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  • In Universe Dateline: Febuary 14th 2023
  • Tensions rise in South Africa after no clear winner in Presidential election
  • Bomb in Tehran café kills three IRGC members, separatists suspected
  • Dominican Republic government on verge of collapse as gang violence escalates in Santa Domingo
  • Russia claims successful test of nuclear-powered cruise missile, experts remain skeptical
  • Man claims he was acting under Taylor Swift's secret orders after being arrested at NATO summit
  • Livonia detains 12 over suspected coup attempt
  • Sahrani troops disperse protest with gunfire, 8 reported dead
  • Hurricane rips through Florida Cemetery; Hundreds reported Dead

HMCM (Ret) (FMF) Bernal

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About HMCM (Ret) (FMF) Bernal

  • Rank
    HM-L02A FMF Recon IDC
  • Birthday 04/17/1989


  • 1) Qualified MOS
    0372 Critical Skills Operator | HM-L02A FMF Recon IDC | 9578 CSC
  • 2) School of Infantry
    ITC | FMTB
  • 3) Corporal's Courses
    CPLC 101 | CPLC 102 | CPLC 103
  • 4) Sergeant's Courses
    SGTC 201 | SGTC 202 | SGTC 203
  • 7) Auxiliary Qualifications
    CLS | E&D | MFF | FMF | CD | MG
  • 8) Date of Rank
  • Service Number

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  1. HMCM (Ret) (FMF) Bernal

    Work lives

    i'm still doing the same thing since my last post, but enough about me. Anyway, i got to see my uncle over the weekend, haven't seen him since 2015ish, but i just found out that he does Depot Level Maintenance for 160th SOAR and i thought that was kinda neat and moderately relevant given our emulated aviation unit of choice.
  2. HMCM (Ret) (FMF) Bernal

    Work lives

    I work at a packaging plant for Ardent Mills
  3. HMCM (Ret) (FMF) Bernal

    3d MRB Meme Thread!

    That's power you can't buy.
  4. HMCM (Ret) (FMF) Bernal

    Earth Defense Force

    Does anybody around here play EDF? I have Insect Armageddon, EDF 5, and Iron Rain. Looking to start from 0%, probing for interest.
  5. HMCM (Ret) (FMF) Bernal

    You've been operating too long when...

    when everybody that retired a year or 2 ago comes back again #waitingondeleo
  6. HMCM (Ret) (FMF) Bernal

    The Video Thread.

    The most intense action figure fight you've ever seen
  7. HMCM (Ret) (FMF) Bernal

    3d MRB Meme Thread!

    When you wanted land mines but got air defense instead
  8. HMCM (Ret) (FMF) Bernal

    Offical 3d MRB S-4 Fun Mission Server Information

    Fixed mission file
  9. HMCM (Ret) (FMF) Bernal

    Offical 3d MRB S-4 Fun Mission Server Information

    hold off a bit, sutchering still isn't working
  10. HMCM (Ret) (FMF) Bernal

    Offical 3d MRB S-4 Fun Mission Server Information

    I did a thing: Altis Liberation v0.69.7 - Bernie Mod -Changed enemy units and vehicles from A3 Vanilla to RHS -Changed BI arsenal to ACE arsenal -Set all player characters to be ACE regular medic and ACE engineer to allow most if not all actions to be performed -Set all medics to be ACE Doctor -Set all engineers and demolition expert to be ACE adv engineer -Removed cooldown for HALO and respawn on mobile spawn -Removed permission required to use vehicles Everything else is unchanged from the steam workshop version The primary reason for this modified version of Liberation is to better utilize medical settings and functions regardless of chosen slot and to streamline playing experience overall...... also an attempt at drawing more attention to the fun server when nobody is running a fun op.
  11. HMCM (Ret) (FMF) Bernal

    Sierra 7 GSSG - PMC/Livonia Fun Op Series (MISSION 2: Sat 30MAY20 2000EST)

    Thunder storm has apparently decided that I'm not playing today
  12. HMCM (Ret) (FMF) Bernal

    [ACCEPTED] Bernal, Richard Application

    Age: 31 First Name: Richard Last Name: Bernal Steam Name: Bernal Steam Profile Link: ArmA III Player ID: 76561198010572185 Desired Duty Assignment: HM-8403 - I hear there's an open spot that nobody wants How Long have you been playing ArmA III: Since 2009, 3675 hours logged on Steam, countless more not logged offline Do you own Arma 3 Apex DLC? (Unit Requirement): Yes Availability (Sunday/Saturday/Both): Both How did you find out about our unit? Col Irwin and MGySgt De Leo If you were recruited by one of our members, who was it? CMCDCM (FMF) Bernal - he's a pretty cool dude Why do you want to join the 3rd Marine Raider Battalion? Returning home Do you understand the definition of realism gaming according to the 3d MRB and willing to abide by this game style? Yes Do you understand this unit is EST(GMT -5) time zoned based. Operations take place on Saturday at 1500 EST and Sunday at 2000 EST. Yes
  13. HMCM (Ret) (FMF) Bernal

    The Old Days

    browsing through my google drive and found this
  14. HMCM (Ret) (FMF) Bernal

    The Old Days

    506th IR CMS conducting scientific research for the implementation of ACE Advance Medical 506th IR CMS 13th MEU BAS conducting practical application for the implementation of ACE Advance Medical