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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/26/2018 in all areas

  1. 5 points
    1. Thats not the Gerald R. Ford 2. Most modern doesn't mean best and if you aint flexing the best you aint flexing right
  2. 3 points
    New U.S.-Chinese Anti-Piracy Coalition off Tanoa Photo of two fishermen recently harassed by Tanoan pirates. TANOA - Two fishermen aboard their small boat had just been saved by the Horizon Islands Coast Guard after pirates tried to kill them for fishing in their "territory". The fishermen, who wanted to remain unnamed, were in their fishing location that has been used for generations by both their families. But shortly after arriving at the spot, a small water craft carrying three armed men came bearing down on them, approaching and threatening them to leave or otherwise be killed. The men refused to leave, causing the pirates to open fire on their small row boat. Lucky for the two fishermen, but unlucky for the armed pirates, a Horizon Islands Coast Guard patrol boat was close by. The patrol boat saw the pirates approach the fishermen’s boat and open fire on it. The Coast Guard proceeded to fire upon the small pirate craft, sinking the craft and killing the three men. The two men remained unscathed, but their boat requires some holes repaired. Piracy off the coast of the Horizon Islands has been on the rise for the last several months since the conflict between the U.S. Armed Forces and the rogue Chinese forces commanded by General Shoushan. The Horizon Islands has an economy fueled by two things: export of raw materials, and tourism. Since the conflict, the country has seen an economic downturn, causing citizens to lose their jobs, homes, and livelihoods. With the ports damaged, Tanoan companies have been unable to bring valuable goods to market. Tourists have been slow to return to islands where many were held hostage by the rogue Chinese troops just a year ago. Locals even had farmland torched during the fighting. Some Tanoans have resorted to piracy to provide for themselves and their loved ones. Chinese Type 001A Aircraft Carrier off the Northern Coast of Tanoa Pirate activity has gone up 60% in the last year due to the conflict, but it is not limited to one area. The activity is off both the north and south coast, affecting the inland islands, all the way to international waters. This wave of violence has caused widespread damage to the country’s sea based commerce, which relies on exports and tourism. Several international merchant ships have already been attacked by pirates. In a joint effort to repair relations and aid the islanders, the U.S. Navy and Chinese Navy have joined forces to help the Tanoan Coast Guard to curb the ever escalating threat of piracy. The Navies have decided to split up responsibilities, each taking an areas of operations. The Commander of Destroyer Group 7 of U.S. 7th Fleet, Captain James Spriggan, had this to say on the matter: “We have begun Anti-Piracy operations off the southern coast of Tanoa, while the Chinese PLA Naval Forces have begun their operations on the northern coast. During this time, we are also helping the Horizon Islands Coast Guard in their respective areas of operation around the inner islands. In doing so, we hope these actions will well deture more from doing these acts in the future” - In the north, the Chinese Navy patrols the shipping lanes, protecting ships and boats in international waters. - On the south coast, the U.S. Navy patrols off the shore, protecting commercial fishing and oil industry. -The Horizon Islands Coast Guard patrols the inner islands and channels, keeping safe fisherman, transportation, and ports. Horizon Islands Coast Guard boat patrolling off Georgetown We have yet to see whether these pirates will last against the overwhelming force being projected by the U.S. and China. History shows that Somalian pirates were able to continue some operations despite a heavy naval presence in their area of operations.In the meantime, other projects are underway, with both the Chinese and U.S. moving to help stabilize and bring the Horizon Islands back to their feet. Robert Adams Grand Central Times This article is a work of fiction, intended to support the storyline of the 3d MRB Arma 3 realism unit
  3. 3 points
  4. 3 points
  5. 2 points
    press f to pay respects
  6. 2 points
    It's way better than the Simpsons too.
  7. 2 points
    When the Saturday team is starting to get along
  8. 2 points
    Well, you dont deploy an aircraft carrier unless you are up to serious shit. Peacekeeping my ass
  9. 1 point
    Figured I'd start on this whole streaming thing. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/242921604
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
    There's no kill like overkill. Also awesome articles. Really happy to see those back up!
  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point
    So, not funny per say but it'll do;
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