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  • In Universe Dateline: Febuary 14th 2023
  • Tensions rise in South Africa after no clear winner in Presidential election
  • Bomb in Tehran café kills three IRGC members, separatists suspected
  • Dominican Republic government on verge of collapse as gang violence escalates in Santa Domingo
  • Russia claims successful test of nuclear-powered cruise missile, experts remain skeptical
  • Man claims he was acting under Taylor Swift's secret orders after being arrested at NATO summit
  • Livonia detains 12 over suspected coup attempt
  • Sahrani troops disperse protest with gunfire, 8 reported dead
  • Hurricane rips through Florida Cemetery; Hundreds reported Dead

HM1 (Ret) Speirs

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Everything posted by HM1 (Ret) Speirs

  1. HM1 (Ret) Speirs

    WARNORD OP Guiding Light - 02-23 - MSOT 8312

  2. HM1 (Ret) Speirs

    Coup underway in San Esperito. - ADANews - 20th of August, 2021

    several large countries, its no fun if you only calamitize one place
  3. HM1 (Ret) Speirs

    Coup underway in San Esperito. - ADANews - 20th of August, 2021

  4. HM1 (Ret) Speirs

    WARNORD OP Eagle's Watch - 08-23 - MSOT 8311

    The Peloponnesian's would've had cooler OBJ names like Dilophosaurus
  5. HM1 (Ret) Speirs

    WARNORD OP Eagle's Watch - 08-23 - MSOT 8312

    just like how the Peloponnesian's did it
  6. HM1 (Ret) Speirs

    WAR IN EUROPE - ADANews - May 22nd, 2021

    hey @Capt Boyle is this the Peloponnesian War
  7. I prefer to refer to them as GLUK. Group for Liberation of Underrepresented Kosovans. This means we can report that we "Found the GLUK HQ" or that "We're in the GLUK-Mobile"
  8. HM1 (Ret) Speirs

    Operation Cinder - 05JUN2021

    Pink please!!!!
  9. @SSgt O'Brien SAY THE THING
  10. HM1 (Ret) Speirs

    3d MRB Meme Thread!

  11. HM1 (Ret) Speirs

    Operation Gold Coast: Vietnam Fun Op 5/30/21

    poggers 1-1 on station
  12. HM1 (Ret) Speirs

    Fun Operation Reign of Fire - March 31st @1900EST

    Commissar speirs reporting
  13. Mark Clark sure seems to be a decorated journalist
  14. how bad would it be if we Muammar al-Gaddafi'd him
  15. HM1 (Ret) Speirs

    3d MRB Meme Thread!

  16. Humanitarian Relief Arrives in Chenarus Ossetia Today By Tanya Turgenev After a month of some of the most brutal and intense fighting not see outside of the Syrian conflict, 37 days of fierce battle have finally come to an end in the region of Chenarus. Russian and American forces are now withdrawing from the area, and with this, healing can begin. A large influx of foreign aid and supply has begun working its way through the country, with IDAP already arriving on the shores of this broken and bruised country. With them, they bring a couple of hundred medical personnel, explosive removal experts, and other critical aid workers to help assist in returning the country to at least a semblance of what it was. There have also been pledges of support from Doctors without Borders, and the Red Cross promising to send more first-aid responders, medical supplies, and the much-needed equipment to get clean drinking water to communities hit hardest by this conflict. Refugees International has already begun helping displaced Chernarussians find temporary housing in refugee camps until their houses are rebuilt or to help them immigrate to other countries in the area.  (Pictured: IDAP first aid station on Chenarus) Outside of public sector organizations, however, support from the international community is seemingly absent. The United States and Russia have decided to vacate the region, leaving the mess of their geopolitical squabbling behind for others to clean up while they find a new theatre to trounce around. The EU has remained non-committal, and even Chenarus' close neighbor of Ukraine has refrained from dedicating any meaningful support to the now war-ravaged country. But an end to the fighting doesn't mean that threats still don't linger. The DPRC, having not officially conceded defeat, has gone to guerilla warfare, attacking CDF positions whenever able. Several confirmed and unconfirmed reports of DPRC insurgents even attacking IDAP vehicles and attempting to take IDAP personnel hostage. This new "Resistance group" has only served to mount more issues for the area, from sabotaging infrastructure like electrical grids to planting roadside bombs, making an already difficult job of removing unexploded ordnance and restoring roads to working order that much more challenging.  (Pictured: Overturned IDAP van near Staroye, Chenarus) The world's attention has mainly shifted from this side of the world, and the fighting may have subdued, for the most part, that doesn't mean that the road to recovery is over. With the help of international support, Chenarus can rebound to become what it was, and potentially even more.
  17. HM1 (Ret) Speirs

    Work lives

    University student studying to hopefully get into the aviation field one day!
  18. HM1 (Ret) Speirs

    Monday Movie Night

  19. Chernarussia Politician Missing By: Ivan Vladosk The recent month of fighting in the region of Chenarus has seen an escalation of conflict akin to that of the fighting in Syria nearly two years ago, which also involved a civilian population caught between the United States and Russian forces. While not on the same scale of the Syrian conflict, which has caused hundreds of thousands of causalities and millions more displaced, this has still resulted in thousands displaced and hundreds wounded with no real understanding of how much damage has been done to infrastructure and historical sites like Devil's Castle. One of the thousands affected by this conflict is the Deputy Minister of the Interior, Ivan Gorkov, who has gone missing during fighting this week near the front lines of the conflict zone during a official visit to assess damage to infrastructure and residences. According to unconfirmed sources his personal belongings were found in a suspected DPRC hideout not far from the front lines. We'll present more info as it comes. Pictured: Ivan Gorkov
  20. HM1 (Ret) Speirs

    3d MRB Meme Thread!

    Recreated for obvious purposes on my IRL tinder
  21. HM1 (Ret) Speirs

    3d MRB Meme Thread!
