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  • In Universe Dateline: Febuary 14th 2023
  • Tensions rise in South Africa after no clear winner in Presidential election
  • Bomb in Tehran cafĂ© kills three IRGC members, separatists suspected
  • Dominican Republic government on verge of collapse as gang violence escalates in Santa Domingo
  • Russia claims successful test of nuclear-powered cruise missile, experts remain skeptical
  • Man claims he was acting under Taylor Swift's secret orders after being arrested at NATO summit
  • Livonia detains 12 over suspected coup attempt
  • Sahrani troops disperse protest with gunfire, 8 reported dead
  • Hurricane rips through Florida Cemetery; Hundreds reported Dead

Capt (Ret) Jones

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Everything posted by Capt (Ret) Jones

  1. Capt (Ret) Jones

    [ACCEPTED] Jones, Jeff Application

    Age: 22 First Name: Jeff Last Name: Jones Steam Name: Rhenz Steam Profile Link: https://steamcommunity.com/id/Rhenz_/ ArmA III Player ID: 76561198057492560 Desired Duty Assignment: Reserves How Long have you been playing ArmA III: Since 2017. Do you own Arma 3 Apex DLC? (Unit Requirement): Yes. Availability (Sunday/Saturday/Both): Both. How did you find out about our unit? N/A If you were recruited by one of our members, who was it? N/A Why do you want to join the 3rd Marine Raider Battalion? Cole is very convincing. Do you understand the definition of realism gaming according to the 3d MRB and willing to abide by this game style? Yes. Do you understand this unit is EST(GMT -5) time zoned based. Operations take place on Saturday at 1500 EST and Sunday at 2000 EST. Yes.
  2. Capt (Ret) Jones

    Getting a new PC

    My inventory team does.
  3. Capt (Ret) Jones

    Getting a new PC

    They dont call me the "posterboy of Best Buy" for nothing.
  4. Capt (Ret) Jones

    Getting a new PC

    After 8 threads I believe there is zero performance gain (afaik). The 8 threads is still great.
  5. Capt (Ret) Jones

    Getting a new PC

    I don't think B360 can support overclocking. I think that might just be Z370, but I may be wrong. @CW4 Carrera might know more than I off the top of my head.
  6. Capt (Ret) Jones

    Getting a new PC

    That minuscule price increase would absolutely be worth it. And the 8700k starts at a much higher base clock (iirc 4.7) so I would still argue the increase in price is still worth it. Suppose you could always order it elsewhere, though, if necessary. But the 9th gen is just slightly better. Probably not worth the extra hundred or whatever it is.
  7. Capt (Ret) Jones

    Getting a new PC

    I would always say if money isnt a big concern, getting higher clocked ram would only be a benefit. I would also wager that the 8700k might just have more value for the 30-40 extra dollars (even if you will not be overclocking).
  8. Capt (Ret) Jones

    Jones' Media

    IDAP pilot examining his aircraft. Group of CSO's inside a Humvee. A team of Raiders at a shipping yard. Raiders positioned on a boat. Two CSO's advancing on a beach. A-10 on the runway. The jungle canopy in Tanoa.
  9. Capt (Ret) Jones

    Jones' Media

    Taken at the Travis Airshow this afternoon. I really love the way the F-22 came out. (Some of these were artificially darkened due to the conversion from raw to jpeg, unfortunately.)
  10. Capt (Ret) Jones

    Halo MCC coming to Steam

    So when are we transitioning to a classic Halo clan?
  11. Capt (Ret) Jones

    MW2 Remastered?

    Can we make a sniping clan, too? I would say it was one of them. I also think Halo 3 was revolutionary for the 360 post-ODST because of the custom game community. You're half right -- that whole series of missions was incredible.
  12. Capt (Ret) Jones

    MW2 Remastered?

    Ray, we are about to have a problem. Multiplayer was the shit.
  13. Capt (Ret) Jones

    Cringe Thread for Capt Ray

    Myself and @SSgt Van Dyke, too, I would presume.
  14. Capt (Ret) Jones

    Cringe Thread for Capt Ray

    Never too late to learn
  15. Capt (Ret) Jones

    Cringe Thread for Capt Ray

    The "variable is x" meme is seriously an inconvenience to the writer and anyone who has to read that nonsense. Like, imagine a nice, succinct variable name and that easily defines what something is. And instead: x. Makes me wanna die.
  16. Capt (Ret) Jones

