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  • In Universe Dateline: Febuary 14th 2023
  • Tensions rise in South Africa after no clear winner in Presidential election
  • Bomb in Tehran café kills three IRGC members, separatists suspected
  • Dominican Republic government on verge of collapse as gang violence escalates in Santa Domingo
  • Russia claims successful test of nuclear-powered cruise missile, experts remain skeptical
  • Man claims he was acting under Taylor Swift's secret orders after being arrested at NATO summit
  • Livonia detains 12 over suspected coup attempt
  • Sahrani troops disperse protest with gunfire, 8 reported dead
  • Hurricane rips through Florida Cemetery; Hundreds reported Dead

Cpl (Ret) Winters

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About Cpl (Ret) Winters

  • Rank
    0372 Critical Skills Operator


  • 1) Qualified MOS
    8002 Joint Terminal Attack Controller | 0372 Critical Skills Operator
  • 2) School of Infantry
  • 3) Corporal's Courses
    CPLC 101 | CPLC 102 | CPLC 103
  • 7) Auxiliary Qualifications
    ACLS | E&D | JTAC | MFF | CD
  • 8) Date of Rank
  • Service Number

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  1. Cpl (Ret) Winters

    [ACCEPTED] Winters, Christopher

    Age: 20 First Name: Chistopher Last Name: Winters Steam Name: pirateobama Steam Profile Link: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198252066618/ ArmA III Player ID: 76561198252066618 Desired Duty Assignment: 0372 Critical Skills Operator How Long have you been playing ArmA III: Year and a half Do you own Arma 3 Apex DLC? (Unit Requirement): Yes Availability (Sunday/Saturday/Both): Both How did you find out about our unit? Former memeber of the unit If you were recruited by one of our members, who was it? N/A Why do you want to join the 3rd Marine Raider Battalion? Do some cool shit Do you understand the definition of realism gaming according to the 3d MRB and willing to abide by this game style? Yes Do you understand this unit is EST(GMT -5) time zoned based. Operations take place on Saturday at 1500 EST and Sunday at 2000 EST. Yes
  2. Cpl (Ret) Winters

    Work lives

    ill see you august 10th
  3. Cpl (Ret) Winters

    Alternate WW2 Fun Op: Operation Rattlesnake 5/17/21

    Machine Gun
  4. Cpl (Ret) Winters

    SCP Fun Op: Operation Dutch 5/1/21

    Element 2 CSO
  5. Cpl (Ret) Winters

    Operation Silenced Beaver: Nam OP 04/17

    Cancelled due to the lack of attendees
  6. Cpl (Ret) Winters

    Operation Silenced Beaver: Nam OP 04/17

    7th Special Forces Group has been deployed to Dak Pek to destroy Soviet-supplied Anti-Air Missles Mod list: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=943001311 (Along with 3MRB Mod pack) Operation start time set for 2030 EST 04/17/21 RULES: ONLY RTOs can have radios Platoon HQ Platoon Leader: Capt Hague Platoon RTO: Platoon Medic: SSgt Spears Squad 1 Squad Leader: SSgt O’Brien Assistant Squad Leader: SSgt Boyle RTO: Medic: Rifleman: Rifleman: Rifleman: Grenadier: Squad 2 Squad Leader Assistant Squad Leader: RTO: Medic: Rifleman: Rifleman: Rifleman: Grenadier:
  7. Cpl (Ret) Winters

    WW2 Fun Op: Operation Jenkins

  8. Cpl (Ret) Winters

    SCP Fun Op: Operation Impaler 3/6/21

    jk got aviation training
  9. Cpl (Ret) Winters

    SCP Fun Op: Operation Impaler 3/6/21

    if you trust me with your life I would like to be element 2 medic... I may or not be trained for this role but god damn it ill do my best
  10. Cpl (Ret) Winters

    Operation Moon Wraith - 20FEB2021 @1900EST

    I'm gonna be busy tomorrow so can you take me out of the roster please. got called in for work
  11. Cpl (Ret) Winters

    Operation Moon Wraith - 20FEB2021 @1900EST

    Banshee 1 rifleman
  12. Cpl (Ret) Winters

    SCP Fun Op: Operation On Tap

    element 3 cso por favor
  13. Cpl (Ret) Winters

    [ACCEPTED] Winters, Christopher

    Age: 18 First Name: Christopher Last Name: Winters Steam Name: intelligence Steam Profile Link:https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198252066618/ ArmA III Player ID:76561198252066618 Desired Duty Assignment: 0372 How Long have you been playing ArmA III: 8 Months Do you own Arma 3 Apex DLC? (Unit Requirement): Yes Availability (Sunday/Saturday/Both): Usually both How did you find out about our unit? A friend If you were recruited by one of our members, who was it? HN Costa Why do you want to join the 3rd Marine Raider Battalion? Costa told me you guys were solid group of guys and have high standards for the Arma 3 MILSIM community Do you understand the definition of realism gaming according to the 3d MRB and willing to abide by this game style? Yes Do you understand this unit is EST(GMT -5) time zoned based. Operations take place on Saturday at 1500 EST and Sunday at 2000 EST. Yes