There wasn't much left but a decent amount of gear and supplies to get a hold of. Luckily we got out when we did, it was a massacre back there. When we pulled out we got separated from the rest of the guys and we lost communication with them shortly after. I can only assume the worst. We are low on supplies and some of us are starting to get sick, hopefully they pull through. We dont need anymore people dieing from this shit hole. We picked up some radio chatter in a nearby town, it was very static but we heard "Mayday ...day...we....help.......anyone...plea.." and that was it. We have enough fuel to make it there so lets hope its worth it.. To be honest with you I dont trust it one bit but we have no other option at this point. We stopped just short of the town, theres movement inside and the guys there looked armed. We had to leave our supplies behind with 2 guys just in case while the rest went ahead to make contact. I hope this doesn't go south we have the ammo but very little and medical supplies are low so I dont know if we could hold out. This is all for now, ill keep updating as we go. Who knows maybe someone will read my story in the end. 20310915 Chapter 2 We are safe for now.... Well I cant believe we did it but the town is secure. After hours of fighting we finally took the town but only temporarily. After we secured the town and found the supplies we needed I suggested we stay and hold this town. But the others had different opinions. They want to just set up camp and then move to the castle up north. I haven't seen it myself but it might be a good idea. While we where looting and setting up camp one of us found a Russian soldier that we must have killed last night. What was he doing all the way out here? Is there more of them? is he only a scout? I dont know but hopefully we are far enough from the rest. That is a fight im not willing to fight right now. Its been a few nights and we have been hearing things? Mostly gun fire but screams to? That shit had me up all night cause it was that loud? Hopefully we dont run into what ever it is but being out here anything could happen. Well we plan on setting a scouting party up north to the castle to see if its a good base to set up, but what if its occupied already? Will they be friendly? Or is it gonna be another blood bath? Well ill write more once i find out more information we are doing ok right now but could be better. Anyway see you in the next chapter. 20310919 Chapter 3 Sanctuary Well last I wrote we planned on taking a look at the castle and possibly making it our home and long story short we did. After hours of fighting we took it from those looters and bandits. I witnessed one of our guys take out there leader. It was another bloody battle that we had endured and on top of that we came in contact with the screams! It was bloody walkers!! They just came out from the dense forest and starting to eat people in the camp. We managed to hold them back but one of us got bit!! He doesn't have symptoms yet but we are keeping a close eye on him in the mean time, 24 hour guard to be exact. We cant have anyone turn and become one of those monsters especially how stretched thin we are. Luckily we ran into some survivors from the airfield!! We didn't believe it at first but when they proved it man was it a sign of relief. I wonder if theres anyone else out there just trying to get by? So from moving forward from here is we plan on checking out 2 towns on our maps. we can see one town from the castle tower but not the other one. We dont know whats out there but we need supplies. So far we have ran into looters and walkers but no signs of the Russians. I wonder if they'll try to look for their guy? Or I wonder if they think he just died to walkers? Either way we gotta keep our guard up. Well as time goes by ill write more about the towns. I hope theres still life out there. 20310926 Chapter 4 Neighbors Since last time I wrote one of us was sick and im here to report that he died. But we had to put him down, he got to sick and we didn't have the supplies to fix him. Our leader took him out in the forest and under the breeze we just heard one simple gun shot and knew hes at peace now. So now hes gone its time to move on to gather more supplies and build on what we have. We moved into the town of staroye to gather supplies and investigate the area and its completely walker infested. We got over ran and had to pull back but we will go again cause I have a feeling they are just guarding a heap of supplies we could use. We also found a helicopter crash with a decent amount of supplies and an AT4 which should come in handy in the future. So after all of that we came across something none of us expected. We came across survivors!! and a whole camp at that. We talked to the guy in charge and he even let us stay the night. Their defenses are solid and were hoping to do trade with them in the future. All in all it was a successful day and I only hope it gets better from here on out. Until next time. 20191004 Chapter 5 Big Changes So its been about a month now that ive been writing and these stories are absolutely crazy. We discover more and more everyday and the challenges we face are getting harder and harder. We set out for supplies and explore more land and we found something alright. On our travels we came across a check point. Nothing bad just a few walkers but nothing we couldn't handle. Then once we searched it we found some ammo and a turret the Russians left behind. While we where packing it up to take home we started taking fire. We didn't know where from or who was shooting but it was accurate. This was no ordinary looter this was far worse and we where not ready. We just started dropping left and right then eventually got the order to fall back and assess the situation. While we where falling back we got radio comms that said there is radio traffic in our area about a Russian Death Squad? Serious shit these guys as far as we know dont answer to no one and will deal with both Russians and any other gang they come across. If not they just kill everyone and take what ever they need or want. When we rounded everyone back up we left behind a vehicle in a hurry so we went back to grab it. Sadly it was gone and only assume the Russians took it to a nearby settlement of looters. Our leader decided it would be in our best interest to assault the complex