    Operation Desert Dragon Feedback

    Apologies for the delay, been quite busy. As far as my critique goes, it seems like the mission variety for our weekends was fairly lackluster but I suspect that's more on our failures than S-2s. Beyond that, I think the actual scope of work we've done has been rather small in comparison to how large-scale this operation was seeming to be, but I also suspect that to be a result of perception as opposed to reality. All in all this operation was an improvement. I think this is a positive direction moving forward and there is more to accomplish.
  17. Capt (Ret) Jones

    Work lives

    I now work in the computers department at Best Buy and go to school. My musician career came to an abrupt end when we went off to college.
  18. Capt (Ret) Jones

    Nice Unit Website

    While I'm not entirely well versed in CSS/HTML (yet), I would love to assist if you're interested in another hand.
  19. Capt (Ret) Jones

    Monthly Photo and Video Contest!

  20. The above article is a work of fiction, intended to support the ARMA III storyline of the 3d MRB realism unit.
  21. Capt (Ret) Jones

    S-2 hears you, we care - Ground Forces Edition

    Something that I think can definitely be improved upon is the inclusion of the story within each mission. The last few deployments have had stories behind them, but there was never anything specific that would tie the overarching story into the gameplay. If we capture an HVT, I want to know what the purpose behind it was, why it was important to capture him, what information he shares that dictates the next operation, etc. There should be more than just "he said this, we're doing what he says". To somewhat echo Specter, instead of sending us directly to a new objective (and for this scenario, assuming an HVT were to give us such information on this objective), we have to recon it beforehand. This would qualify what the HVT has to offer and could make him a more trusted informant for S-2. Having objectives that we complete (or fail to complete) should have an impact on the current and next operation, while also impacting the story that is being told. This segues the idea of dynamic objectives and not having everything be static. Adding in variables to each operation would make them more interesting. As a complete hypothetical, say the objective was to stop a bomb factory from exporting their goods, but if the team takes too long to arrive at the location, the trucks leave and are now entering civilian populated areas, and now the team is on a time crunch to stop the trucks. Again, complete hypothetical, but I'm hoping the point gets across. Having a flowchart of events that will occur if conditions are met would be more interesting than what we've had in the past. As a final note, it's very easy to predict when certain events will occur. If there is a singular building in the middle of no-where, it almost ALWAYS is an ambush or a trap. There are extremely predictable events that I think could be remedied with curveballs being thrown discreetly. This would likely aid in mission variety and overall enjoyment.
  22. Capt (Ret) Jones

    3d MRB Quote Book

    Prak: "I wish I could buy my Sim an AR-15."
  23. Capt (Ret) Jones

    3d MRB Quote Book

    <19:33:38> "SSgt Carter": Parker is my spirit anal <19:33:43> "SSgt Carter": animal* <19:33:45> "SSgt Carter": hahaha <19:33:47> "2ndLt Jones": LMAO
  24. Capt (Ret) Jones

    On the topic of Drama

    When I'm constantly scrutinized on the performance of myself and of my team I find it hard to find the time to roleplay to the level I know I can. I worry more about whether I meet expectations rather than my own fun. It will never be fun for me to roleplay and be coached at the same time. Sure, there are mistakes to correct and things to improve upon, but all of that is a detractor to the overall gameplay.
  25. Capt (Ret) Jones

    On the topic of Drama

    I have a plethora of issues that exist beyond the scope of background logistical work, and at this point I don't even think it's worth my time to explain my viewpoints because it'll take a collective change for anything to be to 'my liking'. At that point, I don't find it productive to send up anything. I suck it up, and I move on. That isn't to say I haven't expressed my issues before, and while I have done my best to stay reserved about it, others struggle, and that's fine. I think pointing out the immaturity adds to the flame and is counter productive to the message. I had previously written up a lengthy essay on what my expectations were out of milsim, but I realize now that it was a waste of time. I want to be good at what I do, yes, but I want to have fun while doing it; what we've been doing has not been satisfying to me, nor has it been particularly fun. Part of the fun, for me, is the roleplaying and immersive gameplay that I can get out of playing. Frankly, I care more about people acting the part than "being good" in a game where the biggest portion of "being good" is not getting shot by perfect aim AI. If the core of your gameplay rests with just being good, that's perfectly fine, but that's not where mine is, and that wasn't the tone and direction I interpreted when I initially joined. I'm not here to play competitively, and I'm not here to be 'coached' like in a competitive video game. If that's the direction the majority want to take, that's great, I would love to know that.