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  • In Universe Dateline: Febuary 14th 2023
  • Tensions rise in South Africa after no clear winner in Presidential election
  • Bomb in Tehran café kills three IRGC members, separatists suspected
  • Dominican Republic government on verge of collapse as gang violence escalates in Santa Domingo
  • Russia claims successful test of nuclear-powered cruise missile, experts remain skeptical
  • Man claims he was acting under Taylor Swift's secret orders after being arrested at NATO summit
  • Livonia detains 12 over suspected coup attempt
  • Sahrani troops disperse protest with gunfire, 8 reported dead
  • Hurricane rips through Florida Cemetery; Hundreds reported Dead

CW4 Levorse

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Everything posted by CW4 Levorse

  1. CW4 Levorse

    3d MRB Meme Thread!

  2. CW4 Levorse

    3d MRB Quote Book

    "Swallow the dick" - @SSgt Boyle "Never spit" - @Capt Hague
  3. CW4 Levorse

    Operation Gold Coast: Vietnam Fun Op 5/30/21

  4. CW4 Levorse

    3d MRB Meme Thread!

  5. CW4 Levorse

    Fun Operation Reign of Fire - March 31st @1900EST

    gimme shocktrooper
  6. CW4 Levorse

    3d MRB Quote Book

    "We have experience handling wood" - @Capt Hague
  7. CW4 Levorse

    WW2 Fun Op: Operation Jenkins

    I will volunteer to be radioman again, else rifleman
  8. CW4 Levorse

    3d MRB Quote Book

    "This is Bukkake actual, stand by" - @MAJ Carrera
  9. CW4 Levorse

    3d MRB Quote Book

    "Crack the whip harder, I like it" - @LTC Brueske
  10. CW4 Levorse

    3d MRB Meme Thread!

  11. CW4 Levorse

    3d MRB Meme Thread!

    @Capt Hart
  12. CW4 Levorse

    3d MRB Quote Book

    "Speirs is on the mission, you should be concerned about other things going up your ass" @CW4 Levorse "mmmmmm, Pegging" @Capt Hawkins
  13. CW4 Levorse

    The Great McMonkey Hunt of 2020

    Define “drone”
  14. CW4 Levorse

    3d MRB Quote Book

    "You have to clear that with @SSgt Boyle, he's the foreskin collector" - @SSgt McMuster
  15. CW4 Levorse

    3d MRB Quote Book

    "I thought taking 6 at a time was your specialty" - @Capt Hague to @2ndLt Speirs
  16. CW4 Levorse

    3d MRB Meme Thread!

  17. CW4 Levorse

    3d MRB Quote Book

    "I will continue to fellate the Australian dong" - @Sgt McMuster
  18. CW4 Levorse

    3d MRB Quote Book

    "where's my face" - @MSgt Falconer
  19. CW4 Levorse

    3d MRB Quote Book

    "I swear if you make me play with myself for 20 minutes" - @GySgt Songs
  20. CW4 Levorse

    3d MRB Quote Book

    "I want @CW3 Levorseto do me" - @WOC Speirs
  21. CW4 Levorse

    3d MRB Quote Book

    "Alright I'll kill some civilians" - @Maj Whelan
  22. CW4 Levorse

    3d MRB Meme Thread!

  23. CW4 Levorse

    3d MRB Quote Book

    "@Capt Hartspunked on the table" - @Sgt Speirs
  24. CW4 Levorse

    3d MRB Quote Book

    "I think she's Hot" - @MAJ Brueske "SHARPS" - @Sgt Speirs "Not you, don't flatter yourself" - @MSgt Falconer
  25. CW4 Levorse

    3d MRB Quote Book

    "@MSgt Falconerhow good are you at pulling out?" - @Sgt Speirs