and find out whats in there and we did just that. We coordinated and plan and took over the base. To our surprise we found a soldier who was held captive there for days. He told us his convoy got ambushed and hes the only one left. During the fire fight the walkers showed up and killed some of the looters guards but we handled it and all was quiet for now. So after all that our leader made the decision to move to this new location because it has more space and also we have a helicopter now and its the perfect place to land cause the castle was just to small. Were close to a city so zombies will be an issue but with our supplies we can make it work. Anyway until next time. 20311013 Chapter 6 Scavenging Well we sent out to look for more supplies and we came out pretty well. We sent out in the city and found some old helicopter crash with old bodies and cars. We found some ammo and dealt with some walkers but nothing serious. We also went to an old military base nearby as well. This military base was definitely over run by the amount of bodies we found. Looks like the civilians wanted in but the military just shot them for coming in. There where tents filled with blood and body bags stacked ready to be transported. Whatever truly happened here it wasn't pretty. Scavenging some more we found actual military survivors. It was crazy there is any military out there still but we talked and they agreed to come live with us and low and behold they had a Stryker just sitting in a barn. They got it working and we took the supplies and vehicles and headed back to base. Pretty exciting day if you ask me. Thats all and as always ill write more as time goes on. 20311025 Chapter 7 Gaining Ground Hello again whoever might read this in the near future. We are still doing well but some issues have come up. Sadly we lost a few soldiers in an attack on our base. These "Death Squad" soldiers came by an just ambushed us. They have suppresors and just took of the soldiers head with one clean shot. It was very gruesome to watch and I was in shock while we where still taking rounds as another soldier dragged his body back. We killed the death squad members and took any Intel from these guys that we could use. They also took out 2 of our vehicles during the attack which is always a big lose by itself. Im going to try see what Intel we can gather from this and hell maybe even find a base they are operating at? During a patrol for supplies we had a Russian troop transport fly over us. Thats the second time we have seen them this close and they seemed to not go to far. Maybe west of electro so hopefully we can get a group of guys to go check it out. Speaking of which we went and saw the other civilian camp and they are doing pretty good. No issues other than zombies so thats always good but of course could be better. The Survivor camp leader came by our base and dropped some supplies off they found which was really nice of them. We talked and we where going to see if we wanted to take the city of cherno. Its a big mission seeing that the outbreak hit the hardest there but just imagine all the loot in there waiting to be grabbed. I dont know though will it be worth the loses or will thats really the big question to ask yourself. While out scavenging and getting the way of the land we came across another balota airfield survivor! He dug in by some rocks and had a UGV drone guarded him. We talked and he agreed to come with and bring his drone. This drone for sure will come in handy later down the road especially since it has an auto pilot. Well thats all for today other than the loses morale seems to be doing just fine here. Anyway until next time. 20311028 Chapter 8 Tragic Times Well its been about 2 months now that we have been living and honestly im surprised. Why where we the lucky ones? Why did we make it out of Balota and survive this long? Its just crazy how many peoples lives where lost that day and that goes for both Russian and American. Will there ever even be and end? Theres still Russians out there so is there still a war? The question to that is yes. Earlier today while we where out looting we got radio comms from the survivor came just north east of us. They came under attack and where being slaughtered by the russians. We scrambled anything and everything we had, even the sentrys guarding our base where sent out there.But when we arrived it was too late. The smoke pillars where rising high and the street was filled with bodies. The civilians didn't go down without a fight though, taking as many Russians as they could. Alittle later we got word that the camps leader manage to get away with some people. Thank god someone survived and they fled to our outpost at the castle. A Russian helicopter flew over and one of the soldiers shot it down with the turret on the Stryker. Why so much blood? What was the purpose of the attack? So many questions but little to no answers. During us evacuating what supplies we could the walkers began to swarm the battlefield feasting any dead body they got a hold off. We eventually got back to base and had to process what the hell happened. It happened to fast and with very little warning. But it wasn't all bad, while scavenging we found 2 more soldiers that came from balota and escaped! They escaped together and have just been trying to survive. We also got a hold of a black hawk that some looters where trying to take for themselves but we killed them and took the helicopter back to base. Well its been a very eventful day and hopefully it only gets better from here on out. Again whoever reads this just know I may be dead but our story needs to be heard. 20311103
  8. Sgt (Ret) Mycka

    Mycka's Pictures and Clips

  9. Sgt (Ret) Mycka

    Mycka's Pictures and Clips

  10. Sgt (Ret) Mycka

    Mycka's Pictures and Clips

  11. Sgt (Ret) Mycka

    Mycka's Pictures and Clips

  12. Sgt (Ret) Mycka

    Post Apocalyptic Fun OP Feedback

    Quick shout out to everyone who has been playing my fun op. Its been about a month and a half and I couldnt be happier with the results. I hope for only more and better missions in the long run. If you guys have any suggestions for missions to be made please DM me. With Love, Sgt Mycka
  13. Sgt (Ret) Mycka

    Mycka's Pictures and Clips

  14. Sgt (Ret) Mycka

    Mycka's Pictures and Clips

  15. Sgt (Ret) Mycka

    Mycka's Pictures and Clips
